
Harry Potter and the Bonds of Blood

On the day of the Wizarding World’s greatest victory, a single person was left mourning her loss. With her newborn child sleeping safely in her arms, she wailed as she saw the state of her late husband who died saving her and her newborn child from the monster who plunged her home into darkness. She left England with her son. Aware of the prophecy that was not yet fulfilled and knowing that the danger would be upon her son once more, she left, hoping to bide her time and prepare herself and her son. ============================================= So… Big AU story, as you can tell from the synopsis. I’m planning on maybe scaling things up somewhat in terms of power levels while also trying to keep up with the original story. I’m also going to be adding in some details that will not be canon so don’t expect the story to be completely in line with the original story. Though I’ll try my best to keep the fanon to a minimum. Oh and as usual, a whole lot of sex. A bit of a different dynamic from what I usually write, but it should be fun. It’s technically gonna be a no-harem story, but not exactly. You’ll understand when you read it. Give it a go if you want. And I have a habit of doing quite a bit of Slice of Life. So the story progression is going to be a bit slow at the start. ============================================= Some constructive criticism would be helpful. Please let me know if I made any mistakes, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes. If you want to support me check out my Patréon. I post advanced chapters there. www.patreon.com/addyctive ============================================= Also, none of the art is mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the characters.

Addyctive7 · Book&Literature
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26 Chs

Bonds of Blood 0016: Features

"Fleur…" Harry shook her, thinking that she was getting affected by whatever made her allure go crazy at the start of this whole thing.

"Hm?" She looked at him with a teasing smile, "I'm kidding. I'm in full control. I've kept my allure restrained and it hasn't gone haywire since before." She laughed, "At this point, we might as well check out some stuff in the library. Maybe it'll give us an idea of what kind of ritual this altar is actually for."

Harry sighed and said, "Some other time, I'm not really interested in reading books right now. We've already spent quite a bit of time with this secret room mystery. We should finish cleaning the mansion. We can come back later."

"Oh yeah…" Fleur acted as if she'd forgotten about that.

"Don't 'oh yeah' me, you have your entire half to clean up," Harry said with a smirk.

"You…" Fleur stomped angrily.

"The bet's still on." Harry ran like hell.

"'Arry!" Fleur wasn't too far behind him as she also ran after him.

Harry was faster than Fleur and reached the exit before her. He saw the membrane that was present at the entrance and hoped, 'Don't fuck me up…'

Just as he had the thought, he was forcefully brought to a stop as he collided with that membrane, "Fuck!" He felt his entire body having been shaken up by that membrane. It was better than colliding with a stone wall, but it shook him up nonetheless.

"'Arry!" This time, Fleur's exclaim was more worried than anything as she quickly caught up to him and asked, "Are you okay?" She squished his face between her hands and started examining him to see if he was hurt.

Harry hummed with a laugh and freed his face from Fleur's hands before resting his head on her shoulder, "I'm fine… Just a little shaken up."

"We should probably be able to leave if we're together," Fleur mentioned as Harry's arms snaked around her waist.

"Yeah." Harry's hold around Fleur's waist tightened as he pulled her up. Her head was a little higher in this position. Before Harry started walking, Fleur kissed his nose, "Why don't we just skip the bet and clean the place together?"

Harry smiled knowingly and said, "I don't mind, but the Celine thing will still be on." Harry told her.

"Why~?" She whined cutely.

"Because I want to." He rubbed his nose against her chin, making her feel ticklish, "And that's enough of a reason for me to do something."

"But it's school…" She didn't want to bring things to school.

"That's what makes it even sexier…" Harry smiled.

Even though Fleur also felt hot about the thought, she said, "I would love for us to do anything and everything in school, but including other people brings risk…"

"Have I ever let you down when it came to this stuff, babe?" Harry asked her with a serious expression, "Even when it was the first time you wanted to do something more than usual last summer, I found us our usual club and got us permanent VIP rooms for it…"

"I know… I know I can rely on you." Fleur hugged him lovingly and pressed her cheek against his, "But I'm scared, I don't want to feel the way I felt for that year before you started school. I was an outcast, those girls bullied me to death. The only solace I had was the end of the month when I would be able to come to your house and spend my time with you and Aunt Lily…" She said with a tremble in her voice, "Before you found out about it and stood up for me… I was in a horrible place…"

"You will never feel that way, my love." Harry pulled his head back and looked into Fleur's reddened eyes, "You trust me, right?" He asked with a little smile, feeling bad that she was about to cry.

"With everything…" She worded.

"Then trust me with this. If you don't do it, then you will always live with a repressed fear inside yourself, a mental block. I want to rid you of that fear…" He said.

Fleur didn't say anything in response and Harry started walking toward the exit while hugging Fleur. He was sure that this wouldn't be a problem after this.

Fleur meanwhile hugged Harry tightly and pushed her pelvis against his. He got the idea of what she wanted and his hands made their way to her butt and gave it a squeeze with both hands before trailing a bit lower and grabbing her just above her thighs.

Using Harry's support, Fleur raised her legs and wrapped them around Harry's torso, "Fine. We'll do it…" She agreed with a steady tone. She'd made her decision.

"That's my girl…" Harry continued walking with Fleur wrapped around him. This time, they both effortlessly passed through the membrane.

"We'll be cleaning together," Fleur mumbled.

"No problem. But you have to participate. If you dare to keep sleeping on me, I'll edge you for a week." Harry threatened.

"No. No… Please. I'll participate. See…" Fleur demonstrated as she cast a cleaning charm on the library that they had originally come here from, "I can participate even while staying like this…"

Harry chuckled at Fleur's clinginess. He could feel her unstably beating heart through their close contact and knew that she was a little shaken up and needed to rest. He was happy to pamper her as long as she helped out.

"All right, let's get this place cleaned up…" Harry stretched his shoulders and started casting.

After about three-quarters of the house was cleaned up, Fleur stopped responding to Harry. He knew that she'd fallen asleep and he would have to clean the rest of the place by himself.

"I swear…" He grumbled as he continued. Fleur was holding on to him so tightly that he couldn't even pull her away and put her in a bed. He had to complete the rest of the way by himself. Not that he was complaining. She was light enough for him to not have too much of a problem. And he could never resist the enchanting feeling of her body that came from her hugging him.

By the time Harry was done, It was still afternoon, so he decided to go back to Fleur's grandmother's lair, 'We should come up with a better name for this place...' He randomly thought as he passed through the membrane, 'The ritual room?' Harry thought accurately, 'I guess it could work.'

Deep in his thoughts, he entered the room that still had all the candles lit up while the ceiling mirror illuminated the room very clearly. The mural was still present with that faint glow that brought anyone's attention to it.

Harry walked up to the altar and levitated the basketball-sized orb out, he wanted to see what the deal with that thing was. As the orb was lifted out of the ritual area, the mural disappeared. Harry didn't mind and walked up the stairs to the recreational area.

He dropped the orb at the side table and put away his wand. Then, he brought his hands toward his back and gently freed Fleur's legs that were crossed behind his back. Gently pulling her legs slightly away, he sat down on the couch with Fleur straddling him.

"Sometimes, I think you're more sloth than you are a succubus…" Harry said as he glanced at her sleeping face that was resting on his shoulder. Fleur hummed comfortably as she made herself a little bit more comfortable while still in her sleep.

Harry stopped paying attention to her and grabbed his new toy from the side table.

'Shrink.' He thought with the image of marble in his mind and the orb shrunk to that exact size, 'Nice… How about weight?'

He made it grow to the size of a tennis ball and thought to increase its weight. When it succeeded, 'At least I can hurl it at people…' He thought amusedly.

'Can I summon it back…' He thought as he threw it at the empty end of the recreational section. Before it could collide with the wall, the ball automatically changed its trajectory and charged back at Harry, 'It can work as a weapon…' He realized as he examined it in his hand.

'Can I put it in someone's food…' He had a particularly nefarious thought, 'I would be able to summon that person to myself whenever I want…' He laughed at the comical thought with a glance at Fleur, 'No…' He refused the thought.

He had a passing thought and willed the orb to change the ceiling to that of what was currently outside. Instantly, Harry glanced up and saw that the mirror disappeared and showed the view of the outside. It was close to sunset and the sun was already on the horizon.

He willed it to show the night sky and the image changed to that of an enchanting starry sky, 'This is probably inspired by Hogwarts' Great Hall…' Harry realized. His mother and Sirius had both told him quite a number of stories from their time at Hogwarts.

As interesting as the thing was, Harry preferred the enchanting presence of the mirror that gave the room an ethereal vibe which he quite liked. He changed it back and started experimenting more.

He realized that he could make each section of the room opaque. The visible film that surrounded the lab actually surrounded each and every section of the room. As Harry made the barriers around the recreational area opaque, A wall appeared in front of him and beside him. The recreational area was also divided into two sections similar to the library section.

Seeing the depressing default view of stone walls all around, Harry quickly got annoyed and started tinkering again, 'Can I change the walls…' Harry thought and changed the walls.

The stone walls disappeared and were replaced by wide-open grasslands that extended infinitely. Then, the walls changed and showed mountains, as if Harry was on the top of a particularly high mountain. Next, the view changed to one of their classrooms at Beauxbatons, 'How fun…' Harry thought, 'If I ignore the bar then…' Just as Harry had thought, the bar that was to his other side also disappeared, replaced by the view of the classroom.

'Well…' Harry liked this place more and more.

He glanced at Fleur and thought, "Those were all presets, can I use images from my own thoughts…" He first made sure that she was completely asleep before changing the walls of the room to give him a dreamy view that he could never get enough of. It showed a naked Fleur.


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