
Harry Potter and the Gamer System

Did I hit my head too hard? What are these strange, blue floating boxes. The life of Harry Potter just changed for the better. (Harry will be grey and open to all magic but not evil. He will be extremely powerful, not on the same level as Dumbledore and Voldemort yet, but way more powerful than any Hogwarts's student. He doesn't particularly want friends but considers them more as allies. Life before Hogwarts will include lots of grinding. No pairings so far)

DangerWolf · Book&Literature
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3 Chs


*Times skip 1 year*

On a grassy field, a young boy could be seen sat down in a meditative pose. His dark brown hair swayed in the wind, in motion with the branches around him. He seemed to be a part of nature. His eyes opened. Sparkling emerald orbs flashed with hidden swirls of power.

Harry got up and stretched. He had been meditating for several hours now. For the past year, Harry had been extremely busy. Every day he meditated and practiced his control over his magic. He had also made several discoveries.

It seemed that his magic core was like a muscle. The more he used it, the stronger and larger it would become. His magic core would also grow naturally but exercising it would increase it's rate of growth.

So every night, Harry would train his magic and exhaust it to make it stronger. His magic core had also changed a bit. It was now larger and more spherical. Also, his magic had turned into a thicker blue gas that looked like it was on the verge of condensing to liquid.

His Magic Manipulation Skill had also levelled up to LVL 10 and had been stuck there for quite some time. As his skill levelled up, his control and power had improved drastically. He could now move pencils in the air with such control that he could pierce a target 20 metres away with 100% accuracy. the power behind it was also not low.

Harry knew that he would be able to kill someone if he used a knife instead of a pencil. But that didn't stop Harry from launching them lightly at Dudley and making him jump. Pencils, not knives. Sheesh! He didn't hate Dudley that much!

Over the past year, his attitude to the Dursley's had changed quite a bit. He no longer cared about them. Any hatred or dislike he bore towards them had changed in to indifference. Especially Dudley. Dudley pretty quickly realise that he could no longer play 'Harry Hunting'.

This was because of an incident 10 months ago, where Dudley and his gang had cornered Harry on the way back from school. It did not end well. Half the gang ended up will bruised lips or black eyes. Harry didn't leave a mark on Dudley though. It would be a real problem if he got told on.

Since then, Dudley had gained a sort of respect for Harry and had avoided him as much as possible. No, it wasn't respect. It was more like fear. And Harry enjoyed it. Being powerful felt amazing and at the moment that was exactly what he was.

Harry guessed that with his current fighting ability, he could go toe to toe with the average adult. His physical capabilities were something that a child his age could not possess.

As his control over magic increased, Harry found a way to infuse magic into his muscles. It started small, like just an arms. But gradually he was able to do it with his entire body. While it was difficult to maintain for more than a couple of minutes, it caused his physical capabilities to double. He could also coat his body with magic so that his defense increased as well.

It also created the skill Magic Reinforcement which was now at LVL 5.

He also gained another skill over the past year. Through large amounts of meticulous observation you have gained the skill Observe LVL Basic.

It's LVL said basic instead of a number. Harry assumed that this meant that the next levels would be intermediate and advanced.


Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: eight years old

Class: Gamer

Race: Human (???)

LVL: 14


Health Points (HP): 500

Magic Power (MP): 500

Strength (STR): 12 > 23

Vitality (VIT): 10 > 22

Agility (AGI): 12 > 24

Intelligence (INT): 12 > 27

Wisdom (WIS): 10 > 25

Charisma (CHA): 5 > 18

Luck (LUK): 6 > 18

Stat Points: 2


Cooking LVL 5 > 12

Dishwashing LVL 4 > 11

Mathematics LVL 6 > 9

Science LVL 5 > 8

Running LVL 3 > 4

French LVL 4 > 12

Basic Hand to Hand Combat LVL 2 > 8

Magic Manipulation LVL 3 > 10

Magic Reinforcement LVL 5

Observe LVL Basic


£186, Food x8

Harry was pretty satisfied. The majority of his training was magical and this caused his INT and WIS to be his highest stats. That being said, he didn't neglect physical training so his STR, VIT and AGI were just behind.

He increased his CHA and LUK with stat points from level ups so they had also grown considerably.

The only downside was that it got extremely difficult to level up his skills once they got higher. It took a year for him to get Magic Manipulation to LVL 10 and that was with practicing several hours every single day.

Harry had grown quite a bit was now a confident 5 feet, making him among the tallest eight year olds in his class. His cheekbones had also been raised slightly and his jawline was also sharper than before. All of this caused Harry to be a handsome eight year old that would break many hearts in the future.

Harry walked to a large oak tree and faced it. He closed his eyes. Harry coated his arm with magic and also infused it with magic. This caused his arms to glow blue and his biceps to bulge a bit.

Ding! Skill Activated!

Magic Reinforcement LVL 5

With a roar, he punched the trunk of tree with all his might.


His fist hit the tree with a bang and splinter went flying everywhere. The tree shook slightly and leaves fell down from the branches

Harry retracted his fist. On the trunk on the tree, there was a small fist shaped imprint that was about half an inch deep.

Nice. Harry grinned at his handiwork. It was getting late so he decided to go back and rest.

Ding! You have slept in your bed! HP and MP are fully restored!

Harrys absentmindedly swiped away the message he had grown accustomed to receiving. School term had ended so he had a lot of time on his hands. None of the Dursleys were up yet so he quietly had breakfast.

At the park, Harry began do some stretches. He had began to stretch before training a couple of months ago when he nearly pulled a muscle while pulling a punch.

After he had finish, he practiced his Hand to Hand Combat in the hope that his skill would level up. After several minutes, he stopped to meditate.

"Impressive" a voice sounded out from behind him.

Harry immediately jumped up and got into fighting position.

"Easy there, I mean no harm"

Standing in front of him was a muscular middle aged man with blue eyes and black hair.

"Who are you?" questioned Harry.

"My name is Clark Brentford and I run the fighting dojo a couple of streets away"

"What do you want?"

"Well, what I want is for you to join my dojo"

"And why should I ?"

"Well for starters you could benefit a lot from it. From your movements I can deduce that you do a lot of practice but lack actual experience"

Harry was surprised. His deduction was correct, Harry did indeed have zero experience. But how does he know that this isn't just a scam.

"I can assure you, this is no scam. You won't even have to pay." Clark said, as if reading his mind.

Damn. He's good. Well if it's free then I guess there's no harm in trying it out.

"Alright then, I'll try it out" he cautiously said.

"Sweet, come by later on"

And with that, he was gone.

After a couple of hours, Harry left for the dojo. He had asked someone where it was earlier. From what he had heard, this dojo was actually quite famous in the area and had a low acceptance rate.

When he got there he asked around for a Clark Brentford and was directed to an arena where a fight was currently going on. Clark was standing in the corner watching and nodded when he noticed Harry's gaze. The fight was between two 11 year olds and was rather intense. But Harry knew that he could take them.

After the fight was over, Clark introduced him to the dojo. It was rather grand. They had arenas, training areas, a track, a gym and an area for meditation. Harry was impressed.

He accepted Clarks offer and was told to spar against one of the 15 year olds.

A burly looking boy stepped into the arena and raised his arms in a karate stance.

Wait a second, this doesn't looked exactly fair. He's like doubly my age. He questioningly glanced at Adam, who laughed.

"This is one of my students, Rory. Everyone new to the dojo has to fight one of the members as a sort of initiation" Clark explained.

Well I guess that means he has to.

Ding! Quest created!

Complete your initiation to the dojo!

Lose to Rory: 10 XP

Last two minutes against Rory: 100xp + 1 stat point

Defeat Rory: 300XP + 3 stat points

Accept - Reject

Like he had a choice. Harry accepted and got into a fighting stance. He was excited. This would be his first real fight.


Rory started off on the offensive. He rushed up to Harry and threw a jab. Harry blocked. His arm stung from the block and he decided to dodge next time.

Another jab. Dodge. This process repeated until Harry was forced into a corner. Oh no.

Rory rained down jab after jab. With a grunt, Harry managed to slide away. His arms were sore after all the blocking. He realised that if he didn't want to be force into a corner, then he would have to go on the offensive.

Harry moved in and threw a tester punch which was blocked. A kick came in return.

They exchanged blows for some time, getting a feel for each others style. By now Harry had a rough understanding on Rory's strengths and weaknesses. It seemed that Rory was not especially quick or fast, but he made up for that with strength.

Harry made his move. All or nothing. He feinted a jab. Rory fell for it and his head moved slightly to the side, away from the protection of his raised arms. Harry couldn't waste this opportunity. The world slowed down around him and all sound was blocked out. He struck out at Rory's face. His fist mad contact.


Rory grunted and went to the ground clutching his face.

It all happened in a flash. One fast strike like lightning and a second later Rory was on the ground.

The match ended and Harry was called out of the arena while people helped Rory to his feet.

"Well done Harry. Nobody has ever beaten their opponent in their initiation." exclaimed Clark.

Harry muttered his thanks and expressed his wish to join the dojo.

"Great, you can come here anytime" Clark replied.

Ding! Quest complete!

Complete your initiation to the dojo!

Defeat Rory

Reward: 300XP + 3 stat points

On the way home Harry didn't know how to feel. He joined the dojo which was great, but the fight left a bad taste in his mouth. He was overconfident. He put too much trust in his capabilities without considering the fact that his opponent had way more experience.

He shook it off. Everything is a learning opportunity. Besides, it's not like he lost. He was pretty sure he heard a crunch when he hit that guy's nose.

After heading home he meditated and then went to bed.

For the rest of the week, Harry went to the dojo during the day and practiced magic in the evenings. He gained plenty of experience and was among the best there. Surprisingly, Rory was actually a pretty nice person and he was fine with what happened to his nose. Apparently, it wasn't the first time he broke it.

As the days passed, Harry's Hand to Hand Combat skill reached LVL 9. It seemed that fighting against another person levelled it up quicker.

He also received another pleasant surprise.

Ding! Skill Evolution!

Magic Manipulation LVL 10 > Magic Control LVL 1

His skill evolved into a better one! But that wasn't the only change. His magic core significantly grew and the blue gases had actually condensed to form a thin liquid like substance. His magic felt a lot purer and and more concentrated. The power had definitely increased as well.


Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: eight years old

Class: Gamer

Race: Human (???)

LVL: 14


Health Points (HP): 500

Magic Power (MP): 500

Strength (STR): 23

Vitality (VIT): 22

Agility (AGI): 24

Intelligence (INT): 27

Wisdom (WIS): 25

Charisma (CHA): 18

Luck (LUK): 18

Stat Points: 5


Cooking LVL 5 > 12

Dishwashing LVL 4 > 11

Mathematics LVL 6 > 9

Science LVL 5 > 8

Running LVL 3 > 4

French LVL 4 > 12

Basic Hand to Hand Combat 9

Magic Control LVL 1

Magic Reinforcement LVL 6

Observe LVL Basic


£172, Food x6

Hey guys! I am planning to make a timeskip to the letter in the next chapter and I wanted to let you know that future chapters will be a bit shorter from now on. It's pretty difficult writing this much and thinking of new ideas is hard. Thanks for your support!

DangerWolfcreators' thoughts