
Harry Potter: and the Secret Treasures

_______This is a translation__________ A teenager named Ivan Mason was reincarnated into the magical world of Harry Potter and goes to school at Hogwarts! With only his knowledge of the future and great talent for magic, he takes the path towards the top of the magic world, only to realize that every step he took, changed everything!

The_OsoGrizzly · Book&Literature
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80 Chs

To this cat giving a name character

„Waits, Minister!" Harry said rapidly that „how gave my punishment to say?"

„Punishment?!" Fudge blinked, probably remembers such a matter.

„I was illegal!" Harry said that „limits the minor to use the magic the law!"

„, The dear child, we will not punish for this kind of minor matter your!" Pok is not brandishing his crumpet patiently, „that is an accident, we will not blow up the paternal aunt to deliver to Azkaban to go them for the people merely!"

These words make Harry somewhat blurry, this and he passes the social dealings that and the Ministry of Magic has unable to close the racket completely.

„last year, house elf changed Dudley in my uncle family/home the pig tail, I received a formal warning!" Harry frowns saying that „the Ministry of Magic said that if uses any magic there again, Hogwarts must dismiss me!"

The perfect interrogation, Ivan engrossing saw that Fudge appears is suddenly awkward.

„Situation changes frequently, Harry! Under the present situation, what we must consider is your... Good, don't you definitely want to be dismissed?"

„Naturally." Harry replied hurriedly.

Hears the Harry's words, Fudge laughs with ease, he shouted Innkeeper Tom, hints the opposite party to open a room to Harry, exhorts Harry over and over, in the following two weeks treat honestly in Diagon Alley do not exit, particularly do not stroll to the muggle(s) London randomly.

Then he puts on his robe, the preparation leaves.

„Minister, do you have the Sirius Black news?"

Heard the Harry's words, the finger of Fudge fastens to slide in the robe silver.

„, You heard this news! Good, had not had, but holds him is only the time issue. The Azkaban guard has not been defeated, their this angry serious, know compared with me which time fierce." The Fudge sound a little shivers.

„Then said goodbye, dear Harry." Fudge and Harry shook hand.

Harry closely examines the opposite party to be able hurriedly, in oneself visit Hogsmeade to sign with beyond expectation on, Fudge reveals a uncomfortable appearance.

He has categorically rejected Harry, the expression even more non- nature on face, Ivan sees him when turning around, has scratched the cold sweat on forehead quietly.

After Ivan and Harry finished eating the respective crumpet, they follow Tom to step onto a beautiful wooden staircase, arrives at an entrance to have a brass sign mark is the 11 th room, Tom opens the door. In the room has one seems very comfortable bed, several very luminous oak furniture, burning down in fireplace must flip-flop make noise, Hedwig that did not see a moment ago top to stand in the wardrobe.

„Hedwig!" Harry called out pleasantly surprised, „originally you here, you sent to Ivan that letter, what did he say?"

He has anchored immediately, he discovered that oneself when leaving Dursley one home, hurriedly to that short note that Ivan writes, the perfect department on the Hedwig leg, moves has not moved.

Harry somewhat is worried suddenly that Hedwig was impossible unable to find Ivan, but why the opposite party has not replied in writing to oneself, can have any accident.

When he has doubts, Hedwig flies that suddenly only continuously with own black cat by.

Ivan just jumping up bed, saw Hedwig to size up itself, in the amber brown eye has filled vigilantly, then it has seen through oneself camouflage probably, cluck several, affectionate greeted, must give itself the foot above parchment.

A cat is reading the letter, this was too strange!

Harry sits to the bed on, looks at Ivan absent-mindedly.

He cannot believe simply oneself leave Privet Drive is about several hours, had these many matters, oneself had not been dismissed unexpectedly, the entire two weeks can get rid of a Dursley auspicious day.

Why however Ivan has not replied in writing to oneself, he also went to the overseas like Hermione and Ron, such, Hedwig has no way to give him the letter.

This sudden black cat, looks at the Hedwig appearance, probably understanding opposite party.

Harry turned a body, put out a hand to grasp this cat, the opposite party has shunted immediately, looks at itself with the discontented look. Harry never knows that a cat will have such user-friendly expression movement, is really a strange fellow.

He thinks suddenly oneself have not known that this cat names, if plan to raise it, then should give this cat to give a name?!

Harry has thought many names, when the sky of out of the window turns into the icy iron grey from the deep indigo blue, he has rested blurry.

Next day, Harry still in the sleep, suddenly felt that has anything to press on oneself, he opens the eye fiercely, discovered that presses on oneself unexpectedly is Ivan.

This may have a scare him, immediately the sleepiness does not have.

„Ivan and Ivan, awake quickly!" Ivan that Harry has pushed sleep soundly, when „you come, has to see that I to that letter that you write,... How do you run up to my bed to come up?!"

„Good morning, Harry!"

Ivan rubbed the eyes, he discovered that oneself changed, consumption magic power completely fully restored, even there are was not small grows.

Saw that Harry stares to look at itself, he spoke the process of matter to opposite party hurriedly, his how Animagus turned into a kitten, how on street by a black dog attack. However a little he had not said that was last night pursues own that big black dog is actually Sirius Black.

„Y-you said that last night that black cat was you changes?" Harry said with amazement that „no wonder I had felt it is strange, a normal cat will not eat the chocolate and crumpet, right?"

„Right, I also expected you to be able a morning discovery." Ivan selected, under the opposite party gaze, turned into a black cat changed.

„I early should think that this is the same with Professor McGonagall, what did this magic arts call to come?" Harry envies looks at Ivan.

„Animagus!" Ivan said that „hopes you can help me keep secret, Harry, I plan it as trump card."

„Does not have the issue, I will keep secret for you. How however you achieve, Professor McGonagall said that this is one is complex, very dangerous magic arts?"

„I obtained a little help from Tom Riddle and Salazar Slytherin there." Ivan sat, „you , to study, I can teach you, main difficulty in the accumulation of magic power, if as expected, you can later society magic arts probably several years."

Then, Ivan and Harry said a meeting „Animagus" matter.

Two people went downstairs to finish eating the breakfast, he summoned Dobby the House Elf.

Entire one had not found Ivan in the evening, Dobby seemed has scared, above he pointed at entangles completely the bandage, looked like maliciously has certainly punished itself, he has wept bitterly a long time before two people, this made Ivan feel sorry very much.

He comforted has met Dobby, made the opposite party go back own baggage to tidy up.

Then, he exited to hit to his mother has telephoned, tells the opposite party following two weeks to live in Diagon Alley, to beginning school, making her not need to be worried. Did not leave the accident, Mrs. Mason has taught Ivan maliciously, to reluctantly agreed with his request finally.