
Harry Potter And Trip Through Time

After their tragic demise in the final battle, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Daphne Greengrass are unexpectedly sent back in time. Armed with knowledge of the future, they embark on a daring mission to reshape destiny. How will their actions reshape the future, and what consequences will arise from their meddling in the past?

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A Pact with Time

Continuing with a smile, John said, "A soul bond can only be... interrupted... by the death of one of those involved. Once both... or, in this case, more... pass through The Pearly Gates, the soul bond reforms.

"The upper relationship is 'soul bound'. Those involved in a soul bound relationship find their souls; not linked, but shared between each other. They're even able to communicate telepathically. For magicals, they can even share magic. However, if one of the party dies, they both... or all... die. That way, they pass through The Pearly Gates, together. The terms 'soul bond' and 'soul bound' are often confused with one another.

"Now, stop interrupting; and, I'll probably be answering the rest of your questions as I talk," he said and waited until he knew Harry would comply. "One of the reasons your relationship with both has been elevated from soul mate to soul bond is because of, for a start, those protections from spells, potions and the like. The second is because it allows us the opportunity to send Hermione Jean and Daphne Anna back with you..."

"Hermione and Miss Green... sorry, Daphne are dead, too?" asked a shocked Harry.

"Yes; now, stop interrupting!" said John, before glaring back at the young man sitting before him. "Hermione Jean, once Ronald Bilius revived her and told her you'd died, ran screaming straight at Tom Marvolo casting curses as she went before Ronald Bilius could stop her. She managed to wound him quite significantly before he killed her. Daphne Anna has her own story to tell. It will be up to her when, and how, she tells you about the manner of her death. Her own Grim Reaper is talking to her about that.

"Now... they, too, will be returning with their memories intact. They, too, will be bound by the contract I'm soon about to have you sign. Elevating your relationships with them to a soul bond allows me... us... to do this. And, you're going to need help. Hermione Jean gives you book smarts, and the ability to think outside of the box; and Daphne Anna... as well as being very smart in her own right... gives you knowledge of wizarding law, traditions, et cetera; and access to people who can be a great help to the three of you.

"Next, all three of you will be given what you wizards and witches call Occlumency shields. Daphne Anna already has them, but her current ones are not anywhere near what we're about to boost them to.

"Third, the soul fragment that was wedged behind your scar is gone. You lose the 'bonus' life because of it, but it'll now no longer cause you great pain when another part of Tom Marvolo's fractured soul is anywhere near you. That should make what you do in the graveyard a lot easier to accomplish. You no longer need it to check for horcruxes because you already know what and where they all are."

"Thank you," said Harry, very grateful for that particular burden to have been lifted.

"You're welcome," said John. "Fourth; part of the contract I'm having you sign a non-disclosure clause. It deals with what you know of what happens in the future. To help you not disclose anything of that nature, you'll simply not be able to tell anyone without us releasing you to do so. So, anyone who tries to force the information from you... whether it be by potions such as Veritaserum, or by spell such as the Imperius curse, or by magical oath or vow... the knowledge is protected. And that includes from Albus Wulfric and Severus Tobias.

"So, on to your tasks," said John. "You cannot do anything about Ronald Bilius or Ginevra Molly, right away. That has to wait until you catch them out. Your opportunity to cut ties with Ronald Bilius occurs, at the latest, after your name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, and he then accuses you of putting your name in the Goblet and not telling him. As for Ginevra Molly, just keep treating her as 'Ron's little sister' and don't let her get close to you.

"However," said John with a smile. "I think your so-called friendship with both will come to a quick and crashing halt if you kiss Daphne Anna right in front of them both.

"Next, you're not allowed to interfere with what Bartemius Junior... Barty Crouch Junior... is doing while he's at the school. His part must play out so that you end up in the graveyard. I know that's going to be hard for you to do. But, you need to... as they say... suck it up. However, immediately after his part in the third task is done, 'out' him. Do not leave with him when you return to the school.

"Third, immediately after your name comes out of the Goblet, stand in place and give oath that you did not place your name in the Goblet, nor did you ask or require anyone else to do it for you. Do not say you don't know who did it; because, of course, you do."

"Fourth, the morning after your name comes out, immediately after an early breakfast, go direct to Gringotts to be emancipated. As I've already mentioned, you can even set that up in advance. Use your invisibility cloak and use one of the secret passages out to Hogsmeade. Then Floo to the Alley.