
Harry Potter: A Tale Of Splendor

Follow Charles Nielsen on a thrilling adventure as he delves into his mysterious past and present life after being reborn as a Hufflepuff student at Hogwarts. With his impressive magical abilities and dragon lineage, Charles is eager to explore new frontiers and face any obstacle that comes his way. However, as he confronts dark powers and reveals ancient secrets, danger looms around every corner, threatening to derail his quest. Will Charles overcome the challenges and uncover the truth, or will the forces of darkness prevail? ------------------------------- Dear Readers, I am new to writing, and I want to thank you for joining me on this journey. I know that the story may seem slow in the beginning, but that is intentional. I want to take the time to immerse you in the world and introduce you to the characters. I also want to let you know that my plans for the Hogwarts arc is relatively small. While Hogwarts is an essential part of the story, I have even more exciting adventures planned for Charles outside of the school. I hope you enjoy the journey and thank you for your patience and support. Sincerely, RogerW

RogerW · Movies
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18 Chs


As I stepped deeper into the cave, the air grew thick and musty. My footsteps echoed through the cavern, bouncing off the walls like the distant rumble of thunder. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my wand clutched tightly in my hand. The darkness was all-consuming, a black void that threatened to swallow me whole. But then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement.

Turning quickly, I saw a dark figure, a Dark Mongrel, lying on the ground. Its fur was matted and dirty, its eyes closed in what appeared to be a deep sleep. I could feel my heart rate quickening as I approached it cautiously.

I knew I had to act fast. With a flick of my wrist and a barely audible whisper, I cast a spell.

"Petrificus Totalus,"

The spell hit the mongrel from behind, and it froze in place, completely immobile. The once-menacing creature was now nothing more than a statue.

I continued ahead.

It wasn't long before I could hear the murmur of voices up ahead. My heart racing, I crept forward, trying to make out what they were saying.

"I don't like it, we need to transport the boy back," a voice said, its tone laced with concern.

"I know, but we have to be careful. We can't risk being caught by the Ministry," another voice replied, sounding more measured.

"Stuepfy!" I quickly cast, hoping to catch the two people off-guard.

However, they were quick to react and turned with quick movements.

"Protego!" They seemed to be experienced, judging by the ease with which they countered my attack.

One of them was a redheaded woman dressed in black robes, while the other was a scarred-faced man wearing dark green robes. The woman had a stern expression on her face, while the man looked almost bored.

"Accio!" they shouted together, sending a wave of force towards me.

I reacted quickly, casting protego to deflect their attack. As the shield held, I saw the woman raise her wand.

"Petrificus Totalus!" she shouted, sending a jet of blue light towards me.

"Expelliarmus!" I dodged the spell and countered, knocking the man's wand out of his hand.

"Glacius!" The woman was quick to react, sending a wave of ice towards me.

"Incendio!" I countered, sending a jet of flames towards her, forcing her to use protego to defend herself.

The man picked up his wand, and I could see the rage in his eyes as he pointed it at me.

"Confringo!" he shouted, sending a wave of fiery explosion towards me.

"Diffindo!" I reacted by casting another spell in the nick of time, which broke the spell and sent shards of flame flying in all directions.

"Stupefy!" The woman cast, sending a jet of red light towards me, but I managed to dodge it.

"Expelliarmus!" The woman cast again, and I countered with "Protego!" knocking the spell back towards her.

The man raised his wand, and I could see him cast a dark curse.

"Oh fuck!" I couldn't help but exclaim.

"Avada Kedavra!" he shouted, sending a jet of green light towards me.

I dodged the spell, feeling the force of it whizzing past me.

With no time to retaliate, the woman cast "Impedimenta!" sending a wave of force towards me, knocking me off my feet.

In a moment of desperation, I cast "Accio!" towards Mikkel, hoping to bring him towards me. As the two wizards realized my intentions, the woman cast "Diffindo!", cutting my wand in two.

But it was too late. Mikkel flew towards me, and I caught him in my arms, shielding him from harm.

Without hesitation, I dashed with Mikkel in my arms. My legs partially transformed into dragon legs, granting me increased speed and agility, allowing me to dodge the spells that were hurled my way.

As I ran, I could hear the two wizards shouting out spells, their voices echoing through the cave. I heard the crackle of spells hitting the walls around me, but I didn't slow down.

"Diffindo!" the woman shouted, aiming for my legs.

I leaped over the spell, my partially transformed legs giving me extra height.

"Confringo!" the man shouted, a ball of fire hurtling towards me.

A sudden and intense pain exploded on my back. When I looked back, I realized that the spell had struck me in the shoulder. A large part of my robes had burnt away, and I was left with a deep and raw wound.

I was grateful that the spell had missed my head and heart, but the pain was excruciating. I gritted my teeth and forced myself to keep going, my dragon legs propelling me at an even faster pace.

Exiting the cave with great speed, I immediately found myself under attack as the wizards emerged from within. Without hesitation, they began casting spells in my direction. I dodged and weaved as best I could, my partially transformed dragon legs carrying me with incredible speed. But as I ran, I could sense that the group of wizards that Muninn had spotted earlier was closing in on us.

The barrage of spells that came flying towards me whooshed past me, hitting the group of approaching wizards. Chaos erupted as the two groups collided, spells colliding in mid-air and creating bright bursts of light and sound.

I took advantage of the chaos and ran as fast as I could, my wounded back aching with every step. I could hear the sounds of battle raging behind me, but my focus was solely on escaping.

A sudden searing pain erupted in my leg. I looked down to see a deep wound on my thigh, caused by one of the stray spells from the battle.

Ignoring the pain, I forced myself to continue running. I could hear the sounds of battle growing fainter behind me as I sprinted deeper into the forest, away from the battle.