
Harry Potter And Trip Through Time

After their tragic demise in the final battle, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Daphne Greengrass are unexpectedly sent back in time. Armed with knowledge of the future, they embark on a daring mission to reshape destiny. How will their actions reshape the future, and what consequences will arise from their meddling in the past?

BookReaderBoy · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Initiating Destiny

"Fifth, find a lawyer to represent Sirius in a trial. The man deserves one. And use that lawyer to go after and litigate against those who libel you, Daphne Anna and Hermione Jean... and, yes, that includes Rita Grace Skeeter. However, you probably won't be able to organise one the morning you go to Gringotts because it will be a Sunday morning." John seemed to think about for that for a moment before he said, "Unless, of course, you ask the Potter Account Keeper at Gringotts to organise you a good one. Or organise one earlier; which is probably a better idea.

"Sixth... you can do this at any time; but, I suggest you do it at different times, and start with Daphne Anna first... you need to initiate the soul bonds with Daphne Anna and Hermione Jean. All it takes is 'Love's First Kiss'."

"Sorry?" asked Harry, still mainly confused. "What?"

"Love's First Kiss," said John. "That's how the bond starts to form."

"I..." tried Harry. "But, Hermione's kissed me before. And..."

"No," corrected John. "She's given you a kiss to your cheek. That's not 'Love's First Kiss'. It needs to be lips to lips... with somewhat, at least, open mouths."

"I..." Harry tried again. "But... why?"

John sighed and said, "You know what the Dementor's Kiss is, right?"

Harry nodded.

"In order for the dementor to draw the soul out of it's victim; it needs, pretty much, mouth to mouth contact," explained John. "The most direct route to the soul is through the mouth. In the same way the dementor needs to draw your soul out through your mouth, it's how two souls begin the soul bond. So, that's what's meant by 'Love's First Kiss', and how the soul bond is initiated. It's why people who're beginning to fall in love usually start with the first intimate touch being a kiss. They're instinctively looking for 'Love's First Kiss'. Understand?"

Harry nodded and said, "Yeah. When you say it like that; it make sense, I guess."

"Seventh," said John, continuing on his list of tasks, "go after all the horcruxes except for the snake and the ring. The ring's for Albus Wulfric to find. The snake's last; either Neville will be taking that out, or you can take it out sometime after Tom Marvolo's resurrection. Tell the goblins about Hufflepuff's Cup in Bellatrix Druella's vault... and that it's a horcrux. They'll deal with it. You know where the locket and the diadem are; so, get rid of them as soon as possible... and, before the resurrection."

"But why can't I... we... just destroy all the horcruxes before the resurrection?" whined Harry. "Can't I just destroy them all and have him... pass on... the next time he tries to jump bodies?"

John frowned back and said, "Don't whine, Harry James. It's unbecoming." With a sigh he continued, "The prophecy states you or he have to die by the other's hand; not pass on because you destroyed his soul anchors. To die he has to be alive. To be alive he has to be resurrected. Cum hoc, ergo propter hoc."

John then leaned back over the document file before him and said, "That's your first seven tasks. There'll be more; and I and Hermione Jean's and Daphne Anna's Grim Reapers will be visiting the three of you, from time to time, as Guardian Angels to keep you apprised of what those tasks are. I am not letting you get into another UDE situation. Not on my watch. I will not lose my job, and end up back as baritone in the Heavenly Choir just because you won't stay alive! I'm almost tone deaf, for Peter's sake!"

John then lifted a thick document out of his document folder, quickly glanced over it, and placed it in front of Harry, the right way around for Harry to read. Then took a fountain pen off his desk tidy and placed it on the document.

"You need to sign in each of the highlighted areas," said John.

Harry reached forward and picked up the documents, flicking through them. "What are all these?" he asked.

"The contract and forms, of course," said John. "The contract is what we talked about. Then comes our internal forms. One's your acknowledgement you're on your sixth, and last, UDE. The next is your acknowledgement you're returning with your memories intact, and that you cannot speak about future events with anyone but Daphne Anna and Hermione Jean. The third grants us permission to lock away that future knowledge. The fourth is the application for the Occlumency upgrade, complete with the knowledge of how to maintain it and modify it as needed. The fifth is the application for change of soul relationship status between you and Hermione Jean from 'soul mate' to 'soul bond'. The sixth is the same for Daphne Anna. The seventh is the application for special backstep status to the 1st of September 1994. The last one is your 'customer feedback form' that states I've done a good job in advising you of all this."

Harry gave him a funny look; but, John just looked back with a bland expression. He began to sign all the forms in the highlighted areas.

When he was finished, he dropped the documents back onto the desk, with the pen on top, and asked, "What now?"

John picked the documents up, checked through to make sure all forms were signed, placed them back in the document folder and closed it. "Now, we go and get you prepared for your return."

While tucking the folder under his arm, he rose and said, "Come with me."


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