
Harry Potter and the Serpent Child

Look at Gabriel's journey into a magical world of magic that he can hate or love with all his heart.How will he follow his father's path, or will a new Dumbledore appear , or will he choose a third party? I don't own the rights to Potteriana, except for MS

Zigfrid_8040 · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Competition between Gabriel and Harry,

The day slowly rolled by the evening, announcing the end of the day, causing some students to return to their dormitories, and some see competition between Gabriel and "the boy who lived" was basically Quiddity teams that wanted to look at Potter and study it in flight, but the Slytherin team also wanted to study Gabriel, because many knew that he was not a fool and will not be involved in where he may lose, which could mean that his talent is Quidditch is, there was even Snape, to monitor the situation.

Meanwhile, both participants in this action were already on the field, Potter wanted to refuse, even the Quidditch team tried to forbid it, but since Ron's reputation depended on it, Harry did not want to back down, for fear of making it worse.

Both boys went to Quiddich team suits, Gabriel had to borrow a green serpentine form still in high school, but fortunately, thanks to the magic of transformation can change its size, and then flying would not be very convenient, Marcus Flint, meanwhile, thought it was the selection for my team, because if Gabrielle will pass Potter, it can be considered a better catcher than him, so his skill in this case will be higher.

Harry and Gabrielle took their starting positions as Madame Hooch began to explain the rules of the race:

- You must fly through these wooden rings without hitting them, this competition will show your control of the broom and speed. You see that there are two rows of obstacles running parallel to each other, you can only fly in one lane, if I notice that you use spells to harm each other or somehow want to knock your opponent off the broom, then you are automatically eliminated! "Do you know?"

"Yes, Professor." they said in unison, nodding their heads in response to Madame Hooch's question.

She moved away from them and they began to prepare for the race, both immediately sat on the brooms in the correct position so as not to fall off her in the air, Gabriel put on glasses to see in the air how the air mass harms the eyes and makes them close their lids, which prevents a comfortable flight. Soon, when they were ready and looked at the stands, where only Quidditch teams and their friends were allowed, they focused on the upcoming event:

"Are you ready?" the flight Professor shouted, and when they nodded, she began:::

-Once...Two...- Three!!! Let's get out of here!she was shouting in her loud male voice.

Both immediately rushed to their rings, all looking mostly at Harry, as he was a catcher accepted into the Gryffindor team, which attracted attention. But most of the Slytherins were looking at Gabriel, some shouting his name to support him, and some holding their breath in silence. Gabriel took off at an incredible speed, the wind hitting him hard in the face, which was somewhat annoying, but he continued to move at the same speed, without hitting the ring. At first they were quite large, but soon began to shrink in size, while complicating the task.

Harry and Gabriel flew at the same speed, despite the fact that Gabriel was on the school broom, which was in very poor condition, he could make the most of it, but his main advantage was the control of the broom itself. He could easily control it in a way that even for the genius of Potter's flight was too difficult to do. Gabriel decided to show off his skill with it and started spinning complex barrels and somersaults in the air, causing some to start envying him, such as Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy, who loved Quidditch and flying on broomsticks.

Gabriel continued to fly and soon could not see Harry, because passing this lane required a lot of concentration and restraint,but soon, making another barrel, he saw the finish line and accelerated his flight as much as possible, and a couple of seconds later there were cheers from Theodore,Draco and Daphne, who also came for some reason that Gabriel did not mind. Harry Potter also soon reached the finish line and was somehow dented, not understanding what happened, Gabriel decided to ignore it. Soon Marcus flint, captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, approached the Dean, potion master Professor Snape,who was also Gabriel's foster father:

- Hey, Gabriel,you don't want to try yourself in the role of catcher?"You're faster than our catcher and better with a broom, aren't you, Professor Snape?"

Snape nodded back and left with a ghostly smile, probably heading for his office or somewhere else. Gabriel silently thought that he didn't like flying on broomsticks very much, but on the other hand, he liked the sense of victory that he felt. Flynn and the Slytherin team stood waiting, he didn't want to miss this chance to write his name in the history of Hogwarts in any other way, and after a minute gave the answer:

"All right, I'll try, captain."just like Snape smiled at his team when almost all the players were happy, except for the previous catcher, Terrence Higgs, who was a little upset, but not offended, because Gabriel was a better offer for Slytherin than he was...

In the morning:

The entire Hogwarts was discussing accepting Gabriel into the Quidditch team over Breakfast, Gabriel was talking quietly to Theo, ignoring the others, when an owl suddenly flew in and Draco smiled. Gabriel was stunned by this scene, which reminded him of yesterday when the owl had brought Harry a broom, and it was the same here...

Hi, I want to apologize.First, for a short Chapter, which I have rewritten a couple of times and more or less improved .Second, for my Internet provider, who decided to reduce my Internet speed to snail speed, which led to a deterioration in my mood and the quality of the Chapter.

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