
Chapter 11 - Importance Of Wisdom

Felix approached the window and peered outside, his gaze drawn to the glimmering expanse of the lake below. It was a beautiful sight, the water sparkling in the sunlight and stretching out as far as the eye could see.

"Yeah, the scenery of Hogwarts is impressive."

Felix thought.

He watched as a gentle breeze ruffled the surface of the lake, causing the water to ripple and dance. The movement was hypnotic, almost mesmerizing, and Felix found himself lost in thought as he watched the waves ebb and flow.

"I feel different and more lively as the time goes on."

Felix felt the difference in his emotional state.

As he stood there, he became aware of the sounds of nature around him.

Felix took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the fresh, clean air. He closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the sensation of the sunlight warming his skin.

Felix then asked.

"Hermetic, the reason I feel better and more lively, or anything similar to those feelings, has anything to do with you?"

Seconds later, Hermetic System answered.

"The Hermetic System grants users soul and magical power according to the wisdom and knowledge they gather." Information gathering is not something that just involves looking at books to study. Experiences, eyes, what one hears, as long as it is worth something classified as information and wisdom,"

"Due to your interactions with strong wizards of this world as well as being in a highly protected magical place, seeing the artwork or anything to do with magic has an effect on your mind and soul."

"These things cause your wisdom to increase, which in turn increases your soul power and magic."

Felix let out a deep sigh and turned his attention to his bed, which was neatly made with fresh sheets and pillows. He couldn't help but feel a sense of weariness wash over him as he took in the sight of it.

"Better get some sleep," he thought to himself, acknowledging the exhaustion that had been building throughout the day.

As he approached the bed, Felix ran a hand over the smooth surface of the comforter, feeling the softness and warmth of the fabric. He kicked off his shoes and climbed under the covers, letting out another sigh as he settled in.

For a moment, he lay there in silence, simply letting his body relax into the comfort of the bed. The stillness of the room was interrupted only by the sound of his own breathing, slow and steady.

Felix closed his eyes, allowing himself to drift off into a peaceful slumber, ready to recharge for whatever challenges lay ahead.

As he slowly entered deep sleep, Some of the things inside his soul and brain changed. Felix did not notice these things because he was asleep. But his soul starts to go through a qualitative change each second. He may be sleeping, but his mind still takes in information from the outside.

For early chapters and support, thank you.


Adenliacreators' thoughts