
Harry Potter and the Ebony throne

Voldemort's rebirth at the end of the Triwizard Tournament triggered something bigger than he intended. Long dead spirits escape the underworld and threaten the world. Harry is joined by the spirit of Godric Gryffindor and other heroes of the past to stop their ancient foes. Starts at the end of Fourth Year. Harry/Fleur.

HadrianPeverell24 · Book&Literature
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5 Chs


Harry woke the next morning in the same bed he always seemed to stay in while in the infirmary. Though he had memories of it being destroyed, he figured the Matron fixed it without too much trouble.

He noticed Pomphrey fussing about his leg where the Inferi had him the night before; it looked like it had bled overnight and with a soft shake of his head he glanced around the room to see a man on the bed across from him. The man's arms were bound to the bed, with two leather straps on each limb.

Dumbledore stood over the restrained man, his back facing Harry as the old man stared and Harry moved his gaze around the room. The bed in the far corner that the night before which had held someone under a sheet was now empty.

Harry marvelled at the infirmary, it looked as though nothing had changed.

He had spent almost a full day with Godric in his mind, discussing what he would need to do in the near future. The man helped Harry to get everything straight in his head for the first time in his life.

But in the real world, only a few hours had passed while he slept.

'Harry?' came the voice of Dumbledore, Harry met the man's gaze and nodded, his eyes then falling on the restrained man.

'Uh, sir? Who is that and why are they restrained?' Harry asked, he pulled himself up into a sitting position. The Headmaster gave a small smile and glanced at the restrained man for a moment before turning back to face Harry.

'Harry my boy, what do you remember of last night? After Poppy gave you dreamless sleep potion?' the old man asked, his eyes not twinkling for what seemed to Harry like the second time ever.

Harry cocked his head to the side in thought before a frown crossed his face. He couldn't tell Dumbledore about Godric, it wasn't normal, even in the wizarding world to hear voices in your head that only you can hear.

Harry shrugged.

'I don't know sir, though I don't want to insult Madame Pomphrey. But I think I had dreams, or at least flashes of something.' Harry trailed off, unsure how to continue.

'It's okay my boy, I suspect a similar event happened last night to what happened the night you got your scar. I believe that the protection your mother gave you stopped someone from trying to kill you.' Dumbledore spoke, though the old man's words didn't hold any conviction, Harry figured the man didn't believe them himself.

'Young one, just go along with the theory until we gain more information. At least for now.' Godric's voice echoed through his mind and Harry fought the urge to glance around the room to look for the spirit.

'The man across from you is Barty Crouch Junior. According to the Ministry he died in Azkaban years ago.' Dumbledore started but paused as Harry scoffed, the headmaster arched an eyebrow.

'Really? Why does everyone think Azkaban is perfect? Sirius escaped and now this guy got out at some point that no one knows? Can't it get more security or something? If they escaped, surely others will too?' Harry let out a calming breath and noticed a soft smile cross Dumbledore's face before he continued as if uninterrupted.

'With Barty here's help, I believe we'll be able to prove Sirius' innocence. But I caution you Harry, the wheels of justice can move slow, especially if those in power don't want to act.' Dumbledore said with a grim smile.

'Sir, what about Professor Moody?' Harry asked and Dumbledore's gaze darted up to meet Harry's before an odd sensation grew in the back of Harry's mind. Harry frowned and shook his head and the sensation withered away and Dumbledore sighed.

'I must admit my boy, that Barty Crouch Junior has been impersonating Professor Moody all year, right under my very nose. I am ashamed to admit that I had not noticed, though Alastor is a dear friend. Though in hindsight it was rather obvious.' The headmaster trailed off in thought.

'What about the real Professor Moody then? Do you know where he is?' Harry asked and Dumbledore's expression grew hard, his gaze shifting to Crouch Junior's restrained form for a moment before returning to Harry and softening.

'I will discover that when Junior is questioned, which will happen after he wakes from a rather deep sleep.' He replied before a knock on the door sounded, Dumbledore waved his wand with a quick motion and the door to the infirmary opened. Harry saw Ron and Hermione enter and a wide smile crossed his face, he had missed them.

'Harry my boy, I will leave you in the care of your friends.' The headmaster smiled before leaving the hospital wing.

Harry grinned at his friends as they rushed to either side of his bed, Hermione gathering him in a warm hug and Ron patted his shoulder with a worried expression.

'Are you okay mate? What happened? You disappeared.' Ron asked and Hermione pulled back from her hug to sit on the small chair beside his bed.

Harry let out a breath to steady himself.

'Voldemort is back.' He paused as he saw their faces grow white, terror filling them. He gave them a soft smile, but waited a few more moments to let it sink in.

The moments hung in silence before Ron let out a ragged breath.

'Bloody hell.'

Harry couldn't help the small grin that came over his face as he shook his head at the typical Ron response, his gaze turned to Hermione and he watched the range of emotions rush through her. Fear, shock and worry being foremost that he noticed.

'Hermione? Are you okay?' Harry asked, his voice low and he noticed Ron watching her expressions with concern.

Hermione blinked and shook her head.

'Oh Harry, I'm so sorry.' She croaked before throwing her arms around him and hugging him close, as if afraid he would disappear if she let him go.

A few moments later Hermione released him and returned to her seat and Harry saw them both stare at him, worry in their eyes. Harry gave a small nod before explaining the events of the night, skipping most of the details, like Godric, a description of the ritual and other things he didn't think they would need to know.

By the end of the story, Hermione had tears in her eyes as she watched Harry. Ron was white as a sheet as he lay a shaking hand on Harry's shoulder.

'Godric, I can't ask them to do this with me. We've gone through all my adventures of this school, but this is too big.' Harry thought and felt the spirits agreement flood through him.

'Young one, you are children right now. You still have a choice; you can remain a child and I can find another. But you must decide soon, for when we begin there will be no turning back.' Godric replied and Harry closed his eyes, readying himself.

'I have decided Godric, I will fight. But this will be the first time I've left them out of it.' Harry explained and felt something akin to pride echo through him, whether it was his emotion or Godric's, he was unsure.

'I will be all right guys, I promise. Madame Pomphrey fixed me up and I'll be free to leave here before too long. But I have one question for you guys.' Harry asked and saw his best friends watching him in anticipation.

'Is Cedric's family still in the school?' he asked, and he watched their faces cloud over.

'I'm sorry Harry, they left earlier today with his body. They had a talk with Dumbledore before they left.' Hermione said, her hands holding his as she tried to reassure him.

'It's okay, I think I need to write them a letter. I wanted to do it in person, but…' he trailed off as he looked around him, then sighed.

'Hermione do you have anything I can write a letter with?' he asked, and she gave him a soft smile before pulling out a piece of parchment, ink and a quill from her bag before passing them to him.

She met Ron's eyes and nodded toward the door.

'We'll see you later Harry. We hope you get out of here soon.' She said, her voice soft as she lay a hand on his shoulder.

Ron nodded at him with a pale smile and the two left the infirmary.

Leaving Harry alone with his thoughts, and the ability to write them down.

A few minutes later, Harry looked down at the letter to the Diggory's. He reread it for the third time, it told them of how much Harry respected their son and how heroic he was. The letter told of the man Cedric was from Harry's point of view and how Cedric refused to take the cup himself while Harry bore injuries from the Tournament. He had also told them about how Cedric had died and glossed over the details of the graveyard.

Harry finished looking over the letter and thought it contained everything he could say about Cedric; a young man Harry had considered a good friend.

A lone tear fell on the letter before Harry even noticed it and he knew from experience, no matter what he did he wouldn't be able to remove that stain. So, with a shrug he folded the letter and placed it on his bedside table until they released him and could go to the owlery.

Harry lay back on the bed and settled back into the pillows, letting out a breath to relax. He glanced around him and regretted not asking Hermione to leave a book for him to read, he was sure she would have a few books beyond his understanding in her satchel she carried everywhere with her. But at least the book would keep him busy.

The door to the infirmary burst open with a crash and Harry watched in surprise as Minister Fudge almost ran into the room, sweat covering the small round man's brow, and Harry felt his stomach plummet as the temperature in the room dropped like a stone.

A Dementor followed Fudge into the infirmary and at Fudge pointed finger, moved in the terrifying gliding manner they used toward the still bound and unconscious Barty Crouch Junior.

Harry felt the screams of his mother the night she died rampaging through his mind and knew that Godric was preparing to take over his body again until everything stopped.

With a burst of flames in the centre of the room, Dumbledore stood in the infirmary, his wand drawn and Fawkes the phoenix sped through the air, an angry screech filling the air as it dive-bombed the Dementor.

The Dementor turned and escaped, fleeing from the irate fire bird which continued after it from the room.

'Minister Fudge, I trust you have a very good reason to come into Hogwarts unannounced, without Auror protection with a Dementor in tow in what appears like an assassination attempt?' Dumbledore asked his blue eyes staring at Fudge over his half-moon spectacles.

Fudge's face turned red and Harry thought of Vernon, though his uncle could reach far more unhealthy shades of red, even purple.

'Dumbledore, you'll regret meddling in my affairs. I'll see you removed from Hogwarts and sent to Azkaban for this. I won't have you destabilise the country to increase your reputation with another war.' Fudge snarled before turning on his heel and leaving the hospital wing, his stomping footsteps echoing away down the hall.

Harry saw the headmaster turn to him and gave him a frown somewhere between amused and concerned. The headmaster pulled an empty vial from his robes and sat in the chair beside Harry's bed. The old man looked ancient as his tired face met Harry's gaze.

'Harry my boy, can you please think of the last few minutes and let me borrow the memory?' Harry nods with a small frown.

'How can you borrow my memory?' Harry asked, while thinking of the Minister and the Dementor.

'Like this.' Dumbledore held his wand to Harry's temple and with some gentle coaxing drew a shining silver wisp of light from Harry's head, holding it in place with his wand.

Dumbledore moved the memory down into the vial and stoppered it before looking back at Harry who stared at him in surprise.

'But sir, now the memory is faded in my mind. How does that even work?' Harry asked and Dumbledore gave a soft smile.

'That my boy is a lesson for another day. I can see you need some sleep. I will see you soon and I'll tell you everything I can when I do.' Dumbledore said before standing and patting Harry's shoulder, leaving him alone in the hospital wing again.

Harry stood in the middle of the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch. It was empty except for one person standing in front of him, Godric.

Harry grinned at the other man.

'Now, this is a place that makes me feel comfortable. Though the number of injuries I've gotten here should make me nervous.' Harry finished with a smirk at Godric who shook his head at Harry.

'Now young one, I will train you. To begin, we need to teach you to protect your mind from outside influence.' Godric begun, before with a thoughtful expression he continued.

'Your Headmaster, Dumbledore uses the mind arts; I have felt him scan your surface thoughts which I could hide from. But in your current state, if he took a closer look into your mind, he would find me.' Godric explained and Harry stared at him.

'Really? You can read someone's mind with magic?' Harry asked, thoughts running through his head.

Godric shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.

'Yes and no.' he said, stopping Harry who then cocked his head.

'Huh? What do you mean?' Harry asked.

Godric grinned.

'You can read someone's surface thoughts with magic, or you can delve deeper into their mind and examine their memories and deeper thoughts. But these are not what you will learn just yet. They come later.' Godric explained, giving a wicked grin and his brown eyes narrowed in anticipation.

'The first step you will learn is how to defend against these invasive mind arts.' Godric said and Harry narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

'Why do I get the feeling I won't like where this is going?' Harry asked with a frown.

Godric gave a wolfish smile.

'Because you won't.'

Harry woke up in the hospital wing, in his bed there. It had been hours in his mind with Godric and it looked like late afternoon now.

Still disoriented, he only then noticed a presence beside him. His hand went over to his bedside table to retrieve his glasses.

'I will ensure that you won't need those glasses within the next few days young one, they are a liability.' Godric's voice entered his mind, before fading as quick as it had come.

He put the glasses over his eyes and gave a confused smile at his companion.

'Fleur, I didn't expect to see you here. What a wonderful surprise.' Harry said, unable to keep the shock out of his tone.

Fleur looked as perfect as she had for much of the previous year at Hogwarts, her long, straight silver hair flowing down her back and clear blue eyes locked on Harry's own. Harry saw emotions running through her eyes, embarrassment mixed with a pleased expression. A slight smile on her face slowly turned to a frown as the silence between the two became awkward after a minute.

Harry felt himself grow tense as the time wore on, not sure what he should say to the Veela. He hadn't thought he would ever speak to her again after the third task.

Fleur huffed and took a breath.

'I'm sorry 'Arry.' She said, her eyes still locked with his.

Fleur exuded confidence at all times, at least as far as Harry had seen her. But looking at her sitting beside him, wringing her hands. Itself a nervous gesture, somehow made Harry feel better, as if just knowing that Fleur felt nervous meant that it was okay for him to as well.

'I'm sorry for my behaviour during the tournament 'Arry. I treated you like a child.' She said and Harry saw a tear in the corner of her eye, for a moment he considered wiping it away, but held himself back.

Instead he turned in his bed to face her.

'It's okay Fleur, I hadn't given you any reason to do otherwise. For all you knew, that's exactly what I was. You hadn't been around Hogwarts for the three previous years.' He said, a grim smile on his face and he saw her head cock to the side as she considered his words, her eyes narrowed before she shook her head to herself.

'I must also thank you for saving my sister Gabrielle from the lake. Neither of us knew she would have been fine. Your actions then tell me what kind of man you are.' Fleur paused, her eyes growing troubled and Harry knew what was coming next.

'What happened in the maze 'Arry? I remember someone using the Cruciatus curse on me, but I don't know who, or why?'

Harry closed his eyes, the memory of his own time under the curse coming to the front of his mind and he clenched his jaw. He opened his eyes again and saw her brilliant blue eyes shining as she watched him.

He let out a breath.

'It was Krum, under an Imperious curse. Krum was under the control of another, I'm sure it was the man sitting across from us.' Harry paused, nodding his head to the restrained man who lay across from them on the other side of the hospital wing.

Fleur's gaze followed his and Harry saw her jaw clench as she took in the man who had by extension attacked her. Her whole body tensed, but a moment later she turned back to Harry with an odd expression in her eyes.

'I heard you scream. It took me a few moments to find my way through the maze to you, but once I got there, I stunned Krum and sent up sparks for the two of you. I stayed with you and fought off some creatures until someone came to rescue you.' Harry explained, his eyes unable to meet her own and he stared at the bed behind her.

'After that, it was just, well me and Cedric.' Harry started before stopping to take a deep breath.

Harry felt a hand on his own, it was Fleur's. He looked up to see a small smile on her pink lips, but it was her eyes that drew him in. In them he felt like he could see her pain, but also her desire to help.

He nodded.

'We both got to the Cup, though I had a deep wound from fighting an Acromantula, so in a race he would have won. Cedric refused to take the cup himself, he said that we'd take the cup together.' He paused again, the inrush of memories threatening to overwhelm him, he didn't want to remember the graveyard.

With a heavy sigh, Harry pushed onward.

'We landed in the graveyard and within moments, a killing curse hit Cedric. "Kill the spare." they said.' Harry paused and felt Fleur's hand squeeze his own and he felt a tear fall down his face.

'After that they stunned me and I woke up tied to a statue and witnessed a ritual that returned Voldemort back to life, he tortured me and monologued for a while in front of his Death Eaters.' Harry paused, seeing the shock in her face.

His gaze fell to the bed sheet and doubted she believed him, why would she? He gave a soft sigh and pulled his hand from her, so she could return to ignoring him because she didn't believe him.

But when her hand squeezed his in comfort, he looked up to see a small smile on her face as she met his gaze and gave him a small nod.

In that instant Harry felt lighter than air. She believed him.

'Then Voldemort tossed me my wand and we duelled. He is so powerful, so fast, I recognised nothing he used, and he cast five or six spells for every one of mine. I never stood a chance, and he was just toying with me.' Harry paused, forcing down the fear he felt in those moments.

'But somehow, our spells connected in mid-air and created a dome of light around us and a ball of magic between us. It became a battle of wills, not power or skill. And I was winning.' He paused with a grin which faded as quick as it had come.

'Just before the ball of magic hit his wand something happening outside the dome of light distracted him, Inferi had crawled out of the ground and were attacking his Death Eaters.'

Harry heard Fleur gasp at the Inferi and squeezed his hand in her own.

'Voldemort broke the connection, batting away the ball of magic as the dome of light faded. He and his Death Eaters apparated away, leaving me in a graveyard full of Inferi.' Harry paused, reaching to grasp the glass of water on his bedside table before taking a drink.

'I ran to Cedric's body and summoned the Cup, hoping that it would be a Portkey that would take us away. And it did, but an Inferi got to me first.' Harry said, pointing at his still healing, left leg.

Harry turned to Fleur, their eyes meeting and he saw the tears in her eyes. In that moment, her beauty, not just her appearance struck him, but she seemed raw, pure in that moment as though there were no filters, nothing covering the true Fleur. The sight took his breath away after a year of only seeing the aloof version of her.

Harry tensed on impulse as she leant forward, pulling him into a hug, the best hug he ever had. He felt her body against his, her hair smelt of lavender. He froze, an array of strange emotions rushing through him, but after a few seconds he reacted and returned the hug. She twisted in the hug and kissed his cheek before pulling away and sitting back in her chair.

'I believe you 'Arry. If there is anything I can to help, I will. My parents raised me on tales of Voldemort's reign of terror. Outside of Britain, everybody knew the story of Voldemort and 'Arry Potter.' She paused, a small smile on her face.

Harry felt himself tense again at the thought of his fame and he saw her smile grow wider.

'Now I know that 'Arry Potter is no mere celebrity. 'E is more than a boy, familiar with his fame. 'E is a man of honour, of power and conviction. 'Arry Potter is a man I want to know more about.' She said, her voice catching toward the end and Harry noticed a slight predatory grin on her face before Madame Pomphrey bustled into the infirmary.

'Young lady, what are you doing here? Off with you, I must see to my patient. You can see him before you leave tomorrow.' Pomphrey shooed Fleur away and Harry caught one last smile on her face before she left the hospital wing with a sway of her hips Harry couldn't help but stare at.

Pomphrey tutted as she waved her wand over him, performing a host of diagnostic spells, muttering them under her breath.

'Well Mister Potter, while I am not yet comfortable in letting you leave, I don't see why you couldn't join the rest of the school for dinner tonight. So, you only have a few more hours in bed I'm afraid.' She joked and Harry stared at her in shock. Pomphrey wore a small smirk on her face at his expression.

'Mister Potter, you come here often enough that I think you should call me Poppy in private. I might as well designate that bed as your own, no matter what I do you keep coming back here.' She said and Harry couldn't help but grin at the small smile she wore.

'Thank you Poppy, I really am sorry that you have to put up with me so much. It's not as if I go looking for trouble, it sort of finds me.' He defended, but at her raised eyebrows he continued.

'Mostly anyways.'

She smirked and nodded before bustling away from him, disappearing into the back room of the infirmary.

The door to the hospital wing opened. Ron and Hermione strode into the Infirmary, wide smiles on their faces as they saw him.

'Harry, mate.' Called Ron, before he received a slap on his arm from Hermione that he ignored before sitting on the bed to Harry's right.

Hermione joined Ron on the bed and the two glanced at each other before Hermione nodded and pulled out the Daily Prophet, handing it to him without a word.

Cocking his head, Harry looked at the first page to see a graveyard in the picture, with empty graves. It was not the graveyard where Voldemort was reborn, however. Harry glanced up and raised an eyebrow at his friends who now wore grim expressions.

'Read the article Harry.' Hermione urged, biting her lower lip.

Shrugging, Harry turned back to the article and read. His body growing still at the headline.


There have been reports over the last few days of Inferi attacks across the country, with both Magical and Muggle cemeteries being central to the attacks.

The reports of the attacks being on the night of the twenty fourth of June where several cemeteries across the country disgorged those interred in them over the course of the night.

Auror Shacklebolt of the DMLE has given a statement about the rising dead.

Stating that this appears to be a standalone occurrence and the Inferi at each site have been removed and the cemeteries have been cleansed and returned to their previous state.

But there are still reports of Inferi across the UK and even the muggles are noticing, even with the Obliviator squads working overtime.

There are also reports of wraiths being sighted. These sightings are spread out across Wales and Scotland and even as far away as Bulgaria so we will give you information when we get it.

Harry stared at the article and reread it.

'Young one, this news concerns me. We must begin our preparations sooner than expected. We will have to push your mind, body and magic even further than we planned.' Godric's voice echoed in his mind and Harry nodded in agreement, not noticing the strange expressions his friends wore as they watched him.

Harry blinked, realising that they were still there. He sent them a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of his head.

'Thanks guys, though I feel that something bigger than Voldemort is happening here.' Harry started, cocking his head toward his friends who stared at him in disbelief.

'Harry, are you okay? You're not acting, well, yourself.' Hermione stated, not meeting his eyes and her shoulder slumped, as if she expected him to scold her.

Harry let out a breath and forced a half smile on his face as he looked at his best friends.

'I'm fine Hermione, I've been thinking a lot since the task. I need to grow up and get better. But this isn't about that, not entirely.' He paused, considering his next words.

'I don't know what is happening, but as soon as I figure it out you guys will know. But if you can, are you able to keep an eye out for any ways anything can escape the underworld? I'll take myths, history, anything.' He asked and couldn't help his smirk at the expressions of disbelief on their faces.

'I'm not crazy, it's just a hunch. Please, help me out?' he asked and received two uncertain nods in return.

'Thanks guys, hopefully I'll be out of the hospital wing tonight, but no promises.' He said before Ron stood up.

'Well, mate, we need to get going. Hermione said she would finally play me in a game of chess.' Ron said, Harry stared at the two of them with raised eyebrows.

'Really? After four years you give in?' Harry asked his blushing female friend, incredulous.

'It's really not that important boys, but if we must Ronald.' Hermione stood, a little stiff and gave Harry a hug.

'We'll see you later Harry.' She said as she released him and walked to the door.

'See ya mate, tonight yeah?' Ron called as he opened the door and walked through, ignoring when Hermione slapped his shoulder for his volume.

Harry let out a breath, alone in the hospital wing. He basked in the quiet, taking it in.

A few moments later his peace was interrupted.

'Young one, I have been reviewing your memories. You can call for the House-Elf named Dobby correct?' Godric asked in his mind.

'Yes, why?' Harry murmured, aware that if Poppy found him talking to himself, she would never let him leave the room.

'Because you will need a House-Elf soon, your school year is ending, and house-elves are useful.' Godric replied, Harry shrugged.

'Okay, how do I do this then? This isn't enslaving him, though right?' he asked, voice low.

'Enslaving? Of course not. Slaves receive nothing in return for their toil, house-elves receive everything they want, happiness foremost. You really have some strange ideas of the world young one. In any case, you call for him and ask him to become your elf. If he is truly free, and still alive I am certain he would love to bond with you.' Godric said, his mental voice containing a hint of exasperation.

Harry shrugged and took a deep breath before releasing it.

'Dobby?' he asked aloud and with a sharp crack, the excitable House-Elf appeared, his large eyes filled with awe.

'The great Harry Potter calls for Dobby. What can Dobby do for the great Harry Potter?' the House-Elf asked, as though his life's ambition had just been achieved, simply by Harry calling for him.

'Dobby, it has come to my attention that I will need a House-Elf to assist me over the summer. Is there any way that you can help me? I don't know how this all works I'm afraid.' Harry said, a small frown on his face as he spoke.

Dobby's large eyes filled with tears and Harry thought for a moment that he had said something wrong.

'The great Harry Potter wants Dobby to be his elf. Truly?' Dobby asked, tears flowing freely down his face.

At Harry's nod, Dobby bobbed his head and blew his nose on the rags he wore.

'But before we go any further Dobby, I want to ensure you are happy and have everything you could need or want. I don't want to enslave you or anything like that.' Harry asserted, the House-Elf stared at Harry, adoration in his large eyes.

'But the great master Harry Potter has just made Dobby's dream come true, Dobby has always dreamed of becoming Harry Potter's elf. Dobby could want nothing more.'

Harry sighed.

'Okay, so here are some ground rules then. I will release you if you ever want it, just tell me. If you ever want anything, tell me and I will do it if I can. If you have any concerns about anything, tell me and I will try to resolve the issue, I want you to wear something that isn't just rags.' Harry paused in thought.

'Are there House-Elf clothes? Like wizards' robes or muggle clothes or something like that?' Harry asked as Dobby stared at him in wide eyed shock.

'Oh, and no, I'm not forcefully freeing you. I just want you to be comfortable while you work. And maybe we can make people uncomfortable if they see you in a suit or something.' Harry finished with a grin and Dobby nodded with a matching grin on his face, his large ears flapping as he did.

'What would great master Harry Potter like Dobby to do?' the little House-Elf asked.

Harry ran a hand through his hair, unsure.

'How about you keep working here until I leave for the summer, then we'll get busy. Does that sound okay?' Harry asked and Dobby nodded before disappearing with a sharp crack.

Harry lay back on his bed and let out a sigh. He closed his eyes and focussed on his breathing, slow deep breaths, like Godric had told him were important to develop his occlumency. Any downtime he found himself with, he was to work on shielding his mind.

It wasn't long before Poppy bustled into the room, disturbing Harry from his exercises. He opened his eyes and watched her make her way around her domain, doing whatever she did when she wasn't having to stop him from dying.

It occurred to Harry that he did not understand what she did when she didn't have patients. But he supposed that with a magical school full of students she would have a steady stream of potions or transfiguration accidents.

With a soft smile he watched her work until she had finished with the rest of her room, waving her wand over the bound and still unconscious Barty Crouch Junior before tutting and made her way to him.

'Mister Potter, glad to see you're in good spirits this evening. Because of your injuries I've had to keep you in here longer than expected, but it seems you have recovered well. You should have an hour until dinner, but you are free to leave now.' She said with a soft smile.

'Thank you Poppy, I appreciate everything you do for me. I don't know where I'd be without you patching me up all the time.' He said with a grin before climbing out of his hospital bed and noticing he still wore a hospital gown, something he'd rather not walk the halls of Hogwarts in.

As if she could read his mind, she gave an amused roll of her eyes and waved her wand. He looked down and saw the gown now transfigured into Gryffindor school robes.

'Now Mister Potter, those will last for a few hours, but probably best to head to your dormitory to change into the real thing. Now off you go, and I hope I don't see you for quite some time Mister Potter.' She gave him a small smile as he beamed at her.

'Just Harry.' He said as he turned to leave the infirmary, leaving Poppy to roll her eyes behind him.

Outside of the Hospital Wing, Harry pulled out the letter he wanted to send to the Diggory's and made his way to the Owlery. The lack of students he came across on his way surprised him, only seeing a grumbling Filch and Mrs Norris walking down a side corridor as he went.

Opening the door to the Owlery, Harry saw all the bird's glance at him for a moment before Hedwig flew down to him landed on his shoulder, nuzzling him. He couldn't help the smile on his face as his Owl showed her affection for him which he returned in equal measure.

After a few minutes she had settled down and seemed to notice the letter in his hand. She poked out her leg, ready for her newest assignment.

'Okay Hedwig, this letter is for Amos Diggory. Can you take it to him?' he asked and the Owl gave a soft hoot in the affirmative before leaping from his shoulder and flying out the opening in the wall.

With a soft smile, Harry turned and left the Owlery, heading toward the Gryffindor common room. Halfway there he paused at Godric's request.

'Young one, we do not have much time. We must begin, I will direct you to the Hall of the Brave.' Godric's voice echoed in his mind. Harry frowned.

'Hall of the Brave?' he asked, hoping nobody else was around to hear him talk to himself.

'Yes, essentially, it was the room I made while Salazar created the Chamber of Secrets. We all made a secret room.' Godric replied, as if it should have been obvious. Harry shrugged, now that he thought about it, it was kind of obvious.

Twenty minutes later, Harry found himself on the fifth floor in front of a portrait of two kittens playing. Harry had never seen it before.

'Really? You hide your secret room behind a portrait of playing kittens?' Harry asked and heard Godric letting out a bark of laughter.

'I know! It was such a great idea, it actually came from Salazar before he, well… anyway. To enter you must ask to enter the Hall of the Brave.' Godric said, his voice low in his mind.

Harry examined the portrait of the two kittens rolling on the ground in an eternal game. There was a ginger kitten and a black one with white socks. And they played on a green grassy field with a castle in the background. As Harry looked closer at the Castle, it looked like Hogwarts, but a bit smaller and less developed.

'That is the Hogwarts I helped build. I created this portrait about ten years after we founded the school.' Godric explained, a tinge of melancholy in his voice.

'I wish to enter the Hall of the Brave.' Harry said and the kittens in the portrait stopped their game, cocked their heads at him with an eerie synchronicity and the portrait opened wide to show a hole in the wall that Harry walked through a moment later.

He heard the portrait close behind him but paid it no mind as he stared at the room he stood in with shock. The room was about the size of the Gryffindor common room, with an open fireplace in the centre of the room, couches surrounded the fireplace and bookshelves covered the walls, overflowing with books.

Harry walked around the room, examining the room for anything interesting, staying away from the books for the time being. He knew that once he started looking at them, he would be doing so for a long time.

He found a door on the far side of the room and opened it to find a large bedroom with a bed fit for royalty. There was a writing desk in the corner and Godric had decorated the room in reds and golds, with a few portraits of landscapes.

There was a large walk-in closet filled with very expensive looking robes and other clothing.

'Young one, everything in this Hall is now yours, you are my heir. These clothes have resized to you and the library is yours. Technically, you have as much claim to the school as your Headmaster does, being an heir.' Godric explained and Harry shook his head.

'But I can't, do you know my summer living arrangements yet? The Dursleys will never let me wear any of this.' Harry protested, ignoring the idea of taking the school from Dumbledore.

'Young one, the Dursleys have no control of you anymore. Yes, I know of what they have done to you. I have taken the opportunity to learn of your past while you have been living your life.' Godric paused, anger in his voice.

'Salazar wasn't entirely wrong in his beliefs it seems, much to my shame. But in any case, you will never be subjected to those creatures again, after learning what they have done to you they no longer deserve to be called people.' Godric stopped and Harry could feel anger coming from the spirit in his mind, he hadn't known Godric's mood could cross over into him.

'Then what will happen to me over the summer?' Harry asked, his eyes wide as an ember of hope sparked in his heart.

'I haven't figured that part out yet. However, you will not be subjected to them, regardless of what your Headmaster believes. Worst-case scenario we will take that Knight Bus to a safe location or find a hotel in the muggle world to stay at. Never fear young one.' Godric said, all trace of anger gone from his voice.

'Now, get changed into some of my old clothes and explore the bathroom across the room.' Godric ordered.

With a grin, Harry changed and found himself wearing pants made from some type of dragonhide and a cloth shirt with a dragonhide vest over it. An open outer robe covered him, almost making him appear like one of those superheroes in the muggle comic books that wore lots of black.

Now clothed in an outfit that fit and made him feel somewhat self-conscious about how tight it was, Harry made his way across the bedroom to the bathroom to discover a massive space, a large open shower and a bath the size of a pool. Harry stood in awe at the opulent room decorated in gold and marble.

'That shower wasn't there in my time.' Godric commented and Harry's gaze jerked to the shower.

'What do you mean? That someone has been in here since you and put in a shower?' Harry asked, incredulous.

Godric laughed inside his head, a deep belly laugh.

'While it is possible, no. I believe that Hogwarts itself added it in once showers were added to the rest of the school.'

'Oh, well I suppose that makes sense. So, Hogwarts really is sentient then?' Harry asked.

'Not fully, no. At least it wasn't while I was alive. With magic, it wouldn't surprise me if it was these days. Now, go study some of those books in the library.' Godric commented before going quiet.

Harry had gotten used to the times when Godric went quiet for hours on end, he assumed it had something to do with the time running at different speeds between his mind and the outside world. It must be hard to talk slowly enough for him to understand it, if that was even how it worked. Harry put asking Godric about it on his mental to-do list.

He left the bathroom and went to examine the library, running his fingers across the spines of the ancient tomes that he was sure no living person had seen in a thousand years.

His finger ran across the spine of a book bound in red leather with gold lettering that looked as new. He figured some kind of enchantment was on the library to keep everything in top condition after so long. Peering at the lettering, Harry jerked back from the book in disgust.

'What is wrong young one?' Godric asked, concern in his voice.

'This is a book on rituals, what is it doing here?' Harry shouted, pointing at the book on the shelf as if it brandished a severed head at him.

'And what is the problem?' Godric asked, curiosity filling the voice now.

Harry spluttered and clenched his jaw, memories of Voldemort's rebirth filling his mind.

'Oh, I see where your distress comes from now. I apologise. Though this explains why none of your fellow students or even the adults we have come across possess the magic power I expected them to have.' Godric spoke, Harry stared at the book, suspicion plain on his face.

'What do you mean?' Harry asked, staring at the book yet also wanting to toss it in the fireplace.

'Rituals are not evil. They can be, much like using the levitation charm to drop someone off a building to their death. But they are not inherently evil.' Godric stated. Harry scowled before moving to a couch and getting comfortable as he stared into the roaring fireplace.

'All students and teachers used rituals, in my time, to augment and fuel their growth. Starting with first year students conducting rituals to augment their memory and physical strength along with a host of other effects.' Godric paused as Harry stared into the flames, a frown on his face.

'I want you to conduct a ritual tonight young one.' Godric said and a short memory of a ritual pushed itself into Harry's mind.

'This first ritual is a minor rejuvenation ritual, designed to help your body recover and heal at a faster rate than normal, even for a wizard.' Godric explained the ritual that Harry saw in his mind as clear as if it was from earlier that day.

'This ritual is one of seven that once completed will enhance these abilities. Many rituals are grouped into three, five or seven distinct rituals that when combined produce a greatly enhanced effect.' Godric explained and Harry gave a small nod as he examined the memory and listened to Godric's explanation.

'It doesn't seem to require anything suspicious.' Harry started, hesitant to say more.

'Most rituals require use of your blood as it is an integral part of your magic.' Godric paused before continuing.

'There are darker rituals that you are to never attempt. These often require other people's blood, or other fluids. However, you only need to know of them, not do them. Some wizards, like Salazar used the darkest rituals, which is how he created his Parseltongue ability which is tied to his blood.' Godric explained before pausing as Harry stilled.

'Oh, I had forgotten that you possess that ability. I don't know how you do, perhaps it was given to you by Voldemort's soul piece? I will look into that at some stage.'

Harry stood and moved to an open space in the room.

'Young one, there is a ritual room behind you.'

Harry paused, turning around to see a door where he hadn't noticed it before. He moved to open it only to see an empty room, seven feet square. Harry nodded and recalled the memory Godric had pushed into his mind. He grinned at how useful Occlumency was.

'Dobby.' Harry called and with a crack the House-Elf appeared, his eyes wide in excitement.

'Great Master Harry Potter sir, how can Dobby help you?' the small elf asked, his high pitched voice sounding happier than Harry had heard it before.

Harry noticed Dobby wore a canary yellow suit and tie which made Harry's eyes water before he looked away.

'Dobby, would you be able to acquire me some powdered unicorn horn, a Caladrius feather, a vial of Mountain Troll blood, a Kelpie scale, a Jasconious spine and an Efreet claw?' Harry asked. Dobby's eyes widened in happiness.

'Dobby can retrieve those from the greasy Professor's stores now Master Harry Potter, shall I do so?' Dobby asked, squealing with excitement at Harry's nod before disappearing with a sharp crack.

A minute later, Dobby appeared with another sharp crack with the items Harry had asked for, placing them against the wall, each in its own crystal vial.

'Is there anything else Great Master Harry Potter wants Dobby to do?'

Harry shook his head with a smile.

'No thank you Dobby, you have been a great help.' Harry said and Dobby beamed before disappearing with another crack.

Harry took a deep breath and calmed himself, he needed to be careful, even with a relatively simple ritual like the one Godric was making him start with.

'Diffindo.' Harry whispered, pointing his wand at his finger on his left hand, a small cut opened, and he used the blood that came out to draw a small ring around him, going over it multiple times until Godric was happy with it.

Then he continued to draw a square with each of its points touching the ring, then another square at a forty-five-degree angle so it looked like a diamond from a deck of cards. After he'd drawn the squares to Godric's satisfaction, Harry placed the items Dobby had acquired for him in the triangles that surrounded him as he stood in the hexagon in the centre.

'Okay young one, now the hard part. Repeat after me.' Godric paused.

'Augendae meus sanitatem. Et augeret mihi in salutem recreantur animae meae.'

Harry repeated the words.

The ritual circle of his own blood beneath him glowed white as he completed the words which he recognised as Latin. At first the glow was enough to just turn the blood white, but within a few moments the light grew so bright that Harry had to close his eyes, then he was forced to cover them with his hands as the light continued to grow.

He felt his body grow warm, a tingle rushing through his veins. It was an odd feeling that he was rather sure he wouldn't want to experience again. But while he held his hands to his eyes, the warm tingling feeling grew until it was uncomfortably hot. Then about a minute later the heat in his veins grew painful and he dropped to his knees, his breathing heavy, unsure how to salve the pain.

His whole body hurt, like boiling water filled his veins.

Then it stopped.

For a moment Harry thought everything was finished and let out a breath, deciding not to complete any more rituals, this was a bad idea. Then a crushing pain hit his skull, as if Hagrid were trying to crush it in his massive hands.

A moment later, the ritual circle beneath him faded, leaving nothing behind, not even the blood and blackness overtook him as he fell as if boneless to the ground in a heap.