
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Movies
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v2 Chapter 498: Rita Sket and rumors

Oh, thank God, thank God!" Mrs. Weasley apparently waited for them in the front yard.

She ran to them at this time, and she wore the slippers she wore in the bedroom.

Her face was pale and her expression was tense, and she was holding a rolled up Prophet Daily.

"Arthur! I am so worried, too worried."

She grabbed Mr. Weasley's neck and the Prophet Daily slipped from her powerless hands to the ground.

undefinedAi Wen looked down and saw the title: The horror scene at the Quidditch World Cup.

Below, there is also a black and white photo of the black magic marker hanging in the sky.

The stone giant that Ai Wen changed out stood just below the black magic mark, echoing the giant snake that swallowed in the mouth of the skull.

Not far behind them, it is the huge ruins of the stadium, telling the tragic and terror in silence.

"You are all right!" Mrs. Weasley was stunned and stunned, releasing Mr. Weasley, a pair of red-eyed eyes staring at them. "Charlie, Bill, Percy, Ron, Ginny, Avon, Harry, Hermione, you are all alive! Oh, son."

To everyone's surprise, she grabbed Fred and George and slammed it.

Her strength was too strong, and the twins' heads slammed together.

"Hey! Mom, you have to strangle us!"

"I am coming to you before you leave!" said Mrs. Weasley, and couldn't help but cry, her face was full of tears. "I have been thinking about this! If the mysterious man catches you, and I am right The last sentence you said is actually that your owls general wizard level test results are not satisfactory? Oh, Fred, George"

"Okay, Molly, we are all safe." Mr. Weasley comforted her.

She took a pair of twins from her arms and led her to the house.

"Ron!" he lowered his voice and said, "Pick up the newspaper, I want to see what I said above."

Behind the Weasleys, Avon, Harry, Ron, and Hermione joined together to read the contents of the newspaper.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the photo on the front page, there are descriptions and photos of the battle between Ai Wen and Carresis.

In the photo, he is controlling the huge fire dragon in the box, it is so cool.

There is a heart-warming flame everywhere in the box, and the fire dragon inside is constantly screaming and roaring outside the picture.

"This photo was taken very well," Hermione said softly.

"Avon, take a quick look at what they say about you!" Harry said, pointing to a series of guide titles, "Save a wizard who saved 100,000 people, the successor of the world's greatest wizard, the future of the magic world." Defeat the mysterious little wizard, the truth of the Sirius Black Breakaway, the Merlin Jazz will award the first medal, and "

Judging from these titles, this issue of The Prophet's Daily has become a special edition of Ai Wen.

In fact, the same is true.

Behind the home page, "The Daily Prophet" introduced the attack and the Dark Mark in two sections, as well as the ins and outs of the incident.

Then, it was the night of Carrezis and a lot of vampires, using photos of Ivan and Carresis fighting.

Just changed one, the Ministry of Magic obviously carefully selected this.

It seems that they have found the right target, but have not yet investigated the details of the group of vampires.

In addition, all subsequent news content is about Irving.

They even put Aiwen's previous photos in the common room and the monsters.

That is the photo taken by Colin. The above Ai Wen is much younger than it is now, but it is more of a good and courage.

Imagine that in addition to Ai Wen, there is another little wizard who dares to confront the snake monster. I am afraid that even the adult wizard does not have this guts.

"These people are crazy!" Ron exclaimed, incredulously watching the whole version of Ai Wen's photo.

"Avon is a celebrity now, even more famous than Harry!" Fred said.

"Yes, the most powerful and talented little wizard in the world, this name is very attractive when you think about it!" said George.

Several of them turned the newspaper over and over, excitedly watching the article above.

Everyone feels that the "Prophet's Daily" is a bit exaggerated. Even if Ai Wen has a great deal of merit, he does not need such great efforts to publicize.

But in the near future, when they saw the Hogwarts Magic, they found that it was more direct.

In addition to promoting the report of Ai Wen, there is no news in other aspects.

Because everyone wants to see content related to Ai Wen, he is now the most watched wizard in the magic world.

Except for the three things of last night's vampire attack, the Dark Mark, and Ai Wen, the rest of the news, everyone does not care.

The news of the popular Quidditch World Cup was squeezed into a corner, not even a single photo.

This is the case now, no matter what, as long as the newspapers related to Ai Wen are all sold out in the first time.

In the next few days, even the "singing and reversing" sales increased, because it has been reported by Hoeven in Hogwarts in the past two years.

"Hogwarts Magic" was a difficult time in the early days of its establishment. It was once co-operated with "Singing and Reversing". Aiwen published an article written by Luna about the **** beast and the sputum, and her father helped Ai. The article promoted the newspaper and published the articles he wrote, and this time also benefited.

As for the "Hogwarts Magic" itself, it is not necessary to say more.

It didn't take long for them to set the highest sales after the "Sirius Jailbreak Truth" incident.

In a few days, even once surpassed the Daily Prophet, it became the largest newspaper in the magic world.

Because it is a newspaper created by Ai Wen, with an exclusive interview with Ai Wen, this is enough.

After a few minutes, everyone took the newspaper and squeezed into the small kitchen.

Hermione and Ginny made a very strong cup of tea for Mrs. Weasley, and Mr. Weasley insisted on pouring a little Ogden's old whisky.

Then, Ron handed him the first few articles of the newspaper.

Mr. Weasley hurriedly browsed, his brow wrinkled tightly, and Percy crossed his shoulder.

"I knew it would be like this!" he said heavily. "The Ministry of Magic panicked, the criminals were not captured, the law and order was relaxed, and the black wizards were at large, bringing shame to the country. They always described the Ministry of Magic. Who is this? Written? Ah! Naturally, she, Rita Skeeter."

"The woman is special with the Ministry of Magic!" Percy said angrily. "She said that the Ministry of Magic was wasting all its energy and time on the thickness of the shackles, accusing us of nitpicking, rather than destroying vampires and black wizards."

"Okay, Percy!" Bill yawned and interrupted him. "Don't say it anymore."

"Hey, I mentioned it here!" When Mr. Weasley read the end of the article on the front page of the Prophet's Daily, he suddenly enlarged the eyes behind the lens.

"Where?" Mrs. Weasley took a sip of whiskey tea and coughed and asked. "I just saw reports related to Ai Wen. If I saw this, I knew you were still alive!"

"No name!" said Mr. Weasley. "Listen to this, 100,000 wizards who came to watch the Quidditch World Cup panicked and held a breath waiting message outside the ruins of the stadium, hoping to get the comfort of the Ministry of Magic. Regrettably, they were disappointed. Shortly after the terrible vampire attack and the Dark Mark, a Ministry of Magic official appeared, claiming that no one was hurt, but refused to reveal more. Whether his words were enough to calm down The rumors of hundreds of bodies that were carried out from the ruins after an hour of cultivation have yet to be observed."

"Oh, my God," Mr. Weasley said angrily, handing the newspaper to Percy. "No one really hurts. What should I say? Everyone was just scared. All the parts have been processed! The woman really dared to say that hundreds of corpses were lifted out of the ruins. Well, now that she wrote such words, it will definitely be rumored to be four." (To be continued.)