
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Movies
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85 Chs


Recently, most of the students of Slytherin, who had always been gloomy, were smiling and smiling. In addition to the high-ranking Slytherin House points that have recently piled up in the House scoring funnel due to Augustus' outstanding performance in every class, many students have also discovered a mobile library hidden in the Slytherin lounge.

When a freshman summoned up the courage to ask Augustus for a dissertation question assigned by the teacher in the lounge once, and after he was patiently answered by Augustus, many freshmen began to consult Augustus whenever they had the opportunity. All kinds of questions, what is surprising is that no matter how cold the question is, you can get a perfect answer here at Augustus, and the teacher's score after the event will also be very high. And when some senior students also began to try to ask Augustus and got satisfactory answers, the title of Augustus Mobile Library spread among Slytherin students.

Sitting on a neat and green lawn not far from Hogwarts Castle, Augustus took out a black magic advanced theory just borrowed from the library. All books of this type must be obtained from the Academy. A long signature, for which Augustus even went to Snape's office. In this wizarding world, the black wizard has always been criticized by everyone, in fact, in Augustus' view, it is just some powerful destructive spells. If you have to say how evil these black magics are, it is very It is meaningless. The utility of magic itself depends on the wizard. It is really stupid to add the standard of good and evil to magic. Most of the spells in this low-magic world are used in some aspects of life and entertainment, and even many so-called offensive spells cause very little damage, such as the front teeth and the big stick.

Augustus believed that too long of peace in the world had limited the development of magic. The magician is used as a deterrent weapon of war in another world. Even a magician can play an unimaginable role on the battlefield, not to mention the legendary magician who is the weapon of the country. Every legendary magician can easily do it. determine the course of a war. In the eyes of most people in the other world, magic, this life exists for the sake of war.

Today is Thursday, and there seems to be a flying lesson at 3 p.m. Augustus was stuck on time. At about 2:30, he closed his book and got up, and walked to the venue of the flying lesson. Augustus is not very interested in the course of flying. Even if flying is a fantasy in the age of human enlightenment, it is difficult to expect a mage who can rely on his energy to fly very early. Interested in flying on a broom.

It was a clear, breezy day, and the grass was waving slightly beneath his feet as Augustus trotted down the sloping meadow toward a flat lawn across the field. Beyond the lawn is the forest, and the dark trees in the distance sway in the wind.

Most of the Slytherin and Gryffindor students were already there. When they saw Augustus coming to the venue, most of the Slytherin students showed a hint of joy on their faces. Slytherin and Gryffindor have always been enemies in the Quidditch Cup. Even in a simple flying lesson, the Slytherin students hope that the always almighty Augustus can give the Gryffindor students a look. Twenty broomsticks were neatly laid out on the ground. Soon, the teacher Mrs. Hooch came. She has short grey hair and yellow eyes like those of an eagle.

"Okay, what are you all waiting for?" she snapped. "Everyone stands next to a broomstick. Quick, quick, hurry up."

The broom beside Augustus was a shabby and old dark yellow broom, which seemed to be a little dirty. Augustus, who always liked the cleanliness, could not help but frown slightly.

"Put your right hand over the broom handle," cried Mrs. Hooch from the front, "and said: 'Get up!.'

"Get up!" everyone shouted.

Augustus' broom quickly jumped into his hands. Augustus didn't follow Mrs. Hooch's method at all. The trick of taking things from the air was more suitable for this.

Then Mrs. Hooch showed them how to get on a broom without slipping off her head. She walked up and down the line, correcting their grip. Harry and Ron heard her criticize Malfoy for being wrong all along. My heart could not help but be secretly happy.

"Okay, as soon as I whistle, you kick your legs off the ground, pushing hard," said Mrs. Hooch, "hold the broom steady, raise it a few feet, and then lean forward slightly and drop back to the ground vertically. Hear my whistle—three—two—"

Neville, however, was too nervous to be left on the ground, so he didn't wait for the whistle to touch Mrs. Hooch's lips before he kicked it hard and flew up.

"Come back, boy!" cried Mrs. Hooch, but Neville went straight up like a cork from a bottle—twelve feet—twenty feet. Neville's terrified, pale face looked at the fast-moving ground below, as if he was about to fall off his broom, Augustus smiled slightly, this student named Neville seemed to have problems every class. He pulled out his silver wand and pointed at the broom in the air. The violent broom was instantly grasped by a force, and then the wand turned to Neville. The next moment, Neville broke away from the broom and slowly fell. A mage's hand, a levitation spell, and two simple spells removed Neville's danger. Seeing Neville landing safely, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Mrs. Hooch added ten points to Slytherin with satisfaction and hurried to Neville. After all, this was her first class, and Augustus' timely rescue saved her big trouble. Looking at Neville who seemed to be fine, Mrs. Hooch was still going to take Neville to the school hospital for a check-up.

Neville still had a look of surprise on his face, and Mrs. Hooch put his arms around him and left together.

They had just gone out of hearing when Malfoy burst into laughter.

"Did you see his face, the big idiot?" the other Slytherin students echoed. Malfoy, who was close to Augustus, also had some prestige among the freshmen.

"Shut up, Malfoy," said Parvati Patil sharply.

"Huh, guarding Longbottom?" Pansy Parkinson said. "I didn't expect you to like a chubby little teabag, Patil."

"Look!" said Malfoy, rushing to grab something on the lawn. "It was given to him by that big fool Longbottom's grandmother."

He held up the memory ball, which gleamed in the sun.

"Bring it here, Malfoy," Harry whispered. Everyone stopped talking and watched.

Malfoy glanced at the silent Augustus, and when he saw that Augustus didn't speak for Harry, he became emboldened.

Malfoy laughed.

"I want to put it somewhere and have Longbottom pick it up - on a tree - how about it?"

"Bring it here!" Harry yelled, but Malfoy was already jumping on his broom and taking off.

Watching their slapstick, Augustus still misses it a little. He seemed to have had such a young academy life back then. The friction of youth is emotional when I think about it now.

Malfoy, suspended at a level parallel to the top of an oak tree, exclaimed sarcastically; "Come and get it, Potter!"

Harry grabbed his broom.

"No!" cried Hermione Granger. "Mrs. Hooch told us not to move - you're going to cause trouble for us all." "Don't stop him, I'm sure he'll take care of it himself." Gustus waved slightly to Hermione.

Harry smiled gratefully at Augustus as if he had the teacher's permission. The blood hit his eardrums. He got on his broom and kicked the ground hard, and he rose, the air whizzing through his hair, his robes fluttering behind him. He heard the girl screaming and panting on her face, and he heard Ron's admiration.

He swung the broom around sharply, facing Malfoy in the air. Malfoy looked startled.

"Bring it here," Harry called, "or I'll knock you off the broom."

"Oh, is it?" Malfoy said. He wanted to laugh, but the expression on his face was tense. He glanced at Augustus, who was standing silently on the ground, and suddenly felt a little more secure in his heart, and stopped firmly in mid-air.

Harry seemed to know what to do by nature. He leaned forward, gripping the broom tightly with both hands, and the broom shot at Malfoy like a javelin. Malfoy dodged reluctantly; Harry turned back sharply, grabbing the broom firmly.

"Here, see if you can catch it!" Malfoy exclaimed, throwing the glass ball high in the air, then swooping down toward the ground.

In the end, Harry caught the glass ball very dangerously. The degree of danger was such that Augustus had to prepare several times to try to rescue him, watching Harry who landed safely and was taken away by Professor McGonagall. Augustus's eyes are full of smiles, the bloody youth, and the adventures of the teenagers, it is a very memorable event.