
Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures.

A teenager named Ivan Mason is reincarnated in the magical world of Harry Potter and goes to Hogwarts school! With only his knowledge of the future and his great talent for magic, he took the path to the top of the magical world, only to find that every time he took a step, everything changed! if anyone wants to support me: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 For those who want to read the full novel, you can search for it in webnovel, or in the links left in the description. https://es.mtlnovel.com/novel-author/miaoxingrenjiadewang/

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Chapter 133: Wings of a Butterfly

Ron's behavior tonight had been extremely strange. Ivan had had this feeling with him before.

In the Gryffindor common room last year, something similar happened!

Ivan was almost certain that Ron must be under the Imperius Curse, he was controlled to frame Professor Lupin.

Ivan intended to tell the matter. Dumbledore was there. He could check it out and find out if what Ron said was of his own free will or not.

He did not expect his exposition of the possible plot to be interrupted by Dumbledore.

What the headmaster meant was obvious. He did not want Ivan to expose this matter, and he wanted to talk to him alone.

Ivan wondered what Dumbledore really wanted.

What was he going to talk to him about? Did he know that Ron had been controlled? Or did he have other plans?

Ivan looked at Dumbledore whose eyes were on Ron and he didn't know what was going through his mind.

Seeing Dumbledore's appearance, Ivan didn't have the heart to pay attention to what Harry, Hermione, Fudge, Snape and Lucius were saying. His thoughts drifted further and further away.

If Ron was being controlled, who would be the one pulling the strings?

Lucius Malfoy? Ivan shook his head. Lucius didn't have the opportunity to contact Ron. Besides, with Malfoy's personality, he might be the type to hide behind the scenes to fan the flames of trouble and make the plot, but in any case, he certainly wouldn't enter the scene himself.

As for Snape, it couldn't be him. Yes, he hated Professor Lupin for his student years; but he was never the sort of person who would control a student.

Ivan narrowed his eyes, who would it be? who could get in touch with Ron and use the Imperius forbidden curse?

'Wait a second, couldn't that be Peter Pettigrew behind the scenes?' Ivan realized he didn't know much about Peter.

After all, he had an image of him as a very shy, cowardly, humble, inferior and stupid man.

But is he really like that?

After all, his actions speak for themselves. For the sake of strength and status, he sold out his best friends to Voldemort. He hid his renegade status for many years, to the point that Dumbledore did not find until it was too late. He had escaped the hunt for Sirius Black. He was able to endure humiliation hiding like a rat for twelve years. He returned to find the lost Voldemort alone; and to help him resurrect, he had the guts to cut off his own hand as tribute.

As he thought about what Peter did, Ivan realized that his entire back was drenched with cold sweat.

All this proved that Peter was not as weak as he seemed. He was a tough, cunning and very cruel opponent.

Not only with others, but also with his best friend; and moreover, he was even cruel to himself.

Ivan had a bad hunch. He realized that he had been relying too much on his prejudices and was not being careful enough with Peter Pettigrew. He never thought about how he would react.

What he was dealing with was not the plot that had been set up in the book, but a living person who had his own thoughts.

Ivan concluded that he really needed to talk to Dumbledore.

Although Black would not allow him to tell the teachers about this matter, he thought he should at least tell the headmaster.

In his original plan, once he had contact with Black, he would immediately tell Dumbledore that Peter was an Animagus.

This was the safest way. As long as Dumbledore was involved, there should be no bad incidents.

True, he knew the plot, but the enemy wasn't a fool who didn't know how to react.

Whether it was Voldemort, Malfoy or Peter, they were all tough opponents and evil Dark wizards.

'This is harder than I originally thought,' Ivan thought.

He remembered the Chamber of Secrets incident from the previous year. In the book, Tom Riddle was controlling Ginny and was determined to contact Harry and wanted to know how he had defeated his old self Voldemort. However, due to Ivan's arrival, Ron was the one who received the diary. With that, Tom Riddle had more knowledge about Harry, and things were very different.

And it was not only that. Ivan himself tried to use every possible means to get rid of Riddle and purify Hogwarts as a whole. In fact, it seemed that the problem was solved. But that made the changes occurring in the timeline become more prominent.

Ivan realized that he had always ignored that in order to predict how things go, his plans should not interfere with the original story.

However, even if he tried, it would not have worked. Any change that may seem trivial can have dramatic repercussions.

A gentle flutter of a butterfly's wings can eventually cause a hurricane.

Besides, he had done a lot of things differently this year as well. It was impossible for Peter Pettigrew to just sit there and not react. He didn't do anything silly like in the original timeline.

No, he had taken control of Ron. Who knew what kind of conspiracy he was hiding?

"Professor!" At this thought, Ivan looked hurriedly at Dumbledore.

"Ivan, you can come to my office in a minute. About the question you asked me last time, I have a very interesting idea!" Dumbledore looked at Ivan and said calmly, "It will interest you, I promise!"

"I have to remind you, Dumbledore!" Lucius had a cold smile on his face. He looked at Lupin in a mischievous way. "Before you talk to your students, what we need to discuss first is the werewolf."

"That's right!" said Dumbledore happily. "I just want to say this, do you have any suggestions?"

"I don't think it's a suggestion, I think everyone just heard Mr. Weasley's accusation. As a parent, I think this dangerous werewolf should no longer stay at Hogwarts. We should take him immediately to the Ministry of Magic. I think it is necessary to try his guilt through the Wizengamot."

"I think the same as you, Lucius!" Fudge agreed. "The current bad situation is enough to start the process of the special Wizengamot trial. I hope you can come back to us, Lupin. We'll give you a fair trial. If you can prove your innocence, we'll let you go without objection!"

"No, Professor Lupin is innocent and will not go with you," Harry shouted hoarsely.

Still he refused to give in, and felt his tears drying up.

The same was true of the other young wizards. They clung together and stood in front of Professor Lupin making a human wall.

Seeing how they were, Fudge looked at Dumbledore in embarrassment and asked for help.

Dumbledore had not yet spoken. Professor Lupin, who had Harry standing in front of him, pulled him aside.

"Professor!" Harry shouted miserably.

Lupin did not turn to look at Harry. He walked silently past Fudge. He knew he had to go and leave Hogwarts. He tried not to let his tears flow.

Maybe that would be his fate as a werewolf.