
Harry Potter and the 7 angers

Just how will Dumbledore cope with a Harry who is smart, knowledgeable, sticks up for himself and, worst still, is betrothed? A Harry who has a penchant for losing his temper? Ravenclaw/Smart(alek)/Lord/Harry Almostcanon/Dumbledore Non-friend/Ron Harry&Daphne (Haphne). No Harem. Rating is for language and minor 'Lime' scenes. . . . Here I am publishing a daily chapter if you want the complete novel subscribe to my Patreon https://patreon.com/AbrahamSmith

AbrahamSmith · Movies
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19 Chs

Chapter 17

Daphne's head shot up on hearing that and stared straight at Harry in shock. "You do?" she asked in a quiet voice with eyes becoming moist with tears.

"Definitely!" he firmly replied.

"I..." she started before suddenly pushing her chair back and mumbling, "Excuse me," and dashing out of the room.

Looking at Harry with what he considered to be no small measure of respect, Isabel said, "And excuse me, Mister Potter. I need to go and - check on a few things." She, too, pushed her chair away from the table and left the room, following after her daughter.

Cygnus smiled at Harry and said, "You're going to have to stop that, Mister Potter. You're making me look bad by my not being as considerate as you are showing yourself to be."

Harry blushed and said, "I just don't like the idea she would see a marriage between us as being - a burden or disappointment in her life. I may not know her yet, but that's irrelevant to me. Everyone has the right to be happy with their life and I cannot countenance being the cause of someone's misery.

"I hope that maybe the ladies of your House will come to view the betrothal contract as you showing great foresight towards your eldest daughter's happiness."

Cygnus snorted in response and said, "Are you sure you're not going to be sorted into Slytherin? You're definitely showing the diplomatic traits required to succeed in that House."

Harry just shrugged. "A turn of the century French poet and essayist, Charles Péguy, once said, 'He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers'. I do not wish to be offensive, but I have no desire for the - politicking - that appears prevalent in the House of the Snakes in this current climate."

"Noted," the older man said with a grin. Then, turning to Astoria, he said, "As for you, young lady, it's time for bed."

"Awww!" she pouted. "But I want to hear Harry say something nice to me."

Harry smiled at her and said, "Fair maiden, there are no words I can convey to you that would do justice to your own beauty. That's why I was hesitant to attempt to do so."

Cygnus snorted, while Astoria sat there for a few seconds with a look partway between awe and being gobsmacked. She then turned to her father and begged, "I meant what I said. If Daffy doesn't want him, can I keep him?"

Cygnus kindly said back, "After tonight I don't think Daphne will be willing to let him go. Now, off to bed."

With a bit of a sulk Astoria hopped off her chair and walked around to give her father a hug and kiss goodnight. Hesitating a moment she then rushed to Harry and gave him one, too. "G'night!" she blurted, before blushing, giggling and dashing from the room.

"Well, you appear to have won over my three ladies," said Cygnus. "I wonder what your next trick will be. Shall we retire to the lounge to continue our discussion?"

"Of course, Cygnus," replied Harry.

Rising from the table both man and boy headed for the lounge and were met there by Isabel.

Once again taking seat Harry started by saying, "I hope you do not feel it too forward of me to ask if I may be allowed to court your daughter starting tomorrow afternoon. I'd like to try and get some of the awkwardness of the situation between Daphne and I out of the way before we depart for Hogwarts."

"It won't be courting, Harry," replied Cygnus. "After all, you're already betrothed. However, we're happy for you to come visiting tomorrow."

Giving a slight shrug Harry said, "I - understand its not actual courting. I just don't want to deny either of us the - experience of courting one another. Plus, it'll give us both a chance to get to know one another in a one-on-one situation. I'm hoping that we can talk things through and allow the relationship to develop that way. I think it would be nice if we started as friends first."

Nodding, Isabel said, "That's quite considerate of you, Harry. And I, for one, agree. If you had not been shunted off to your muggle relatives I daresay you and Daphne would have become much more familiar with one another before now."

Leaning forward, Cygnus said, "As we both are being a little forward amongst friends, may I enquire as to where you're currently staying? I mean to say, if it's with your muggle relatives, you may find it easier to reside here until Sunday."

Hesitating a little before replying, Harry said, "I'm staying at The Leaky Cauldron. I have no wish to return to my muggle relative's tender mercies."

Harry let a little anger colour his thoughts and must have let slip in his tone what he felt about the Dursleys because Isabel leaned forward and asked, "Harry. Are you - ill-treated there?"

Harry was a little uncomfortable with the question but replied with a frown, "What's done is done. They don't want me and I don't want them anywhere near me again."

It was clear neither Cygnus nor Isabel were happy with Harry's response but they didn't push. Instead, Cygnus said in a lighter tone, "Well, we cannot have the Head of a Noble and Most Ancient House residing at The Leaky Cauldron. As you and Daphne, as you suggested, should get to know each other before you depart on the Hogwarts Express, then I think I must insist you move in here for the next few days into one of our guest rooms. After all, you will be family soon enough."

Nodding, Harry said, "Then I thank you for the offer of your extended hospitality and heartily accept. I hope you won't mind if I move my things in tomorrow afternoon after lunch?"

"That would be fine, Harry. I'll have the elves prepare a room for you. Shall we expect you at - say - 1.00pm?"

"Thank you," said Harry. "That time suits me perfectly."




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