
Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures.

A teenager named Ivan Mason is reincarnated in the magical world of Harry Potter and goes to Hogwarts school! With only his knowledge of the future and his great talent for magic, he took the path to the top of the magical world, only to find that every time he took a step, everything changed! if anyone wants to support me: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 For those who want to read the full novel, you can search for it in webnovel, or in the links left in the description. https://es.mtlnovel.com/novel-author/miaoxingrenjiadewang/

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Chapter 278: Harry's Decision

On the way back, everyone seemed to have accepted this fact.

Ivan, Harry, Ron and Hermione were still concerned about the Centaurs' demands. Sirius was very dissatisfied with the Magorian attitude, and seemed extremely dismissive.

"Those Centaurs are a bunch of sick old mules, aren't they?" said Sirius dissatisfied, avoiding a small nettle. "They're too stubborn and despise human wizards."

"Besides the stubbornness, they're absolutely insane for asking us to weaken the power of the Acromantulas!" Ron said breathlessly, "They don't want to think how four twelve or thirteen year old wizards can defeat the Acromantulas."

No one spoke, and no one knew how to respond to Ron.

"Think about it, you have to dig out the spider's eyes and take them away, it's crazy!" Ron continued, with a tremor in his voice.

He didn't like spiders; he was extremely scared.

"The question now is not whether we can, but what we should do." Hermione said in a nervous manner. "Firenze said we can only choose to accept it or reject it."

"Yes, we have to do this to get the magical item that Gryffindor left behind, and there is no other choice!" Ron aggressively snapped a branch in front of him. "Damn, Gryffindor himself must have been confused before he went to the centaurs."

"According to Firenze, the centaurs aren't asking us to kill or destroy many Acromantulas, but to show enough courage and sincerity." Hermione said, "This must be a clue. Things may not be as difficult as we thought."

"To me, it's all a clue." Ron wrinkled his nose and said in a low tone. "We're going to have to fight those monsters and kill them anyway. Oh, Acromantulas, I'm going to have nightmares tonight!"

There was another silence, and everyone felt terrible.

Ivan's mind was filled with the horror of the Acromantulas, the eight black painted eyes on their heads, their hairy legs, and their large pincers that occasionally clicked and clicked.

Aside from the disgust he had, Ivan was not very afraid of the Acromantulas.

In terms of fighting strength, he was now better than those monsters.

The problem now was to ensure the satisfaction of the Centaurs.

It seemed to be something very challenging, and Ivan was even considering the possibility of reaching Aragog's lair again and killing the king of the Acromantulas.

Although dangerous, if well planned, such a mission would not be impossible!

Ivan wasn't sure if he should do it. He looked at Sirius and wanted to see what he had to say.

Sirius did not speak, and his face looked arrogant and contemptuous as usual. He noticed the look in Ivan's eyes. He smiled a little and seemed to want to voice his opinions after everyone had made up their minds.

In this way, the five people walked silently forward, and the Forbidden Forest late at night was particularly gloomy. Several unknown giant creatures flew above them and made terrible noises, but the invisible pressure of having to face the Acromantulas was more terrifying than the darkness around them.

"Ivan, as you said before, you met the Acromantulas and fought them after chasing Peter in the Forbidden Forest." Harry said suddenly, his voice sounding strange in the darkness. "What are their strengths?"

"They're very dangerous, it's best not to provoke them." Ivan spoke the truth, "Acromantulas are very aggressive, their sharp fangs are extremely strong and toxic, and they have an immense bite force that can tear a human apart. The most dangerous thing, however, is their numbers, you know, I saw at least hundreds of them last time."

Ron's face went pale when he heard Ivan's description.

"There are too many of them. We can't face them head on. We have to think of a way." Hermione whispered, "Ivan, do Acromantulas have any weaknesses?"

"They attack mainly in one way. Their main tool is their fangs, and they have no long-range attack capability." Ivan continued, "Their defense is relatively poor, general attacks can cause them damage, I think petrification or impedimenta are good options."

"Poor defense, single attack," Hermione said uncertainly. "So, as long as you stay away from them, they're not invincible."

"Gosh, Hermione, you're not going to fight those Acromantulas, are you?!" exclaimed Ron. "Centaurs only ask for spider eyes. I just thought of that. We don't have to do it ourselves. We can just ask Sirius or other teachers."

Harry and Hermione looked a little hesitant. Ron's idea seemed to be a really good one.

"Sirius, will you help us?" asked Ron with hope in his eyes.

"Yes!" Sirius nodded simply. "I promised Ivan that I would help him get the Centaur recognition. If you need it, I'll help you clean up those Acromantulas. Is that your final decision?"

His gaze slowly slid across everyone and finally fell on Harry.

"No, Sirius!" Harry shook his head and hesitated. "You don't have to help, I think we have to do it ourselves."

"HARRY!" Ron shouted hurriedly, his face was full of surprise and confusion.

"You know, Ron!" Harry's voice became more and more determined. "We must do it ourselves. Don't forget what Firenze said. The Centaurs' request is not really to annihilate the Acromantulas, but to show our courage and sincerity."

"But," Ron opened his mouth unwillingly, not knowing what to say.

He turned to Ivan and Hermione, hoping for their support. Harry's decision was too risky and irrational.

Ivan and Hermione didn't speak. They all took a step in Harry's direction showing their position.

Looking at his friends' decision, Ron stood undecided, his face changed rapidly, and finally he had to sigh and walk beside him as well.

"Very good, Harry, you didn't disappoint me!" Sirius looked at them silently for a while, smiling brightly and saying, "In the face of danger, not everyone has the courage to face the challenges that come their way, this is a rare quality that you have."

"I just spoke my mind without thinking too much," Harry said in embarrassment.

"I know the decision you made today may seem dangerous and irrational to others, but I'd say your father would be proud of you." Sirius said slowly, "Harry, Ivan, Ron, Hermione, I hope the four of you remember that the most precious quality of a Gryffindor is unmatched courage. Knowing danger, a Gryffindor maintains his courage to face hardship for the sake of protecting his faith. It's the Slytherin way to do whatever it takes to get what you want."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked very excited when they heard this.

Harry, in particular, had a flicker of excitement on his face, as if he wanted to find an Acromantula and fight right away.

Although he disagreed with Sirius, Ivan still had to admire him.

For friends, he would stick through thick and thin, even if death was on the line. That's what Sirius deserved to be respected for.