
Harry Potter and the Bonds of Blood

On the day of the Wizarding World’s greatest victory, a single person was left mourning her loss. With her newborn child sleeping safely in her arms, she wailed as she saw the state of her late husband who died saving her and her newborn child from the monster who plunged her home into darkness. She left England with her son. Aware of the prophecy that was not yet fulfilled and knowing that the danger would be upon her son once more, she left, hoping to bide her time and prepare herself and her son. ============================================= So… Big AU story, as you can tell from the synopsis. I’m planning on maybe scaling things up somewhat in terms of power levels while also trying to keep up with the original story. I’m also going to be adding in some details that will not be canon so don’t expect the story to be completely in line with the original story. Though I’ll try my best to keep the fanon to a minimum. Oh and as usual, a whole lot of sex. A bit of a different dynamic from what I usually write, but it should be fun. It’s technically gonna be a no-harem story, but not exactly. You’ll understand when you read it. Give it a go if you want. And I have a habit of doing quite a bit of Slice of Life. So the story progression is going to be a bit slow at the start. ============================================= Some constructive criticism would be helpful. Please let me know if I made any mistakes, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes. If you want to support me check out my Patréon. I post advanced chapters there. www.patreon.com/addyctive ============================================= Also, none of the art is mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the characters.

Addyctive7 · Book&Literature
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26 Chs

Bonds of Blood 0009: Gabrielle

"Morning, Mum…" Harry said while coming down the stairs with Fleur following behind him, "Good morning, Mum…" Fleur greeted Lily.

"Morning, Kids," Lily smiled as she looked between both of them, "You both seem to have had fun…" She said with a knowing smile.

Harry coughed, "Yeah… Is breakfast ready?" He asked. He was desperate for Lily to not mention the previous night.

"I didn't think you would be coming down considering the sounds that I was hearing when I woke up…" Lily wasn't going to afford either of them that courtesy. She was enjoying the expression on Fleur's beet-red face as the poor girl was unable to even look her in the eye due to embarrassment.

"Ugh, Mum…" Harry groaned annoyedly.

Lily just laughed before saying, "All right, I won't tease you two anymore. Come on, take a seat."

When Lily saw Harry stuffing his face with the food that was on the table she couldn't help herself, "I know you've had a busy night. Harry, but slow down, I'll make more…"

"Mum!" Harry practically whined with his food still in his mouth. Lily just laughed at his reaction.

"What's up with you Fleur? You aren't saying anything. Did he bully you?" Lily asked after she saw Fleur quietly eating the pancakes, "I can help you if you want revenge…" Lily offered with a laugh.

Fleur's face went beet red again as she took Lily's words too literally she felt her control over her allure weaken as she started imagining unique scenarios.

She shook her head as she realized Lily's meaning and said, "Don't worry, Mum. I was just lost in my thoughts…" She smiled sweetly.

"Aren't you supposed to take my side?" Harry asked Lily with dissatisfaction, "I'm your son."

"And Fleur's my daughter… What's your point?" Lily asked with an innocent expression.

Harry just smiled helplessly as he decided to focus on his food.

"I'll be leaving today…" Lily told them both.

"Where?" Harry asked before putting another bite into his mouth.

"A secret location, I'll come back tomorrow and bring a friend with me," Lily said.

"Uncle Sirius?" Harry asked as an excited gleam passed his eyes.

Lily smiled at his reaction and said, "Yes, I'll be bringing Sirius. He wrote to me yesterday. He won't be staying though, just a couple of hours." She told him.

"I understand." Harry nodded, unable to hide his disappointment.

"I've met Uncle Sirius before, but why can't he stay for longer? I don't think 'Arry ever told me." Fleur asked curiously. She was just making conversation, she was a bonded Veela and didn't have any semblance of thoughts toward any being that she didn't consider family.

She was single-mindedly in love with Harry, bordering obsession. It was to the point that if the world burned down, she wouldn't mind as long as she had Harry with her. She just kept her obsession in control and knew very well how to keep it hidden. She had spent many, many years practicing it.

"His circumstances are a bit special…" Lily thought for a moment before deciding something, "He's actually a wanted man… He was convicted for a crime that he didn't commit. I helped break him out of Azkaban, that's Britain's prison, but he can't really be seen in the public eye." Lily trusted Fleur enough to tell her about it.

"Oh…" Fleur was surprised when Lily divulged such sensitive information to her, "You didn't have to tell me, Mrs. Potter…"

"It's fine. I want to talk to you both freely about everything. This is one of the reasons that I focus so much on you both learning Occlumency. I want to make sure that even if someone tries to read your mind, you will be sufficiently protected." Lily explained.

"Tha—" Lily interrupted Fleur who was about to speak.

"And what's up with calling me Mrs. Potter? Are you disowning your mother?" Lily asked as she seemed like she was about to start crying.

"No, of course not, Mum. It was just a slip of the tongue… You are obviously my mother…" Fleur hurriedly explained.

"Hm." Lily nodded with a serious expression, "And don't you forget it." She said with a smile.

"When are you leaving, Mum?" Harry asked, "We were planning on going to Fleur's house today." He told her.

Lily looked at the clock on the wall and said, "In a couple of hours. We can leave together. It should be enough time for you both to shower and get ready." Lily said.

Harry gave Fleur a questioning look as she shrugged with her cheeks puffed up like a squirrel. She had stuffed half a pancake into her mouth. He laughed at her and told Lily, "That works. And you'll be coming back tomorrow?" He asked her.

"Mhm," Lily nodded, "Will you both be staying there for the night?"

"Maybe, we'll see how things go." Harry shrugged.

The next few hours passed by in a flash as the three of them were ready to leave.

"Do you have the keys?" Lily asked Harry as she smoothened out the creases of his overcoat.

"Yes, mum…" Harry said with a roll of his eyes.

"And the Portkey?" She asked as Harry showed her the small box that contained the Portkey to this place.

"And Fleur's Portkey?" Lily asked as Fleur showed the box that was with her. She smiled amusedly as she saw Harry getting embarrassed by his mother.

"All right, enough." Harry stopped his mother from constantly rubbing his overcoat, "We're probably coming back before you. Don't worry so much." He held his mother's hands as she gave him a lovely smile, "I can't ever stop worrying about you." She said as she kissed his forehead, "Now go. Be safe and come back soon."

Harry smiled and grabbed Fleur's hand as they both activated Fleur's return Portkey and disappeared.

"You know, 'Arry, sometimes, I'm a little envious…" Fleur said as she and Harry walked through the street while holding hands.

They had appeared in a discrete alley that was enchanted to be ignored by muggles. It was close to Fleur's house and they had to cross a block to get there.

"Of what?" He asked.

"Of your relationship with your mother…" She said, "She loves you so much…with all her heart…"

"She loves you just as much," Harry smiled a little, "If anything, she loves you a little more considering how she always takes your side."

"I know. She has a huge heart. It's just that… Sometimes I wish my relationship with my own mother was as close…" She mumbled.

"It's fine. You have me, right? I'll give you all the love you can ever want and more." He hugged her shoulder and pulled her closer. She wrapped her arm around his waist and leaned her head on his shoulder, "Right…" She gave him a little laugh.

"We're here…" Harry said as they stopped in front of a few stairs that led to a door. They walked up those stairs before Harry rang the doorbell.

"Coming," A childish voice answered. The door opened a few minutes later, revealing a 10-year-old girl. She was Fleur's little sister, Gabrielle.

"'Arry!" She exclaimed as she ran to hug Harry who hugged her back with his one free arm, "How are you, Gabi?" He asked her with a laugh. He was the only one who was allowed to use that nickname to refer to her. Gabrielle would lash out at anyone else who tried to call her by that name.

"I'm here too…" Fleur's sad voice made Harry laugh as Gabrielle freed one of her little arms and wrapped it around Fleur, including her in the hug.

"Can we come in, Gabi?" Harry asked after a few seconds. Gabrielle didn't seem to be interested in letting the two of them go.

"Of course, come on in." Gabrielle blushed when she heard him and stepped back, allowing him and Fleur to walk into the house.

While walking into the house, Fleur had a mischievous smile as she looked at Gabrielle who noticed it and stepped back cautiously, "No…" Sadly for her, she wasn't quick enough in her retreat and Fleur had already caught her.

Gabrielle screamed as Fleur messed up her little sister's hair. Gabrielle thrashed and struggled, but Fleur only needed a couple of seconds to ruin her hair-do.

As Fleur stepped back with a satisfied smile on her face, Gabrielle gave Fleur a teary look as she assaulted her older sister. Fleur's eyes widened as she noticed the gleam of vengeance in Gabrielle's eyes and pulled out her wand before levitating the girl in the air.

"I'll kill you!" Gabrielle unsuccessfully floated in the air as she tried to reach Fleur.

"Why do you have to bully the poor girl?" Harry shook his head with a little smile as he walked up to Gabrielle's floating form and stepped behind her. "Calm down, Gabi." He said in a soothing voice and patted her head, "I'll help you fix your hair…" Harry hugged her from behind and made her calm down somewhat.

"You will?" She looked at him with her tear-filled eyes.

"Why not…" Harry shrugged as he glanced at Fleur to free Gabrielle from the levitating charm. "No fun…" Fleur gave him a pout as she freed her little sister.

Falling into Harry's arms, Gabrielle giggled cutely. He put her down on the ground and brought her to the couch, "Sit in front of me." He sat on the couch and turned a little, making Gabrielle sit beside him with her back facing him.

"Braids or Plaits?" He asked her.

"A ponytail." She said after some thought.

"Coming right up." Harry conjured a comb and started fixing her silvery blonde hair. Even though Fleur had tangled her hair up, the comb easily slid through the strands without the slightest impediment.

Gabrielle giggled cutely when she felt the tips of the comb brush against her scalp.

Meanwhile, Fleur sat on Harry's other side and said, "Where's all that love you were going to give me?" She whispered in his ear as her arms wrapped around his torso.

Harry smiled and held one of her hands, he pulled it upward on his chest before placing it right over his heart, "Right here…" He said before freeing her hand. With her palm resting over his heart, Fleur could feel the light thumps of his heartbeat.

She hummed comfortably before resting her chin on his shoulder, "Cheater…" She mumbled as she felt her own heart thumping.


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