
Harry Potter and the darkness

The darkness from Supernatural travels to Harry Potter world, the MC is not a "good" MC, if you're looking for a good MC, don't even bother to read the novel, thanks. This fanfic contains themes like rape, sex, gore, violence, etc. If you want to make a donation, it would help me, thanks www.paypal.me/Morningstar333 Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any official series that will be mention in this fan fic, this is just a fan-fiction, and I do not own the cover art either.

Morningstar33 · Book&Literature
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68 Chs


As Stefan aura changed, his eyes turned black with silver iris on it.

"Hahahaha, show me how you're going to make me obey" said Stefan while laughing as he lifted his right hand rapidly as he say "Avada Kedavra" a black bolt of lightning came out of his index finger and hit one of the wizards on the chest, he dropped dead to the floor with a surprise look on his eyes.

"Fuck, disable this little fucker, don't kill him, we need to see his memories" said one of the wizards as he lifted his wand and say 'Expelliarmus' and a red bolt of lightning came out of his wand and as it was about to hit Stefan, black fog came out of Stefan and intercepted the red bolt of lightning.

"Hahahaha, come on, if you don't attack together you will die a graveless death" said Stefan as he lifted his other hand and casted a spell with each index finger. "Sectumsempra, Bombarda" as two lights came out of his hands, but this time the wizards were on guard and said "Protego" a white light came out of their wands and stood at front of them and intercept the spells with difficulty as they got pushed 5 steps back and their Protego shield crack.

Stefan saw as their protego shields cracked and as he was about to cast another two spells, he heard the girl with purple hair Emma saying 'We have lost one of us, attack together we have to take him fast, it does not matter if he lost a limb or two, just make sure he is alive.' while pointing her hand at him and saying 'Confringo', all the wizards pointed their wands at him and said 'Bombarda, Confringo, Expelliarmus, Reducto, Crucio, Confringo, Expulsó, Crucio, etc, Stefan saw as all the spells were about to hit him he smiled and imbued his hand in darkness as he hit the spells with his hand and got them to rebound to the wizards with a smile on his face as he saw how 5 of the 19 wizards alive, got hit by the rebounding spells and got dismembered or blow to smithereens, "hahahahhaha, use unforgivable curses if you plan to take me on, and now it's my turn." said Stefan as he lifted both of his hands and extended every finger as he said "Avada Kedavra" 10 black bolts of lightning came out of his fingers in direction of the wizards, as they wizards saw that their faces turned paled and with the will they have for life, they casted their own unforgivable curses, the black volts of lightning hit on mid air with their green counterparts, as they saw the little kid smiling while sustaining the spells, Burke said 'fuck Emma, we will die if we don't give our all' while pointing his wand and saying 'Avada Kedavra' a green bolt of lightning came out of his wand and as he was about to be hit by the spell he saw the little boy with silver hair snorted and how his right leg was covered in black fog rapidly and kick at his curse that got deviated and hit another wizard that was sustaining his killing curse with one of Stefan, he dropped dead to the ground with eyes filled with regret.

'Hahahaha, let's finish this' said Stefan as he put more power on his spells and saw how the nine black bolts of lightning rapidly pushed the green lights in matter of a fraction of second, and hit on the wizards right on their chest or head. Nine of them dropped dead to the ground as marionettes whose strings were cut off. The other 5 wizards that remained alive with Emma and Burke saw as everything happened, but it was too fast they didn't have the time to react and help the other wizards.

"I surrender" said one of the wizards as he pointed his wand to the ground.

"There is no surrender, sorry" said Stefan as he apparated behind the wizard that just surrendered, and a little bit of black fog came out of his hand and materialized in a black gun with a silencer and put the gun behind the wizard head and pulled the trigger.

The man fell to the ground with his eyes fully opened and a clean hole on his forehead. "Hahahaha, and now there are just 6 of you left..." said Stefan while looking at them with a sadistic smile.

"Defend yourselves" said Stefan as the black gun with the silencer dissolved into black fog that came back to his body.

"No, wait we can talk about this misunderstanding" said Emma while her hand that had her wand was shaking.

"Oh, yes we will going to Adress that misunderstanding do not worry Miss Ema." said Stefan while smiling at her like a ten-year-old child.

"Avada Kedavra" said Stefan as he pointed with 4 fingers at the remain wizards. The remaining 4 wizards tried to defend with their own killing curse and saw as the black bolts of lightning hit their own killing curses.

Emma and Burke started retreating step by step but they froze as Stefan turned his eyes to them with a sneer on his face as he said "If you take another step..." said Stefan with a smile on his face.

Emma and Burke froze there while their bodies were covered in cold sweat as they saw Stefan chant another spell 'Inferno', black flames came out of his remaining fingers and they saw as the flames took the form of a dragon that flew to the wizards and burned them. The only word Emma was able to whisper was 'fiendfyre' as she started shaking all over. And Burke piss himself from hearing the screams of the wizards and saw how the black dragon was playing with them burning them little by little, he saw as their faces started melting as if they were made of wax, the torture continue for a minute till they died over pain excess while screaming. They started shaking more as they saw the sadistic smile on the 10 little-year-old kid as he turned to look at them.

"Disgusting." said Stefan as he snapped his fingers and all the bodies disappeared only leaving the blue souls floating on the ground. As he was about to pick them. He felt Lilith has awakened and was trying to peck the black fog encasing her, Stefan dissolved the black egg that was protecting her and saw how Lilith started chirping while sniffing something a little bald head peek out from Stefan chest pocket and saw the blue souls over the floor and started chirping while her eyes were gleaming.

"Huh, can she absorbed them?..." his train of thought was interrupted as Burke tried to cast a spell. Stefan rapidly pointed at Burke and said "Sectumsempra" a white slash came out of the tip of his index finger and cut off the hand which Burke used to wave his wand.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Burke started screaming from the pain while was gripping the remaining part of his arm.

"If you keep screaming, I will kill you. So fucking noisy." said Stefan as he turned his head to look at Burke with cold eyes.

Burke saw the cold silver eyes of the little kid and tried to not make another sound as he was gripping his arm and was pale with big beads of sweat falling from his forehead.

"Chirp, chirp" Lilith was chirping all over while keeping tabs at the blue souls all over the flour.

"You want to eat them?" said Stefan as he watched Lilith nodded with her little bald head as she kept looking at the blue souls at the floor.

Stefan lifted his hand and a pulling force was applied to every blue soul that flew to him, and Stefan kept the souls at his chest.

Lilith was chirping as she saw the souls disappearing in front of her, turned her head to look at Stefan with eyes filled with tears of her little eyes.

"You can't eat those for the moment, try to eat this one first", said Stefan as he pulled a white soul without blemishes from his chest. Lilith saw the white soul with gleaming eyes and started chirping happily as she opened her beak, and started absorbing the white soul, specks of white light flew from the soul to her beak as she absorbed it.

Stefan saw how Lilith was absorbing the soul and thought "This is not a characteristic from the phoenixes, she must have acquired this ability since I put a little of my essence inside the reaper soul I gave to her egg."

Burke and Emma saw the events unfold, they saw as the little kid pointed to the ground where they couldn't see anything, and saw as how the little Phoenix was chirping while looking at the floor, and then it had a sad face. Then they saw as the little kid pulled a white ball from his chest, and both of them thought about one thing at the same time as Burke muttered "A soul", they saw as the little Phoenix started consuming the white soul with white faces.

"Now... Let's address this misunderstanding" said Stefan as he snapped his fingers and one black sofa appeared behind him as he proceeded to sit down and looked at both of him with an amusing face while petting Lilith that was absorbing the soul with a happy face.

"please, this was a misunderstanding little lord" said Emma while kneeling on the floor.

"Young sir, please forgive me... taking into account that I'm as a brother to Borgin..." said Burke as he kneeled too.

"Oh but that's why you're still alive Burke, or why do you think you're alive, but still you're going to receive a punishment, I will teach you manners Burke, it's going to be fair, I will teach you the same way Borgin learn." said Stefan with a smirk on his face.

"And you, Miss Ema, you need a punishment too"

"Pleas...." both of them say at the same time, but they say the eyes of the boy started to get cold and so they shut up.

"You're not supposed to talk if I don't ask you a question, now let's proceed with this." said Stefan with a smile on his face as he lifted his left hand and pointed his index finger and middle finger to Emma and Burke as he said "Crucio" both of them started wailing on the floor and their body started spasming from the pain.

"So noisy" said Stefan as he furrowed his brow and said "Silencio" and the sound coming from their mouth stopped but they kept spasming all over the floor.

"Chirp, chirp" Stefan turned his head to Lilith and saw her having sleepy eyes as she again cuddles in the palm of Stefan and falls asleep.

Stefan smiled as he saw that and started petting her, a few seconds later the noticed a smell odor coming from Emma and Burke saw a yellow puddle of urine coming from both of them.

"So gross" thought Stefan, he stopped the Cruciatus Curse and the Silencio spell on them and saw them still spasming from the pain.

"Now, tell me a reason I should not keep punishing you two." said Stefan while smiling at the two of them who were still on the floor, inhaling and exhaling deeply, with terror on their face.

He saw as Emma looked at his eyes for a moment and then stared at the floor with fear in her eyes as she said "I'm willing to be your slave, little lord." as she started unzipping her dress and Stefan saw as the dress fall to the ground and saw her enormous breast and two pink nipples, surprisingly they were inverted nipples and a purple thong that barely covered her.

"Aiya, I'm 10 years old... Why you keep doing this... So many pedos on the streets..." said Stefan as he furrowed his brows.

Emma froze as she heard that and her face turned red as she tried to cover her breasts with her hands but she couldn't as they were too big.

"Get dressed" said Stefan as he watched with curiosity at her inverted nipples for a moment, Stefan turned his head to see Burke, he saw his eyes gleaming with hatred as he looked at him.

"I don't like the way you look at me" said Stefan with a disgusted face as he pointed again with his index finger and said "Crucio", he saw the panic face Burke had for a moment and then started screaming while spasming on the floor again. 'Silencio'

Emma dressed rapidly and as she was finishing dressing she heard his voice and consequently the screamings of Burke that remembered her of the painful curse she had to go through a few minutes ago. She saw as Burke wailed on the floor, and got to see the moment Burke lose the control of his bowels as he shit himself.

"For fuck sake, you're like a pig" said Stefan with a disgusted face.

Stefan stopped the Cruciatus Curse on Burke and turned his head to look at Emma who was kneeling in front of him while looking at the floor, she was paled from fear.

"Now, you will work for me, Borgin will be in charge of you, but tell me, how are you going to prove me your loyalty?" said Stefan as he looked at her with interest.

Emma kept looking at the floor and when she was about to answer, she heard him saying "look me in the eyes", she lifted her eyes with fear on them and look at those silver eyes looking at her. "I will... I will do an unbreakable vow, to never betray you in any way and to always look for your interests, little lord" said Emma with a stuttering voice at the start of her statement.

"Oh, but I know there are ways to break the supposed unbreakable vow." said Stefan as he smiled at her.

Emma started shivering as she thought that he thought she was going to betray him. "I wouldn't betray the little lord. Just tell me what to do to prove my loyalty" as she bowed her head.

"I have a better thing than a shitty unbreakable vow. You just have to sign a contract, that says, you will work for me till I'm satisfied, and then I will let you leave. Easy right?, oh but there's a little catch in this, the moment you betray me or fail my expectations, I will burn your soul while you're alive, many people believe the Cruciatus Curse is the worst torture, but it's because they haven't tasted a little bit of pain to the soul, the Cruciatus curse its a walk in the park in comparison..." said Stefan with a smile on his face.

Emma started shaking in fear as she heard that, she bit her lips so strong that blood started dropping from them. Finally, she nodded her face as she said" I will sign the contract little lord " said Emma as a red feather appeared in front of her and beside the red feather a black contract with silverish letters, she grabbed the red feather and started signing with a painful face, as she finished signing the contract, it combusted in black flames, and the feather disappeared.

"Oh, and called me, young master, I liked it more." said Stefan as he smiled at her.

Emma nodded rapidly as she said "Yes, young master"

"Now Burke.... what should I do with you..."

Hope you like the chapter.

I wrote 2.6k words for this chapter, any advice will be welcome.

Morningstar33creators' thoughts