
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Movies
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85 Chs

Arrive at School

In the compartment at the back of the car, Ron was vividly telling Harry about the famous ball games he and his brothers went to watch. Augustus listened to Ron's exaggerated voice and looked down at the history of the wizard. Just as he was talking about the most exciting part of the game, the compartment door was pushed open again, but this time it was not Neville, the boy who lost the toad, nor Hermione Granger.

Three boys entered, and Harry immediately recognized the one in the middle as the pale boy he had met in Lady Malkin's robe shop. He was watching Harry with far greater interest than he had been in Diagon Alley.

"Is it true?" he asked. "The whole train was talking about Harry Potter in this compartment. So that's you. Right?" "Yes." Ha Li said that he looked at the other two boys, both of them were short, stout, and particularly ugly, standing on either side of the little white face, one on each side, just like a pair of his bodyguards. Augustus still looked down at the book, as if he hadn't noticed anyone coming in. "Oh, this is Crabbe, this is Goyle." The pale boy said casually, seeing Harry looking at them, "My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." Ron coughed softly A sound, so as not to laugh out loud. Draco Malfoy looked at him. "You think my name is ridiculous, don't you? Don't ask who you are. My father told me that the Weasleys were all red-haired, freckled, and had too many children."

He turned to Harry and said, "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to be friends with other people. I can help you with that. "

"Draco, you are promoting your pure-blooded noble again." Hearing this, Augustus, who finally raised his head, smiled at Malfoy.

"Augustus? Why are you here?" Malfoy, who hadn't noticed the third person in the carriage, asked in surprise when he looked at Augustus' standard blond and silver eyes.

"I'm also a freshman, I'm not welcome to Hogwarts?" Augustus waved his hand casually and said lightly.

"How come, it's an honor for you to come to Hogwarts, I just didn't expect the noble you to be in the same box as this lowly Weasley." Malfoy flattered Augustus. While they were talking, he glanced at Ron in disgust, and his expression changed so quickly that it was staggering.

Harry and Ron jumped to their feet. Ron blushed like his red hair.

"You say it again," he said.

"Oh, you want to fight, don't you?" Malfoy sneered.

"Unless you get me out now," said Harry, who was not as brave on the inside as he looked, because Crabbe and Goyle were much bigger than he and Ron. But he always felt that August would not ignore them, it was just an intuition.

Sure enough, looking at Malfoy standing awkwardly at the door of the carriage, Augustus put down the book in his hand, and said meaningfully to Malfoy: "Okay, Draco, don't continue to make trouble, you will only make Others look down on you, and it doesn't do you or your family any favors."

To Harry and Ron, these words sounded like an elder lecturing a junior who didn't understand etiquette, but to their surprise, Malfoy obviously respected Augustus, and after hearing it, he just ruthlessly scolded him. Glancing at Harry Ron, then bowing to Augustus, he took Crabgall out of the carriage.

"I didn't expect that kid Malfoy to be so obedient," Ron whispered to Harry while looking at Augustus, who was looking down at the book, there were a few traces of envy and fear in his eyes.

The train slowed down and finally stopped. Pushing and shoving, the passengers rushed to the door and descended to a dark and small platform. The chill of the night made Harry shiver. Then a light flickered over the students' heads, and Harry heard a familiar voice shout, "First-year! First-year come this way! Harry, come this way, how are you?"

Above the crowded sea, Hagrid's bearded face smiled. "Come on, come with me, any freshmen? Watch out for your feet, alright! Come with me!"

They followed Hagrid slippery and slippery. Unlike the stumbling and stumbling of the freshmen, Augustus seemed to be able to see the surrounding terrain and went downhill smoothly along a steep and narrow path. It was pitch black on both sides of the path, and no one spoke. Only the boy who lost the toad took a sniff or two now and then.

"Cut this corner and you're about to see Hogwarts for the first time," Hagrid called back. Then there was a loud "Oh-!" A black lake suddenly opened at the end of the narrow path. On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stands a majestic castle with spires and windows twinkling under the stars. "No more than four people per boat!" cried Hagrid, pointing to a line of boats moored on the shore. Augustus stepped onto a small boat calmly, Harry and Ron followed closely, and the remaining vacant seat was snatched in by the carefree Hermione.

"Mr. Augustus, we meet again." Hermione, who looked at Augustus on the boat and ignored Ron and Harry, said in surprise.

"Yes, Miss Granger, what a coincidence," Augustus replied with a slight smile.

"Are they all on board?" cried Hagrid, who was in a boat by himself. "That's good. Go forward!" A group of boats immediately sailed forward across the lake with waves as flat as a mirror. Everyone was silent, staring at the huge castle soaring into the sky. As they approached the cliff where the castle stood, the castle seemed to rise above them. "Head down!" Hagrid shouted as the first boats approached the cliff. All bowed their heads, and the boat carried them through the ivy curtain that covered the face of the cliff to the hidden open entrance. They followed what seemed to be a dark tunnel to the base of the castle, eventually reaching what looked like a subterranean pier, and then climbing up a ground of rubble and small pebbles.

They climbed a tunnel in the rock under the light of Hagrid's lamp and finally came to a flat, damp meadow in the shadow of the castle. Looking at this huge castle, in Augustus' silver pupils, a huge data stream flashed quickly, as if he had obtained some treasure, the corner of Augustus's mouth raised a beautiful arc.

Then they climbed a flight of stone steps and gathered in front of a huge oak door. "Are you all there?" Hagrid raised a huge fist and knocked three times on the castle gate. In this way, the mysterious Hogwarts is about to be revealed to the freshmen.