
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Movies
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v2 Chapter 1732: nightmare over

"Is that Riddle, the boy Voldemort, trustworthy?" Sirius asked, his eyes shining brightly in the dimly lit room, his face unmistakably skeptical.

Regarding Ron's matter, after knowing the ins and outs, he has always blamed himself.

Back then, he was the one who took Ivan, Harry, Hermione, and Ron to the Centaur ruins for an adventure. Ron was possessed by Voldemort's Horcrux magic, and Sirius always felt that he was responsible. Including the follow-up, Ron was controlled by black magic so many times, which was also related to this incident.

Sirius felt that he was going to save the boy. But he never thought of letting the boy Voldemort help Ron.

It sounds like a fantasy, and it's ridiculous.

undefined"It should be trusted." Harry said uncertainly, "I've seen him a few times in Dumbledore, but I haven't had much contact with him. Dumbledore and Ivan communicate with him more, and they all think he's fine. ."

"And, we have no other way now," Hermione added.

"It sounds strange to have Voldemort save Ron," Fleur commented.

"No matter who it is, as long as it can save Ron..." Before Mrs. Weasley finished speaking, a white ball of light floated out of Ron's ear.

Between the shaking of light and shadow, the body of fifteen-year-old Riddle appeared in front of everyone.

His face was pale, and his body became much darker, almost transparent. He doesn't look good now compared to how he looked before.

"How is Ron? Did you succeed?" the crowd asked hurriedly.

"I awakened his soul consciousness, but whether he can successfully defeat that soul fragment in the end depends on him. In his soul, he himself is the master." Riddle said.

"What are you talking about? We don't understand!"

"That's not surprising, since you know nothing about soul magic," Riddle said.

"Don't play tricks with us, Riddle!" cried Sirius. "Tell us all about Ron's situation before I lose my patience and tear you apart."

"Sirius Black? I've heard your story that you turned your back on the old traditions of your family and chose Gryffindor House. Tsk tsk tsk, from what I know about your father, he must be extremely disappointed. Mr. Black He was a good man, and I was generously funded by him when I was a student at Hogwarts."

"You guys are just all the way, pure-blooded madmen, put away that shit, it won't confuse me." Sirius shouted, "Now, answer my question."

"Seriously, you should really control your temper. I now probably know why you chose Gryffindor. Even the most pure wizard family will always have some freaks. It's not surprising. It was felt at Hogwarts that our family of pure-blood wizards needed to change."

"Answer my question, right away."

"Okay, okay," said Riddle meekly, "As you can see, I did my best for this, paid a huge price for it, and was killed once by the guy inside, even the power of the source of the soul. Lost, I am the benefactor of this boy, but whether Ron can wake up in the end depends on his own will. If he can defeat that guy in his soul, then he will destroy the Horcrux."

"What are we going to do now?"

"Be patient, Ron wins, and the Horcrux magic will be stripped from his body."

"What if he fails?"

"Then I personally suggest that you better kill him immediately, because once he fails, Ron's soul consciousness will dissipate, and his body will be occupied by Voldemort's soul fragments, and the Horcrux will control his body and absorb him. and resurrected based on it." Riddle said solemnly, and paused for a while, "I guess the winner will be decided soon, if you have no opinion, I want to go to rest first."

"You stay here and don't go anywhere." Sirius said bluntly, drawing his wand and pointing at fifteen-year-old Riddle, "If Ron fails, you will be buried with him."

"This is not the way to repay a benefactor."

"We didn't kill you immediately, it's already the greatest kindness."

"If that makes you feel better, I'll stay here," said Riddle, "but I must say, Sirius, your magic can't do me any harm. I really want to help you. , that's why I stay here, Dumbledore and Irving Mason also promised me before..."

No one paid him any attention, and everyone was staring nervously at Ron on the bed.

Time passed very slowly, and every second seemed as long as a century.

Suddenly, a painful expression appeared on Ron's face. He seemed to be in great pain, and Harry felt his scars hurt more and more, and he could clearly feel the breath of Voldemort's Horcrux on Ron's body, right in front of him.

"He did it!" said Riddle suddenly. As soon as he finished speaking, a dark mark emerged from the back of Ron's neck, getting brighter and brighter.

In an instant, the Dark Mark was separated from Ron. It flashed a strange light, very unstable, and cracks appeared in the position of the skull.

Soon, cracks covered the entire mark.

The Dark Mark just shattered and disappeared, and Harry felt the pain from the scar diminish, but the pained look on Ron's face didn't go away, and he didn't wake up.


"How is this going?"

"This idiot, he probably thinks that the power of the soul can be used at will." Riddle glanced at Ron on the bed, "The rest of the problem is not for me to deal with, you better prepare some for him to nourish the soul to supplement the gods. Knowing the potion, he will recover, probably. I'm going back, don't call me until the last moment."

After he finished speaking, despite everyone's opposition, his body gradually faded and disappeared.

Ron on the bed, the pained expression on his face disappeared. He snorted, as if to wake up.

In any case, Ron is finally out of Voldemort's control, and the nightmare is over!


Late at night, Godric's Hollow. In the suffocating darkness, four figures appeared in an empty alley.

Above is a dark blue sky, and the stars are already shimmering. Some houses stood on both sides of narrow alleys, with only a few windows still lit, and not far ahead, bright golden streetlights indicated the center of the village.

"We're here, this is Godric's Hollow," said a middle-aged man with a beard and a pot belly. "It's a lot different from before, but it's natural. I haven't been back for many years."