

The Sorting

"Hello my name is Ethan Potter." Ethan is tall, 11 years old and has strawberry blonde hair and blue and a little green eyes. "What is your name?"

"My name is Kaden Granger." Kaden is Medium size, 11 years old and has dirty blond hair and also has grayish-blue eyes. Are you ready for all the classes?" Kaden asked.

"I'm excited to do Beast class and defense against the dark arts." Ethan said. 

"I'm excited for everything!" Kaden exclaimed.

"Attention all students on the train, get ready to leave for Hogwarts." The announcer said. 

"By Ethan, I have to get all my books from storage! Maybe I will see you later. And maybe we're in the same house!" Kaden exclaimed.

 "Yeah. I have to change into my robes." 

When Kaden went to get his books Ethan went to find a seat. Then Ethan ran into the candy stroller and all the chocolate frogs came out of their boxes and ran and jumped away. While Kaden was walking to storage he saw some chocolate frogs running down the walkway. "There they are!" Said Ethan. "Accio chocolate frogs." Then all the chocolate frogs came straight to Ethan's hand, and he put them back into their boxes. When someone walked into the compartment.

 "Hi my name is Zyair Malfoy, can I sit in this compartment? Nobody wanted to let me sit with them because of my grandfather, Drako Malfoy." Zyair said.

"Wow, my grandfather is Harry Potter, nice to meet you." Replied Ethan.

"I've got all my books!" Kaden exclaimed. Kaden was walking back to the compartment "Hi Ethan, wait who's this?" Kaden asked. 

"I am Zyair Malfoy." Zyair responded. 

"All students please get off the Hogwarts Express, and get your bags, and also first years follow Arlo Hagrid, the gamekeeper." The announcer said. 

"Come on Zyair and Ethan were going to be late." 

"Okay." Zyair and Ethan said. 

We were all walking off the train when we heard " First years over here!" Said an unknown voice. They looked to the right and saw a ginormous thing. They walked over and realized it was a large man. "Hi, are you guys first year students?" The man asked.

"Yes!" We all said. 

"Are you Arlo Hagrid?" Kaden asked.

"Yes I am, but please just call me Hagrid." Hagrid said. 

"Okay!" Kaden exclaimed.

"All first years follow me to the boats!" Hagrid yelled.

When magically boats appeared in the lake. Once they got on the boat they got on the boat and the boat magically rowed by itself.

"Oh look over there, it's the Merpeople!" Hagrid yelled. 

Once they got off the boats everyone and everything was soaked. 

"Come on, first years!" Hagrid said. 

"Come on Ethan and Zyair, we have to be faster!" Kaden said.

"Okay, we're coming." Zyair replied. 

Then a few minutes later the group stopped outside two huge doors.

"Why did we stop?" said Ethan.

"I don't know," replied Zyair.

"Settle down kids, these are the doors to the great hall where you will get sorted into your houses!" yelled Hagrid. Everyone was silent after that. 

"Hi Arlo, are you ready for them to come into the great hall?" Someone asked Hagrid. 

"Yup this lot is ready, Mr. Potter." Hagrid said. 

"Hi dad!" Ethan exclaimed. 

"Hi Ethan." Mr. Potter said.

"All first years follow me." Mr. Potter said.

Then he led the first years into the great hall to get sorted.

"I wonder what house I will get sorted into? Hopefully Gryffindor." said Zyair. 

"I hope I'm also in Gryffindor." Ethan said.

"I hope I'm in Gryffindor too." Kaden said.

"All First years line up in the front of the hall, and wait for your name to be called." Mr. Potter said. After the first few names, Ethan heard his name be called. 

"Wish me luck." Ethan said.

"Hmmm, let's see, bold but loyal and also strong let it be GRYFINDOR!" The hat exclaimed. A burst of applause from the Gryffindor table arose as Ethan walked to the Gryffindor table. 

"Kaden Granger." Mr. Potter said. 

"Hmmm, hard choice wise but smart, loyal but ambitious, determined but hardworking let it be Gryffindor!" The hat yelled! While Kaden was going to the Gryffindor table, when the Gryffindor table burst into a cheer. 

"Wow, that's the first hatstall since Harry Potter." 

"Zyair Malfoy." Announced Mr. Potter.

"Let's see brave but wise, ambitious but loyal, tough decisions, tough indeed well let it be Gryffindor." The hat yelled. As more cheers from the Gryffindor table erupted. After the rest of the kids got sorted Mr. Potter said "Well that was fun and always will be for any sorting, now all prefects show your houses to their dorms." 

"All Gryffindors follow me." Someone said.

"We're all in the same house!" Kaden exclaimed.

"I thought for sure I was going to be Slytherin or Ravenclaw, maybe even Hufflepuff!" Kaden said.

"That was stressful." Zyair said. 

They were walking towards the dorm when the stairs started moving.

"Wow!" All the First years said.

"Now First years the stairs always move. Make sure to be careful." The prefect said.

"Leatherback." The prefect said.

"Enter!" One of the portraits said.

"Now that it is our password for a while, the fat lady will open up when you say the password." The prefect said.

"Okay!" Kaden exclaimed.

"Now go, go unpack." The prefect said.

"This is amazing." Said Ethan,Kaden and Zyair.

After we put away everything in our bags it was dinner time.

 "Let's go!" Zyair said. 

"Okay! Let me finish this page!" Kaden said.

While we were walking we heard a scratching noise on the other side of a door. 

"I wonder what is in that door?" Said Ethan.

"No, I'm hungry, we are not stopping." Firmly said Zyair. 

"Well too bad we're going." Said Ethan 

"Fine." Said Zyair.

They walked to the door and heard a huge scratching sound coming from inside the door. 

"Um, actually I think I'm Hungry too ,bye." Ethan said.

Then Ethan started to run towards the great hall without telling Zyair and Kaden.

"Wait up!" Kaden exclaimed.

"Yeah wait up." Zyair said.

And all three ran towards the great hall.

"All students, attention please." Mr. Potter said.

All the students went silent.

"Thank you." Mr. Potter said.

"The first thing we have to mention is to thank Arlo Hagrid for making sure the first years got here safely. Second thing is let's go over the rules to all new students. Rule one is the forbidden forest is banned. Rule 2 all 1st and 2nd years are not allowed to go to hogsmeade. And the last rule is you cannot enter the kitchen. And that is all. Now enjoy your food." 

In front of all the students' eyes, food appeared. 

"Wow, this is so delicious!" Zyair exclaimed. 

"I agree." Ethan said.

Once everyone had finished all their dinner, chocolate pudding appeared. 

"By Zyair and Ethan, I'm going to study." Kaden said.

"But we haven't got any homework though, or had any classes!" Ethan exclaimed.

"I know, but studying is fun." Kaden said.

"Well,by Kaden." Zyair said. 

"So are you excited to have flying lessons?" Ethan asked.

"Yes." Zyair said.

"Well I'm off to the dorm." Ethan said.

"Well I'm going with you too." Zyair said.

"Wait, is the library open?" Ethan asked.

"I don't know." Zyair said. 

"Well I'm off to check." Ethan said.

"Wait, what will I do?" Zyair said.

"You can have more chocolate." Ethan said

"How much more?" Zyair asked.

"Umm till you're fat." Ethan said.

" You have offended me so you die!" Zyair said

"Wait what." Ethan said.

"Just kidding, I'm going back to the dorms with Kaden." Zyair said

"Good." Said Ethan "bye."

Once Ethan got to the library he discovered that the library was closed.

"Excuse me, when will this library open?" Asked Ethan.

"It's going to open when classes open." Said an unknown voice. 

"Also I am the librarian and my name is Mrs. Sherwin ." Mrs. Sherwin said.

"I think I heard of you from my grandfather and grandmother." Ethan said.

"Who's your grandparents?" Said Mrs. Sherwin.

" Harry Potter and Ginny Potter." Ethan replied. 

" hmm, ok well the library is closed so you should leave." Mrs. Sherwin said.

"Okay." Ethan said.

When Ethan was walking towards his dorm he thought

 "That was weird."

When Zyair was walking towards the dorm he took a quick look at the door where they heard a scratching sound. "Well it seems the sound is gone." Zyair thought. 

Once he got to the fat lady he said "Leatherback." And the fat lady opened up. 

"Hi Kaden." Zyair said. 

"Hi Zyair, wait where is Ethan?" Kaden asked. 

"Oh, Ethan went to check if the library was open, but he should be back by now." Zyair said.

"Ok but do you want to read these books?" Kaden asked. 

"No, not really I'm going to our room." Zyair replied.

"Ok." Said Kaden.

A few minutes later Ethan came into the dorm.

"Hi Kaden, where is Zyair?" Ethan asked.

"He's in our room." Kaden replied.

"Okay well we should go up there too." Ethan said.

"Okay let me finish this page then I'll be up." Kaden replied.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kaden_Ethancreators' thoughts