
Harry Potter: An Exception Side Character

Note :- This is my first time writing a HP fanfiction. This is a story not about a dark lord or he wants to become an all powerful wizard or will he will have ever girl out there and create a harem,No he just wants to grow up to be very strong and survive the impending war with all of his loved ones and friends still alive and happy. Disclaimer:- i do not own any related to Harry Potter they belong to their respective owners. Note:- Mc x Daphne Greengass

Soulderean · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

First Class and Soul magic

Today is the first day we are going to classes, but our first class is a free period. Then we have Defence Against the Dark Arts with Hufflepuff, Charms with Hufflepuff, and finally, Magical Theory with Gryffindor. So not a whole lot of free time, but I guess these two years are going to be very free two years. That means a lot of time to look into the vaults, finish my studies on soul magic, and heal Lily Potter by the fourth year. That way, Harry's circumstances will be just a bit better, so his life is not so full of, you know, tragedy. I am not gonna help him in any sort of way, just focus on my own things till the fourth year. After that, maybe help and support him, but not completely. I would only fight and be part of the Order only if my and Daphne's family are completely safe. I will need to make sure no harm comes to them, and I will need to make sure Daphne is safe as well .

And I am overthinking again. I need to calm down for a bit and just go through the first few years in peace. And I mean as much peace as one can get with Quirrellmort, Giant ancient snake with an actual death glare bonus with a diary that mindf***s you, the third will be a deranged idiotic false criminal playing hide n seek, a werewolf, and finally, soul-sucking cloth hangers and idiotic and, quite frankly speaking, senile old men making decisions. And the fourth-year Voldesluts returns.

Well, enough about that. It's about 4 in the morning, and I am about to go for my morning routine, and I see Daphne sitting and waiting. I sneak up behind her, hug her, and say with a smile, "Good morning. You are up very early. What's the occasion?" She just huffs and says, "I am going to join you in your morning exercise from now on because honestly, this place is too big. Like when you were showing me from the Great Hall to our dormitory and every other class, it just takes so long, and I become dead tired. So, I am going to exercise with you." I was very happy with that extra time for me to be with her. After 20 minutes of running, she is tired. She wanted to push for more, but I decided to take it slow. Well, the morning routine was over. All the boys decided to go to the Great Hall and spend time there till our defence, so that is what we did. After a while, our Defence Against the Dark Arts classes were starting, and well, it was a mess. Like even that would be an understatement. Like, holy shit. That, sorry piece of an excuse Quirrell is a blubbering mess, whereas parasite Volde is just pathetic.

Well, moving on. Then we went to our Charms class, went well. Though it's the first day, there was any theory, and Professor Flitwick is definitely a great teacher and somebody who loves teaching and actually makes learning enjoyable, even if it's just theory. He even makes it so that Muggleborns are also included and actually, I don't know if it was intended or not. He actually shows the difference between accidental and wandless and also how to properly channel magic. But, well, a lot of people weren't utilizing it properly. Even I wasn't doing it properly. I was still thinking magic with a wand is like a filter that controls and deploys magic at will, and wandless magic is pure unfiltered magic. So even a simple spell also costs more magic than necessary. But he also taught, in time, as your control over magic grows, it becomes more stable. And then he sat down and let us ask questions about anything. Even things that are non-relevant. He even said to Muggleborns to come to him in case they require assistance in no matter what subject may it be.

After that, we had our Magic theory class, and somehow every single Gryffindor fell asleep. Harry was awake with sheer willpower, and Hermione, I don't know what's with her. I just tuned myself out and spent time in my mindscape. Daphne looked at me, and we started to gossip through ML. By the end, even a few Ravenclaws were asleep, but they were hiding and not showing unless somebody got close to them. Well, it's not that our professor is bad; it's just the subject has become so monotonous that it became boring. According to the professor, it was way more interesting back in his time, but due to Ministry meddling in the context of keeping children safe that they, according to the professor, ruined the subject.

After the classes, we had dinner and went to our room. I contacted Daphne through ML.

Solaris: {Daphne when Lisa falls asleep come to the common room}

Daphne: {why what happened}

Solaris: {we are going to ROR; you can practice potions, and I will work on soul magic, and we can sleep there together}

After about an hour after our talk, I went to the common room. I cast a disillusioned charm and walked towards the ROR, and she practiced her potions. I got multiple notes and old books related to soul magic, and the first step is to access your own soul scape. This is one of the reasons why wizards of modern times are so weak compared to ancient times. According to the notes of a powerful wizard, for a wizard to become magically strong, one needs to have a solid body as a base, a powerful soul, and finally, a sharp and clear mind. It even had a training method that should be followed for five years without any fail. The mind and body training should be followed for about seven years, and the soul conditioning should be followed for 5 years. And should be completed before the final magical maturity,And that answered a question: why were the Unforgivable Curses made only about a century ago, and those curses' origin can be traced back to thousands of years ago. It is quite simply because there was no Ministry, but even then, the wizarding minister has been around for a long time even then there were no unforgivable until the last century. Answer, these curse were not very powerful, and in ancient time, they were not very potent, as powerful wizards such as Merlin, Morgana, and the founders can probably just take on a killing curse and just walk it off like it was nothing. And less powerful people can just survive the curse. Looking at the notes and the oldest history books, I can very well understand the Muggle fear for magical cause. In ancient times, if just one of them can change an entire landscape and destroy armies with just a thought. So, of course, anybody would be scared.

Though it makes me wonder how Dumbledore reached his level without doing anything. My conclusion: he was born with a very powerful soul, mind, and body that could have reached, no not could have but, definitely reached the level of Merlin and other powerful wizards of that time. But Dumbledore is already aged a lot, and well, I will only say wasted potential.

I showed what I found to Daphne, and she immediately said we are doing this starting tomorrow.

So I first sat down and followed the method of which there are two: one if you are doing it alone and another if you are with somebody who already has access to the soul scape and has already created a soul palace and is adept in it. I sat down and started to call my soul through my magic and my mind. After three hours of just trying to find it, I found it—my soul scape, a completely golden place with gold glitter waving about like water and wind.

After a lot of walking, or what I felt was walking, I saw something in the distance. A light came from a sphere, and inside a transparent sphere, I could see my soul. It was not something decisive; it had my face with my eyes completely green, and the rest of my body just looked like golden glitter roaming around in the sphere. When I or what I felt as touching, I felt a connection, and something erupted. After a while, I opened my eyes. I now understand I was not inside my soul scape like when I go inside my mind scape; it was just my consciousness that was there, moving around.

I noticed I can control this place. I started to mold this place according to, and you guessed it, I created it to make it look like Asgard or as close of a replica I can make. After sitting on the throne, I tried to connect it to my mind scape, and there I willed my consciousness and created a similar throne made of wood at the base of Yggdrasil.

I sat on it, connecting my mind and my soul, and finally, I was out of my mind scape in the physical world. I looked at the time, and it was 2:29 am. Daphne had already summoned a bed and was sleeping in it. I immediately went back inside my mind scape, opened the base of Yggdrasil, added a runic password to open the door, and put the throne inside of it as it is a connection to my soul. I am not taking chances, so I put the throne inside, closed it, and made my protection more dangerous.

I can just will myself to go inside my soul place, and I started to change the landscape, completely transforming it. I noticed something; my gifts are here. I touched my healing power, and something changed. I finally had a way to heal Lily Potter, but it won't be instant. I will first need to assess the damage, and I guess every year, I first need to probably heal her soul. That may take three to four years, one more to heal her mind, and another for her body. With the Longbottoms, I only needed to heal their minds as their soul and body were completely fine. It's their mind that was broken.

After a while tinkering around in my soul palace, I came out and saw it's 3:09 am. I just went to bed, hugging Daphne, and drifted away to sleep.