
Harry Potter: and the Secret Treasures

_______This is a translation__________ A teenager named Ivan Mason was reincarnated into the magical world of Harry Potter and goes to school at Hogwarts! With only his knowledge of the future and great talent for magic, he takes the path towards the top of the magic world, only to realize that every step he took, changed everything!

The_OsoGrizzly · Book&Literature
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80 Chs

Sirius Black

Ivan as far as possible by comfortable, he who oneself lie down partly is narrowing the eye, sees Stan to fill to Harry "Daily Prophet". The front page is the Sirius Black huge picture, his face is hollow, the long hair is entangled together, skin white and paraffined paper is common.

„He seems very scary, is?" Stan carefully observes the expression on Harry face, „recently all was his news, Sirius Black was considered as in the Azkaban castle has treated the prisoner is most notorious."

„Has he killed 13 people?" Harry asked in a low voice, „killed in an incantation?"

„Right! In front of eyewitness, under the broad daylight, has caused the big trouble!" Stan has collected, lowered sound saying that „Black gives all-out support you know who's, he and you know who's related very closely. You know that in the past small Harry Potter must be killed by you know who..."

Ivan saw that Harry pulled down the hair of forehead restlessly.

„you know who all supporters were captured, these people know, since you know who ran away, they also ended, therefore they were honest, only has Sirius Black not this. He is the you know who most loyal supporter, I heard that he thinks one day of you know who will be in power, he was the No. 2 character."

„No matter what, they compel to have no way out Black on the avenue, on the street also full is muggle(s), Black puts out his wand(s), has exploded half street, a wizard was killed, 12 muggle(s) also died. Fearful? You know that Black then did do?" Stan said with the exaggerating whisper.

„What?" Harry anxious asking.

„Laughs!" Stan said that „stands there laughs, when the person of the Ministry of Magic reenforcement rushes, his quiet followed them, is laughing all the way still."

„Won't he be insane?"

„When he to Azkaban also not insane, now should also be insane." Stan said in a low voice that „Neville, you know Azkaban, nobody can treat in inside is so long. But, he came out now, before Azkaban, never has the person to run away? There guard has no way to revolt, is?"

Harry restless nod, nearby Stan also looks deathly pale, seems frightened by the words that oneself said.

Ivan speechless visits them, if these two fellows realized that they just brushed past with Sirius Black, can frighten to faint.

Then, no one has spoken.

The knight bus goes forward in the darkness, washes out the bush and bollards, telephone booths and the trees pedestrian safety island peak, Harry lies on his feather bed, moves restlessly restlessly, pitiful pitiful.

Ivan stretched out the claw to rub the Harry's hair, Harry as if wanted to hug him, he jumped to the one side hurriedly shunts.

Glass outside sky was brighter than before, Ivan sees a tattered small bar, in the front appears, the knight bus slid to stop.

Ivan jumps over on the Harry's shoulder, they got out, Stan places on the Harry's suitcase and Hedwig basket the sidewalk, the knight bus drove away.

„Was good, then we were go to Gringotts..." Harry to stop fiercely, a face amazed looks at the front.

„You arrived, Harry!" In the darkness, a person's shadow walked from the Leaky Cauldron low gloomy entrance hall suddenly, is Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge.

Harry is secret, he is dragging the heavy suitcase, was led into the bar by Fudge, bends the back and hand to appear in the bar following way with the person of lantern.

This is Tom, Leaky Cauldron that whole face wrinkle, does not have the boss of tooth.

„You found him, Minister!" Tom bends the waist to salute, „what you must drink, beer or brandy?"

„Has one can of tea." Fudge seems somewhat thin and pale, he has referred to by the furnace fire a chair, said to Harry that „sits down, Harry."

Harry has sat down, although the fire is very prosperous, but Ivan can feel that his body is shivering slightly, as if very anxious.

Fudge takes off his green thin stripe robe, threw it in the one side, then pulled up the pants of his bottle green suit rapidly, sat in the Harry opposite.

„We had just met three months ago, Harry! I am Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic."

Fudge said fast, strange swept one to lie in the black cat of Harry shoulder.

Harry cautious nod, he cannot believe that oneself themselves was held by Minister for Magic unexpectedly personally. Three months ago, the opposite party just, Ivan, Hermione and Ron has issued the special contribution award to oneself, now can dismiss his?!

He has not said anything, Innkeeper Tom appeared, brought the tea and crumpet with the tray.

He places table between Fudge and on the tray the Harry, leaves the private room, has taken the gate conveniently.

„Good, Harry!" Fudge said that while comes out tea but actually, „I do not fear you to know that you made us be in a flap, ran like this from your maternal aunt and uncle Family! I think... However you have not had an accident luckily, what is most important is this point."

Fudge smears the butter to own crumpet, then pushes to Harry the tray.

„Eats, Harry, you seem spiritless. How you will hear us to solve Margie young lady to be blown up this matter happily unfortunately, before several hours, the two members of chance occurrence reversal unit followed orders Privet Drive. Margie young lady restored to come, her memory had also been adjusted. She does not remember that this matter, the matter is this, has not caused any damage."

The Ivan jumping up long table, gave itself also to come a crumpet gently.

He sees Fudge from the teacup to the Harry smile, is an uncle is seeing the beloved nephew likely. The table opposite, Harry does not believe that own ear, opens mouth as if must speak, cannot think that should say anything, has to close the mouth.

„, Are you are being worried about your maternal aunt and uncle response?" Fudge said that „good, I did not deny that they are angry extremely. Harry, but, so long as you Christmas day and Easter keeps Hogwarts, they will be the preparation will make you go back in the summer of next year."

„I forever in Hogwarts Christmas day and Easter." Harry felt that own throat was no longer suffocated, „I do not want to return to Privet Drive again."

„, After you are calm, I affirmed that you like this will not think!" In the Fudge expression is having the intonation of worry, „they after all are your family member, I affirmed that your heart of hearts each other likes the opposite party."

Harry does not want to correct the view of Fudge, how he still waited to listen to punish him.

„Now the remaining issues are, where do your remaining two weeks of vacations pass?"

„I think that I can go to my schoolmate Ivan home, he invited me to go many times." Harry did not say definite.

„What you said is Ivan Mason, that child is truly good, he help us a lot on secret room matter, had been lucky that article that he writes, the people correct to the the Ministry of Magic wrong understanding." Fudge is giving the second crumpet to spread the butter, „perhaps this time he could not help, since that person... In fact, I suggested that you open a room in Leaky Cauldron, and has treated to the summer vacation finished."