

Kevin and Harley spend the holidays more time loving each other on bed and studied different types of mives from the Angel's light and also learned healing using the holy power. They also leaned to teleport and tried other things.

Kevin and Harley packed their luggage while their brother arrived to take them to hogwarts express. Allen is also turned into an angel after Kevin explained things and concealed some facts. Allen didn't believe it until he is turned into an angel.

Kevin gave him the jack card. After Allen evolved Kevin told him about the dangers in magical world and also told him to hide well from now on until the battle begins. Allen agreed, after accompanying them to hogwarts express he said good bye to them.

Kevin also taught some magic to Allen and gave him a wind that he got after killing a few dark wizards in knockturn alley. Kevin and Harley chose an empty compartment and sit there, Harley placed her head on Kevin's shoulder and hugged him while Kevin grabbed her waist.

They stayed like that until Hermione arrived. Looking at Kevin and Harley she sighed and said," Ron is angry at Kevin and he us throwing a tantrum saying Kevin gave Harley a love potion. He is still ranting with his brothers about this".

Harley puffed her cheeks and scolded Ron while Kevin ruffled her hair and calmed her down. Hermione looked at this and blinked, a headpat calmed down Harley, she felt this girl changed too much and maybe obsessed with Kevin.

Taking out a book she started reading while Kevin and Harley flirted with each other. The train journey continued and the bully pansy parkinson arrived mocked Harley while she ignored him completely.

Kevin on the other hand looked at Hermione who is reading her book while secretly glancing at him. Kevin just smiled whenever she look at him. Hermione is confused as yo why she is serectly glacinv at him in the first place and shook her head removing all those thoughts away.

Kevin on the other hand just started flirting with Harley making her embarassed. He is whsipering sweet words into her ear and Hermione started to feel the effects of those harmones. Her body is attracted towards Kevin. She although has a book in front of her face is thinking about Kevin.

She looked at Kevin suspiciously but Kevin just ignored her and flirted with Harley who is beat red. He is breathing in her neck while also kissing it, Hermione gulped looking at Harley who is holding her moans and Kevin who is flirting with Harley openly.

Kevin didn't go too far. He just made Harley feel the heat so she can agree to their night visit of room of requirement. He already asked her to be there at 11. Harley didn't say anything or give him a reply. She just looked at him.

After seducing he told her again that news and Harley agreed this time with a heavy breath as Kevin started squeezing her breasts and thighs too. Fortunately Hermione is covered by a book after she saw Kevin kissing her neck.

Harley then gave Kevin a lap pillow, and while he is sleeping Harley and Hermione started talking about girl things and Harley told Hermione about their time. Harley even discussed how did it feel after Hermione asked her and all other things.

Hermione naturally became jealous and looked at Kevin who is hugging Harley in his sleep with a sigh. Kevin's pheromones already affected her to a certain extent. Kevin is sleeping peacefully, his face is attached to Harley's belly, his hands wrapped around her waist. Harley caressed his hair with a smile and kissed him occasionally.

Kevin woke after he heard the announcement and snapped his fingers while the robes appeared in his body, Harley did the same too. Hermione who is waiting outside after seeing how quickly they changed clothes is dumbfounded.

Kevin and Harley left everything in the cabin and Hermione did the same. They followed others to the carraiges and climbed in them while the carriages moved forward. Apparently the word that kevin and Harley are dating each other spread.