
Harry Potter and the Bonds of Blood

On the day of the Wizarding World’s greatest victory, a single person was left mourning her loss. With her newborn child sleeping safely in her arms, she wailed as she saw the state of her late husband who died saving her and her newborn child from the monster who plunged her home into darkness. She left England with her son. Aware of the prophecy that was not yet fulfilled and knowing that the danger would be upon her son once more, she left, hoping to bide her time and prepare herself and her son. ============================================= So… Big AU story, as you can tell from the synopsis. I’m planning on maybe scaling things up somewhat in terms of power levels while also trying to keep up with the original story. I’m also going to be adding in some details that will not be canon so don’t expect the story to be completely in line with the original story. Though I’ll try my best to keep the fanon to a minimum. Oh and as usual, a whole lot of sex. A bit of a different dynamic from what I usually write, but it should be fun. It’s technically gonna be a no-harem story, but not exactly. You’ll understand when you read it. Give it a go if you want. And I have a habit of doing quite a bit of Slice of Life. So the story progression is going to be a bit slow at the start. ============================================= Some constructive criticism would be helpful. Please let me know if I made any mistakes, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes. If you want to support me check out my Patréon. I post advanced chapters there. www.patreon.com/addyctive ============================================= Also, none of the art is mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the characters.

Addyctive7 · Book&Literature
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26 Chs

Bonds of Blood 0005: Training

Meanwhile, as Lily and Fleur made themselves comfortable, Harry came with a glass of orange juice for himself and asked, "What are you reading, Mum?"

"Advanced Applications of Ancient Arcana — a theoretical exploration of ancient magic written by Magus Quinn," Lily informed him. Over the nearly fifteen years she'd spent here, her collection of books had burgeoned impressively. Whenever Harry was away at school, she'd immerse herself in magical research, making quite substantial progress in her studies.

"Interesting…" Harry said dryly. He wasn't very interested in theories. He would rather learn the practical applications of this magic from his mother later. She had already taught him and Fleur a large number of spells that had practically no mention in the school library or anywhere else he'd searched for that matter. He was sure that even the professors at Beauxbatons didn't have as much magical knowledge as his mother.

"Get away, make some space." Harry pushed Fleur's foot to get her to make some space.

"Sit somewhere else, 'Arry…" She said. She was so full that she was unwilling to even move her feet.

"I'm not sitting on the floor," Harry said dryly as he put down his glass of orange juice on the table. His hands crept to Fleur's feet and he grabbed her ankle before he started tickling her sole.

"Ahh!" She shouted as she tried to pull her foot back but Harry's grip was tight and she burst out laughing.

"Let…me…go." She pleaded as she kicked Harry with her other free foot, but he didn't relent.

"I don't think I will," He smiled sadistically as he tortured Fleur for the next minute until she finally begged for forgiveness, "I'm sorry…please…mercy…."

"See? Was that so hard?" Harry asked with a laugh as he flopped down on the couch after Fleur bent her legs, making space for him.

He looked at Fleur's pouty face as she caught her breath and decided to pamper her a little, "Give me your legs." He said before pulling her feet into his lap. Fleur didn't resist, trusting that he wouldn't tickle her again.

Fleur let out a comfortable groan as she felt his hands massaging her feet, "That's amazing, 'Arry…" She said as she put her arm over her eyes, enjoying Harry's rare foot massage.

Massaging Fleur's dainty feet, Harry looked at his mother. She had her legs folded up on the couch as she rested the book on her knees while concentrating on it, "Mum…" Harry called her.

"Mhm?" Lily asked, without turning up from her book.

"How about we take a trip? Maybe to America, or Japan…" Harry wanted to travel.

Lily finally closed her book and looked at Harry with her spectacled eyes, "What brought this on?" She asked.

"Nothing." Harry shrugged, "I just wanted to see how a different magical culture works…" Harry said as he pressed a particularly sensitive spot on Fleur's sole, "Oh, 'Arry…" She moaned out. In her comfort, she forgot about Lily's presence and stopped restraining her allure, spreading it throughout the room.

It didn't affect Lily much since as an accomplished Occulumens, her mind was very robust, but Harry wasn't as accomplished as her. Even then, he could easily manage short-term exposure without reacting since he'd spent practically his entire life with Fleur. They had been playmates since as far back as he could remember.

"Fleur…" Harry softly called her and stopped massaging her feet.

She came to her senses and immediately restrained her allure, mumbling out an apology. As Harry continued the foot massage, he continued his talk with Lily, "What do you think?"

"Well, I do have an invitation to a conference in the US…" Lily seemed thoughtful, "I was planning on rejecting it, but if you want we could go there… Then I might as well accept it. But we can't stay there for too long, a week at most." She said.

"One week of vacation is better than zero weeks of vacation." Harry smiled at Lily and said, "What is that conference about?"

"I don't really remember. I wasn't planning to go." Lily laughed a little, "It's probably something to do with Space magic. Someone theorized a new way of Apparition." Lily said after thinking for a moment, "It's all bogus, every two months someone comes up with these theories that can't be applied." She said dismissively.

"Oh!" Harry exclaimed in realization, "I'm turning 16 this year, can you teach me Apparition now?" He asked Lily excitedly.

"You aren't 16 yet." She smiled.

"Come on, Mum. We have a month after I turn 16…" Harry pleaded as Lily laughed again.

"Don't worry, I already planned on teaching you Apparition during the vacation." She told him as his eyes brightened.

"That's good then…" Harry took a relieved breath.

"Why are you even so interested in being able to Apparate? You can't actually utilize it until you turn 18 because of the trace on Apparition. And Beauxbatons itself is one large Anti-Apparition ward." Lily pointed out.

"I know, but I love magic. And I want to know how to do it. I don't like the theories, but I want to know how to cast all kinds of magic…" Harry said excitedly before explaining, "And who knows, it might come in use someday in an emergency."

Lily shook her head with a smile, "I'll let you know when we can go on that trip. Now rest for a bit, we have to train." Her smile turned sly as she made an expression of catching Harry's trick.

"Dammit…" He through his clenched teeth.

"Language, young man." Lily chided.

Harry didn't respond as he looked at Fleur who was already fast asleep as he rubbed her foot, 'Fuck, she's hot…' Harry couldn't help but admire Fleur's defenseless state as he continued massaging her foot.

She was wearing a crop top that had slightly slid upward, revealing her smooth belly. From his angle, he could also see her sexy white bra. Her leggings were perfectly hugging her legs that seemed to have been sculpted by the gods, 'She's mine…' The thought filled Harry with satisfaction and boundless elation.

"Ready?" Lily's voice woke Harry up.

"Already?" He asked.

"It's been an hour," Lily told him.

"Oh…" Harry said as he got up from the couch, gently putting Fleur's legs back down. He didn't even realize that he'd spent an hour admiring her, "Should I wake her up?" Harry asked Lily.

"It's fine. She seemed tired from the journey." Lily said as she walked out of their house.

"I agree," Harry said while following Lily out of their house, "Sleeping on my lap throughout the carriage ride was definitely tiring…" He said with a deadpan tone and Lily laughed out loud in response.

Coming out of the house, the first thing that greeted Harry was Lily's personal farm where she grew a large number of organic plants. As he kept walking with Lily, they crossed the farm area and came to the edge of a cliff. Looking slightly downward, he could see the beach where the waves of the water kept swaying.

"It always awes me how you set up our own private island, Mum," Harry commented as he heard the loud sounds of the waves of the water hitting the beach.

"I had to keep you safe, my son…" Lily said lovingly as she hugged him.

After the time when Voldemort's forces had ambushed her and Harry, where she barely escaped with her and Harry's life, she'd gone above and beyond in protecting her only leftover family in the world. She'd occupied an island and magically built a cabin from the ground up on a large clearing at a cliff.

It wasn't placed at the top of the mountain but was somewhere in the middle where Lily had to carve out a clearing of land for everything.

She even set up multiple small and large-scale protection charms that hid not only the cabin but the entire island from any possible viewers. Even if someone ended up getting lost at sea and ended up at the island, they wouldn't be able to enter due to the shield that covered the entire perimeter of the island. They would also be charmed with a confusion charm that would make them think that there wasn't an island here in the first place.

Setting up the whole island had taken Lily two whole years. That was almost four years ago when Harry was 12. They had been comfortably living in this safe haven for quite some time now.

The only way to travel to the island was via Portkey. Due to the whole island being surrounded by countless lethal and non-lethal aversion charms, coming to the island by apparition was also impossible. Fleur and Harry both had a personal untraceable Portkey for themselves that Lily had specially made for them. Those Portkeys were bound to Harry and Fleur and could only be used by them. They could bring some people with them, but without them, the Portkeys wouldn't function.

The mother and son walked some ways down the mountain before coming up to another large clearing on another cliff. This was the makeshift duling arena that Lily had set up for them to practice magic. They both entered the boundary of the arena before Lily waved her wand and a fire lit up at the perimeter of the arena before turning into an invisible barrier.

Harry didn't ask anything, knowing that it was there to make sure that they didn't make too much noise and that some stray spell didn't hit their house. They weren't really that far from the house. It was put in after a rather unfortunate accident that almost led to the house burning down. They came out with only half of the kitchen destroyed, but it was enough for Lily to take measures to prevent it.

"When you hear the sound of the chime, the duel will start." She said to Harry who nodded.

Just as the bell chimed, Harry was the first to shout, "Stupefy!" A red beam of light left his wand and approached Lily who waved her wand to cast a shield.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted quickly, trying to take advantage of the moment that his mother took to cast her shield. He cast multiple more spells in quick succession, "Impedimenta!" "Petrificus Totalus!" "Incendio!"

Lily effortlessly blocked all of Harry's spells while casually waving her wand, the only sign of a spell being cast was a weak blue sheen that appeared at the moment of impact.

Just as Harry took a moment to breathe, Lily cast her attack as a beam of leafy green left her wand. Harry looked at the spell knowing that he didn't have the time to cast a shield, so he just rolled away and dodged it.

At that exact time, he felt his mind being attacked as his head started hurting. He had to quickly start employing Occlumency.

"Crap!" He exclaimed as he saw another spell being hurled toward him.

He barely cast a shield through the pain in his head to block that spell that sent him skidding backward.

"Try harder, Harry…" Lily taunted as she cast more spells at Harry who quickly found himself on the back foot against Lily's barrage of spells.

"Bombarda." Harry cast that spell on the ground beside Lily to prevent her from being able to see him. It wouldn't stop her from casting spells at him, but the smokescreen would be enough to make her Legilimency fail.

Under normal circumstances, Legilimency required the subject to make eye contact with the caster, but Lily had taken it a step further and could cast a probe as long as she was able to directly look at her subject. Although the probe would be weaker, it had the necessary effect when it came to combat.

Creating the momentary smokescreen, Harry was finally freed of the piercing pain of his mind being attacked, and he started casting spells at Lily while doing his best to block her attacks.

He spent the next minute trading spells with Lily who seemed to not have even moved from her spot and was just using the basic shield charm to block his attacks. Harry on the other hand was constantly moving around the arens as he was forced to dodge the chains of spells cast by Lily that he couldn't block in time.

"Bombarda." He cast another explosion to spell at the ground to maintain the smokescreen. Harry heard Lily whisper, "Annulo." and found the spell not reaching its target.

This was one of Lily's original spells that could parry almost any spell as long as the beam could collide with the opponent's cast spell. The spell not only required a complex wand movement and thought process, but also required a lot of skill to meet an opponent's spell midway.

Harry also knew how to cast the spell, but he couldn't use it in the middle of a fight yet.

Harry didn't give up and cast another spell with an easier wand movement that would allow him to create a chain of spells with more ease. "Defodio!" His spell gouged the ground nearby Lily, destabilizing her.

She promptly cast a spell to stabilize the ground under herself as Harry cast another spell, "Bombarda!" This time he was able to cast it on the ground, recovering the dust screen that kept him safe from Lily's mental attacks.

The next hour went by in a flash as Lily forced Harry to use everything he had in his arsenal, almost exhausting him to the point of fainting, but he was still going on, he hadn't given up even with spots dancing across his vision.

As Harry jumped away from a spell that Lily had cast, he found himself slamming into a conjured stone wall, "Fuck!" He didn't have any time to recover as Lily had already shot two spells at him. He didn't have any way to protect himself from the spells in time. So, Harry decided to go suicidal and cast one last spell on Lily at the expense of himself getting hit.



Some power stones would be helpful...

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