
Harry Potter and the Gamer System

Did I hit my head too hard? What are these strange, blue floating boxes. The life of Harry Potter just changed for the better. (Harry will be grey and open to all magic but not evil. He will be extremely powerful, not on the same level as Dumbledore and Voldemort yet, but way more powerful than any Hogwarts's student. He doesn't particularly want friends but considers them more as allies. Life before Hogwarts will include lots of grinding. No pairings so far)

DangerWolf · Book&Literature
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*Time skip 1 month*

"97, 98, 99 and 100" Harry huffed. He was at the park and was doing some pull ups on the monkey bars. You might be thinking, what kind of 7 year old can do 100 pull ups. Well, you have to remember that this seven year old was nearly an eight year old, but more importantly, this seven year old has a gamer system.


Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: seven years old

Class: Gamer

Race: Human (???)

LVL: 6


Health Points (HP): 250

Magic Power (MP): ???

Strength (STR): 4 > 10

Vitality (VIT): 4 > 9

Agility (AGI): 5 > 10

Intelligence (INT): 6 > 11

Wisdom (WIS): 4 > 9

Charisma (CHA): 2 > 5

Luck (LUK): 4 > 6

Stat Points: 2


Cooking LVL 4

Dishwashing LVL 4

Mathematics LVL 5

Science LVL 4

Running LVL3

French LVL 4

You know the basics of the French language and can execute them well


£82, Chicken 2x, bread 3x, water bottle

He had been extremely busy over the past month. Everyday he trained his body so that he could increase his physical stats. As a result, not only had his STR, VIT and AGI increased a lot but also Harry no longer looked malnourished. His body was neither fat nor skinny and you could see the outline of some muscle on his arms and legs.

However those weren't the only stats that increased. Harry borrowed advanced books from the school library and read them in class. So that meant that not only did his INT stat increase, but he also advanced his mathematics, English and science skills. Harry even took on learning French as a hobby and is progressing quite well. He wasn't quite sure how to raise the WIS stat but somehow it increased along with his INT.

Harry also received quests on the weekends and they rewarded him with XP, stat points or even money. He used his stat points on CHA and LUK too. This may have seemed strange, but Harry knew that LUK was extremely important and could make his life easier in many ways. CHA was also important because the first thing people notice about you is your appearance and this will help greatly in first impressions. Harry didn't really care about girls or love but he did want to be good looking. He also reserved two stat points in case of an emergency.

The Dursleys for the past month were a bit surprised. The 'freak' was very rarely in the house and sometimes didn't show up to eat, not that they minded. Indeed, Harry tried to stay out of the house as long as he could and it didn't matter if he missed meals as he swiped food from the kitchen and even money to store in his inventory.

Harry wiped the sweat off his brow and took a sip of his chug jug *water bottle and lied down on the grass. He came to the park everyday to train. He was excited for today because today was the day he was going to buy new stuff! He had his own money for the first time and couldn't wait to spend it.

The first thing he wanted to buy was new clothes. The ones he currently wore were Dudley's hand me downs and he was beginning to grow out of them.

He went to a nearby thrift store and bought three plain white t shirts, two pairs of blue jeans, socks and a black hoodie all for £19.

Next he went into a bookstore for new books as he had read most of the books in his school's library. He picked up books on GSCE Maths, English and all three sciences along with the French novel Le petit Nicolas to improve his French reading.

As Harry was browsing, a certain book caught his eye> Basic Hand to Hand Combat Instruction Manual.

This might be interesting. He picked it up to read when a notification popped up.

Ding! Learn skill!

Basic Hand to Hand Combat

Accept - Reject

His eyes widened. He could learn a skill without even reading the book? He asked the system about this.


User can learn skills if they are from a skill book. All user has to do is make contact with the skill book and press accept. All the information will be imprinted in the users mind. NOTE: skill book will disappear once used

Amazing! This will make things a lot easier. Harry bought the book for £8.99 as he would get in trouble if the book suddenly disappeared.

After buying the book, he went back to the park to use it.

Ding! Learn skill!

Basic Hand to Hand Combat

Accept - Reject

He pressed accept and suddenly clutched his head as the books information appeared in his brain. It didn't hurt but having so much information sent to your mind all at once was a bit uncomfortable. Harry could now recall the contents perfectly and couldn't wait to put it to use.

Ding! Skill created!

Basic Hand to Hand Combat LVL1

He immediately started practicing. Pretty quickly, Harry realised something. Although he knew all the moves, putting them into practice was a different matter. He would still have to practice if he wanted to get better. Moreover, these were only the basic moves and Harry had seen the books for intermediate, advanced, expert and master in the bookstore. He probably had to max out the basic skill first to advance to the others.

After practicing for several hours the skill finally levelled up.

Ding! Basic Hand to Hand Combat LVL 1 > LVL 2

Pleased with his work Harry went home to rest. After completing some chores for the Dursleys, Harry lay in his bed contemplating about something he had never payed too much attention too.

On his status there was an attribute called Magical Power. This meant that he should be able to cast magic. Harry stood up, ready to try it out.

He stood with his feet shoulder width apart and both arms raised in front of him. He concentrated then-

"Fireball!" he roared.

No reaction. Perhaps it's activated by some kind of keyword.


"Fire Magic activate!"

"Flame magic"

Perhaps something more interesting. This time Harry tried to picture flames and how he would make them.

"Magic, lend me thy power: FIREBALL!!!"

"WHAT'S ALL THE RACKET DOWN THERE!" shouted Aunt Petunia.

"Nothing, just tripped over" Harry replied sheepishly. He didn't want them to come downstairs otherwise he would get punished. Luckily, there was no more movement from upstairs.

Harry sighed in relief but then started to get extremely excited. Just before he got yelled at, Harry noticed a small spark next his palm.

However, Harry realised that he felt very exhausted and lied back down in bed. He lay there happily thinking about his new ability. Magic was the dream of all seven year olds and the one was no different. Harry close his eyes contently.

Ding! You have slept in your bed! HP and MP are fully restored!

Harry woke up with a start. Yawning, he started planning out his day. He wanted to go to the park to explore his newfound power.

Opening his cupboard door, he moved to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast. When Aunt Petunia's head was turned, he grabbed some extra pieces of toast and bacon and stored them in his inventory.

After finishing he headed to the park so he could practice.

He lay down on the grass because it help him relax and concentrate. He thought about all the knowledge he had on magic. Magic could be any things. Like pulling a rabbit out of a hat or shooting out fireballs like Harry tried to. The magic magicians did wasn't very practical and had no real use other than to provide entertainment.

Magic like fireballs weren't seen in real life and only existed in games. Magic like that was usually seen in the form of elemental magic. That is to say, magic that use the elements like fire, water, earth, wind, lightning etc.

How every in many things that Harry had seen on TV and comics are that there was something called a magic core. According to what he could recall. A magic core was a sphere like object in the centre of your body that stored your magic.

Harry sat up and got into a meditative pose. He closed his eyes and started to control his breathing. Taking in deep breaths, Harry tried to sense magic in his body. Nothing. Don't worry, just try again. So he tried again. And again. And again. And again until he got quite frustrated.

Taking deep breaths he tried to calm himself down. Remembering last night, he tried to recall the sensation of creating that spark. It was like a warm energy flowing through his arm and out his palm.

He sat down again in a meditative pose and concentrated on that sensation. He felt it. It was a warm current flowing around his body. He tried to move it. He willed it to circulate around his body and very slowly it moved. After some exploring, Harry found what he thought to be his magical core near his solar plexus in his abdomen. It was a warm blue sphere that gave out a small glow. On closer inspection, it wasn't a perfect sphere. It was more like a gas the stayed in the genreal structure of a sphere. Harry circulated the blue gas around his body. Without him realising, his body was actually giving off a soft blue glow.

After some time Harry stopped and opened his eyes. He felt full of energy was quite happy. Harry realised that the sky was significantly darker than before and it was time to go back.

Ding! Skill created!

Magic Manipulation

Allows you too manipulate magic to some extent.

MP stat unlocked!

Pleased with his progress, Harry left the park.

That night, after everyone had gone to sleep, Harry was going to attempt to try magic again. He had to be quiet or the Dursleys would notice something. They were already suspicious of him because of yesterday.

He began by circulating his magic throughout his body and after that he put out a pencil. Instead of fire, Harry decided that it would be a lot easier to attempt to levitate a pencil instead.

Circulating his energy, he directed some of it out of his hand and onto the pencil while at the same time willing it to levitate. To his delight, the pencil hovered momentarily but then dropped back down when he lost concentration. Gathering himself, he tried again. This time, the pencil rose into the air until it was at eye level. Without breaking concentration, Harry tried to move it around in the air. While it was very slow and unsteady, it was still a lot of progress! After a minute the pencil dropped back down to the ground and Harry sighed and wiped the sweat off his brow. It seemed that one minute was his limit.

Harry immediately started meditation to recover his magic. After a few rounds of circulating his magic, he was once again full of energy.

Harry was going to have another go but this time he used one of his heavy school textbooks. After concentrating, Harry willed the book to rise. It floated a couple of inches before dropping straight back down. As he thought. It seems that raising heavier objects would require more energy.

Harry repeated the process again several more times until he could move the pencil steadily about in the air with relative ease.

Ding! Magic Manipulation LVL 1 > LVL 2

Harry went to bed that night with a sense of accomplishment.

Ding! You have slept in your bed! HP and MP are fully restored!

Harry woke up feeling a bit tired. He hadn't gotten much sleep last night due to all the practicing. He started meditating and began circulating his magic. Before long, Harry left his cupboard full of energy and devoid of any tiredness.

After completing his usual morning ritual, Harry decided it was time for some more magic practice. First he worked in levitating the pencil and launching it at a target. This was accomplished after a lot of effort, frustration and several snapped pencils.

After that, he tried to work on another form of magic. No more flames as that was far too taxing. Harry was attempting to create a light like a lightbulb.

By now harry had worked the most efficient way to cast magic. First circulate your magic, then direct it out and while you do that imagine what it is you want accomplished. He pictured a small white light at the tip of his finger.

Before long, his finger started glowing. It wasn't a light per say but it was something at least. After circulating his magic, Harry tried again but this time with more energy. A small white light appeared on his fingertip that gave of a warm sensation. Harry was elated.

He continued practicing by control light intensity and the heat.

Before long-

Magic Manipulation LVL 2 > LVL 3

Harry was exhausted. He decided that, that was enough magic for today. He rested for a while. But his rest didn't last long as he still had training to do. Not magical, but physical training. Although magic was extremely cool, he couldn't neglect the physical aspect of his training.

His physical training consisted of push ups, sit ups, squats, burpees and running to build up his STR, VIT and AGI. Then he practiced hand to hand combat with a tree.

After several hours, Harry was drenched in sweat and decided to call it a day. After taking a shower, Harry put on new clothes from his inventory and went to his cupboard. The Dursleys were out at the moment and Harry had the house all to himself.

He pinched some more food to put in his inventory and took some cash from Dudley's room. Dudley's things went missing all the time so he would never notice.

It was about six o'clock in the evening so it was way too early to go to bed. Harry decided to be productive by reading some of the GSCE textbooks he had bought from the bookstore.

The Dursleys were back after a couple of hours and soon it was time to goo to sleep.

Harry made sure to first exhaust himself magically before going to bed. As he lay in bed he thought about how to progress his abilities. He can't attempt elemtal amgic yet so the best he could do was try make different colour lights and shoot pencils with the same force as arrows.

Before closing his eyes, he couldn't help but recall a part of his status.

Race : Human (???)

Was he not completely human? Maybe he was a demigod like Percy Jackson. Nah, that's unlikely.

Before he knew it he was asleep.


Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: seven years old

Class: Gamer

Race: Human (???)

LVL: 6


Health Points (HP): 250

Magic Power (MP): 200

Strength (STR): 10 > 12

Vitality (VIT): 9 > 10

Agility (AGI): 11 > 12

Intelligence (INT): 11 > 12

Wisdom (WIS): 9 > 10

Charisma (CHA): 2 > 5

Luck (LUK): 4 > 6

Stat Points: 2


Cooking LVL 4 > 5

Dishwashing LVL 4 > 5

Mathematics LVL 5 > 6

Science LVL 4 > 5

Running LVL 3 > 4

French LVL 4

Basic Hand to Hand Combat LVL 2

Magic Manipulation LVL 3


£48, Chicken 6x, bread 5x, water bottle 2x