
Harry potter and the Serpentine Prince

A war ridden Severus finds himself in his past, allowed to freely change the world to his liking. Driven by his new obsession of growing stronger, can he truly better himself? And what change will the man bring on the world of Harry Potter. All right except for my OC's belong to J.K Rowling. *Not my cover...

Masked_Narcissist · Movies
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9 Chs

Dumbledore's thoughts

Albus Dumbledore: -

It was a dark night at Hogwarts.

Everyone at Hogwarts was lying down with exhaustion from their new teaching scedule, well all except for Mr. Dumbledore. The middle-aged sat by the window pondering upon the prophecy. It was a tiring day but still, he could not bring himself for his well-deserved rest.

The fate of Hogwarts and that of whole magical was endangered. He could sense it, unimaginable horrors were headed towards Hogwarts but the fatal part was that there was no way of knowing what could stop it. The only way was to find the person or thing in the prophecy.

"The Black-haired Guardian"

"Born from the worst of both the worlds" Dumbledore spoke, each title filling him with the confidence that there will be someone there to protect the Magical world. He couldn't trust the ministry, they were to power hungry. And for all he knew, headmaster Armando(Previous Hogwarts headmaster) is way too concerned with reviving his honor and prestige after creating Dark lord Voldemort, he had even left Hogwarts because of that and tried to bring back his lost honor.

"The Dark Lord has risen and is making his own army and I sit here doing nothing." The boy had so much potential, all wasted into creating an emotionless monster just because of being too power-hungry. He couldn't count the number of times he had wished to go back in time to grant the boy the Defense against the dark arts position he ever so desperately seeked. Maybe it might have even stopped him from taking a turn for the worse.

As he sat by the window cursing his fate, he spots something at a distance, headed towards his way. It was a white messenger owl. One that is often used to deliver extremely urgent messages. 'Why is it here so late at night' Albus thought.

Dumbledore stared at the owl and spots a piece of paper tied at his leg. What was it that was so important? He raises his eyebrows and waits for its arrival near his window. The owl flies in and sits on the windowsill, perching and looking haggard, what happened. It should be known that professor Armando's owl was considered a royal breed, extremely elegant and wise. Although it certainely aged well, it was still a noble bird, so what terrible reason could've made it so anxious. Albus stroked it's head and soothed the crying owl. The owl just turned away and flew, without looking back at Dumbledore.

Albus showed no expression to its actions and took the untied piece of paper to his reading table. 'Now where did I keep my darned specs.' He mutters and finds it on his table...'He takes his wand from his robe and simply mutters 'Accio Specs...'.His specs fly to his hand and he puts them on. 'Ok, that's better, now let's see.'

It was a cutting from a Muggle newspaper with a small red circle drawn on the image. Well, nothing seemed out of the way. 'Old man dies of heart attack.' A 80 something year-old man breathes his last breath in the middle of the zoo. Local doctors unable to confirm the true reason for the man's death and are unable to..."' Well, nothing extraordinary here....then what could it be '.

Dumbledore suddenly concentrates at the picture and starts taking deep breaths of anxiety as the situation dawns on him. The old man was' What...How did he, could it really be...'He leaps out and runs to his desk with vigor never seen after his youth. There was no time to be lost. He walks to his Phoenix 'Fawkes' and wakes him up gently. He looks into his eyes and mutters gravely.

"Armando Dippet was killed by Voldemort"

[Hope you enjoyed the chapter, Might upload another one. I luckily saw that the timelines matched and announced his death. The man was killed exactly when Snape was in his second year, and I need to bring back the students because 1 month may cause too big of an difference]

Well, It's a long boii chapter, so i'll take my time to upload the next bit.

See you tomorrow, ciao!!

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