
Harry Potter and the darkness

The darkness from Supernatural travels to Harry Potter world, the MC is not a "good" MC, if you're looking for a good MC, don't even bother to read the novel, thanks. This fanfic contains themes like rape, sex, gore, violence, etc. If you want to make a donation, it would help me, thanks www.paypal.me/Morningstar333 Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any official series that will be mention in this fan fic, this is just a fan-fiction, and I do not own the cover art either.

Morningstar33 · Book&Literature
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Stefan took the paper where Strigz wrote his address and left after saying goodbye to the goblin.

1 month later on a destructed mountain in New Zealand, a 10-year-old boy is watching attentively an egg enveloped in black flames moving. "It should be time..." said Stefan as he extinguished the fiendfyre and sat down in front of the egg, and minutes the latter egg started cracking, slowly till a piece of egg fell to the ground, and a little bold head peek out from the egg, and started looking around till it saw Stefan and started chirping while breaking the rest of the cascarón, Stefan extended his hand while saying "Come here little guy" while extending his hand to the little bald Phoenix that walked with difficulty while tripping and almost falling to the floor, but Stefan extended his hand and catch him then he retracted his hand and looked attentively at the little bald guy in his hand, and so the little Phoenix did the same, both of them were looking at each other till the little Phoenix started chirping and rubbing his head at the hand of Stefan.

Stefan smiled as he saw that and said "I have to find if you're a female or a male... To give you a name" the little Phoenix looked at Stefan while chirping when hearing the word female and started nodding his head.

"It's so intelligent..." thought Stefan while looking at the phoenix and said "You're a female right?" the little bald Phoenix started nodding again with his head while chirping at him. "Ok, your name will be Lilith" said Stefan while looking at the Bald Phoenix that was chirping and looking at Stefan with bliss in her eyes. Then Lilith turned around to see at the eggshells on the floor and started chirping while looking at them.

"You want the eggshells?" said Stefan while looking with interest.

Lilith started chirping while nodding his head and turned his head to look at him. "Ok" said Stefan as he crouched down and extended his hand and let Lilith walked to the eggshells and saw as Lilith started eating all the pieces of eggshells little by little till nothing was left out. Lilith walked to the stretched hand of Stefan and laid down on his hand as she fell asleep.

"I guess I don't have to feed her for the time being..." thought Stefan as he was about to apparate away but remember the little Phoenix on his hand. A little bit of black smog covered her for completely like an egg. And then apparated away to the front door of the Magical Menarie, he entered the store where an enthusiastic 30-year-old man received him but froze as he saw who was the customer that just enter the store.

"What, am I not welcome here?" said Stefan with an amusing face while looking at the face of the man.

"No no no... I mean yes, you are welcome, what is the reason for this unexpected but pleasing meeting young sir?" said the man of the Magical Menarie with an awkward face.

"I have acquired a phoenix as you can see, it has just hatched. I need to know how to take care of her" said Stefan as he showed her the little phoenix sleeping soundly on his right hand.

The man got excited at seeing it and went rapidly to the back of the shop with a huge book, and started flipping pages, till he got the right one.

"The phoenix, or phœnix as it is sometimes spelled, has been an enduring mythological symbol for millennia and across vastly different cultures. Despite such varieties of societies and times, the phoenix is consistently characterized as a bird with brightly colored plumage, which, after a long life, dies in a fire of its own making only to rise again from the ashes and...." as the man was reading all of the information he got interrupted with an irritated voice.

"Just want to know what to feed her and how to take care of her" said Stefan with an irritated voice while petting Lilith.

"Sorry I got to absorbed.. cough cough.... let's see" said the man with an awkward voice, while flipping pages. "Here, In fact, other magical birds make up 77% to 99% of their diet! Birds eaten include mourning doves, thunderbirds, shorebirds, waterfowl, ptarmigan, grouse, and relatives, and smaller songbirds. Phoenix will also eat small magical reptiles and magical mammals." read the man.

"As for other things, you only have to keep it safe with you, and will develop ok, they are magnificent beasts that the only thing they require as hatchlings is food at least for one month." said the man while looking at Lilith with greed on his eyes.

"Ok" nodded Stefan while looking at Lilith and putting her in his pocket carefully in his shirt, to avoid awakening her.

"Another thing... The Magizoologist Newton Scamander owned a magical suitcase, bewitched with an Undetectable Extension Charm and many other charms, in which he housed a vast number of magical beasts while he traveled through the world, captured them and well have a living army inside of his magical suitcase. I want one" said Stefan while looking at the man with a serious face.

"You know... its illegal to own that kind of thing..." said the man while looking at Stefan with pleading eyes.

"Shut up, and just tell me where to get all the special charms that magical suitcase had, and a little magical case as an example, I'll tell you what, I'll give you one hybrid for the information and the suitcase, an XXX magical beast with five bloodlines," said Stefan with an exasperated voice while looking at the man seriously.

"Can it be a winged horse?" said the man while looking with greed at Stefan.

"Yeah, sure it can be." said Stefan while nodding at him

"Now, give me what I want." said Stefan while looking at the man with an irritated face.

The man casted various spells and changed the sign of the store from opened to closed. "Follow me" said the man as he walked to the back of the store where he chanted a spell to the ceiling, and a set of stairs were revealed. They went upstairs and found a lot of magical creatures illegal ones...and 3 eggs on a shelf. "Huh, you got a rebound the last time, and you're still playing with hybrid eggs" said Stefan while looking at the eggs.

"cough, cough, they are just for collection, I'm not planning on awaking them" said the man while looking in a wardrobe, and taking a silver suitcase and a bunch of books. "Here are them, but basically is a bunch Undetectable Extension Charm and Atmospheric Charms to sustain a number of different habitats for each creature, the problem lies in the magical power... you have to have enormous magical powers... it's like creating a house but with a slight difference if you stop casting the spell for a moment all the magical space you have created will crumble and disappeared... as how The Magizoologist Newton Scamander made a space so big its a mystery to me and to many other enthusiasts... many believed Dumbledore helped him creating that suitcase, of course, other people say, that that is bullshit and Dumbledore never would help him creating that suitcase, others say... Magizoologist Newton Scamander gathered a bunch of friends to help him cast the spells and some others say Newton Scamander made sacrifices to get the power to cast those charms and having a space so big inside of his suitcase. But who knows the only thing we know is that if you don't have the magic power to finish building the space, it will crumble and disappeared." said the man while looking at the silver suitcase in his right hand.

"I only could make a little space as big as this room." said the man while taking the silver suitcase and giving him to the little boy not before opening it and putting all the books inside the suitcase.

"If it is just a bunch of simple spells why the need for this books..." said Stefan while lifting his eyebrow.

"Its the same spell but with different perspectives of what can you make with them, if you're somewhat without imagination you can use this books to get an idea of what to make with them, of course, much of the ideas here have never used before as much of them are somethings like building a castle-like Hogwarts or a flying city... , things that the suitcase of Newton Scamander may have inside..." said the man with gleaming eyes.

"Ok, another question... what about if you want to make that space but in an item like a ring." said Stefan while looking attentively at him.

"Sorry for my rude words, but that's just bullshit, the magical power you need to do that would be tremendous the smaller the item is, the more power you have to put in the charms, its not a thing of a 4+4=8, its multiplicative as 4x4=16, that's why Newton Scamander had the suitcase if he could bring all of his magical beasts inside of a ring that would be more practical." said the man while sneering at the thought of a magical ring.

"Let's find out" thought Stefan as he snorted.

"That would be all, someone will come in a few days to deliver your egg." said Stefan as he took the silver suitcase with his right hand, and turning around to walk out of there, as he was walking he heard the man with pleading voice. "If you create a miracle... could you show me please." said the man with hope in his eyes.

"Maybe" said Stefan as he walked out of the room and proceed to leave the store, he kept walking to Knockturn Alley as he walked in front of Gringotts and remembered he has another appointment with Strigz in 2 weeks. "Sigh, its a bother having to teach him how to make the galleons shine more than they can...If I didn't have my powers I couldn't foul him so easily. Last time in his house we spent 2 hours polishing galleons...but he is indispensable for my plan... sigh" thought Stefan with a weird face as he passed Gringotts and kept walking to Knockturn Alley and made his normal walk through it till he got to Borgin and Burkes and enter the store.

He walked to the counter where he touched a rusted bell, and a few moments later enter Burke with a nasty smile on his face. "Oh if its the little kid, what can I do for you, Borgin is not here today." said Burke with a frigid smile on his face, but there was a gleaming on his eyes, a dangerous one.

Stefan saw Burke and showed him a disgusted face. "I'm here because of the fusions of this month,I got a little bit of free time to make them today, and I need some information Burke." said Stefan with a cold voice.

"Oh, Ok, please go to the basement the same room as always... after coming out I will give you the information you need." said Burke with a nasty smile as he walked away leaving Stefan alone.

Stefan snorted as he saw his attitude and thought "He needs to learn manners by the hard way..." as he walked through the store to the back store and entered the basement, he walked fastly to the same room and entered it, where he saw the same things as always, the black altar, the cruxes, the eggs, and the cage filled to the brim with prisoners.

"Time to work." said Stefan as he lifted both of his hands and smoke came out of his body and materialized in two black desert eagles and as he was about to shoot at the prisoners he realized he will wake up Lilith by shooting so he encased her in black fog. "It's okay now."

An hour later Stefan walked out of the room, with a calm face and petting Lilith in his right hand, Lilith kept sleeping soundly, he rapidly encased her in black fog and put her in his shirt pocket as he did that he heard a familiar voice. "So you noticed little kid" said a woman while walking out of a corner with 20 men with black robes following her and beside her was Burke sneering at him, it was the same woman who was the host for the auction, the one with purple hair and purple eyes and big boobs that were about to pop out of her dress, ironically she was dressed the same way the day of the auction.

"Burke, you really gave me a reason, now I will teach you manners." said Stefan while looking cheerfully at Burke.

"Kiddo, give me the phoenix and starting from today you're working for me." said the purple hair lady while smiling lewdly at him.

"Oh sorry about that, but I dont want to, lady" said Stefan while smiling at her with his innocent face of a ten years old.

"Just torture him Emma, for fuck sake, then we will use Veritaserum in him or Legilimens" said Burke while looking venomous at the little boy with silver hair and silver eyes.

"I'm just curious Burke, is there a particular reason to do that?, since the day I meet you, you have resent me for something... but for what?" said Stefan while looking at Burke with curiosity in his eyes.

"Since you came Borgin has been acting with this superiority complex, always looking down on me, telling me what to do, and what not to do... treating you with so much respect a little fucking kid, I know you have special means to awaken the eggs but I do not believe they are yours... you must have an ancient item on you, to do the awakening or a better ritual..." said Burke with envy on his eyes.

"Now, now, Burke we are going to make him obey us" said Emma while looking with a condescending look at Burke.

"Now little kid, you are working for us, I'm not asking you, its an order" said Emma as she made a signal with her right hand, and every mage following her started spreading in a circle encasing Stefan in the middle.

"Aiya, looks like I have to teach you manners too, Emma." said Stefan while smiling at her, suddenly his aura changed and so his smile...

Sorry for being late guys, don't worry I will release another chapter today.

Hope you like the chapter, any advice will be welcome.

I wrote 2.5k words for this chapter.

I took a little bit of information about the phoenix from here.


Morningstar33creators' thoughts