
Harry Osborn - Black spider ( Dropped )

Reborn in marvel world as harry Osborn

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Chapter 6: Lizard and Iron Man

Chapter 6:

May 17th, 2010:

It was 2 weeks after Tony Stark's controversial press conference. He had, as promised, shut down the Weapons Manufacturing Division of SI. Thanks to that the Military Contracts started coming in to Oscorp by the dozen. My weapons designers and scientists had developed 3 new guns that they wanted to sell. And what better time to sell them than when the Military is desperate? The genetics research was going good. Dr. Connors and Gwen Stacy were starting to hit a road block in their research of the lizard cells. Dr Connors wanted to regrow his hand. And he had become desperate.

"I should have really seen this coming." I say as I swing towards Oscorp Tower. He had taken the formula a few days ago and gotten turned into The Lizard. And now he wanted to turn everyone else into a lizard-human hybrid too. Joy. Lets all sing Kumbaya later now, why don't we? Peter was already on site with Gwen Stacy trying to help him turn Connors back into.. well, Connors. I really hope Peter's not cheating on MJ with Gwen.

When I get to Oscorp it's to see that Peter is barely holding the Lizard back. Gwen is nowhere to be seen, thankfully. While Officer Stacy, Gwen's father is shooting at the Lizard. It looks like Lizard is going to sheesh-kebab dear old George. Immediately I go into professional mode. I pull Stacy away from the Lizard and take him to the next building over. That way he won't disturb anyone else and he won't get killed. Before I can go he gives me a canister filled with some blue concoction.

"A gift from Gwen. My daughter," he clarifies after seeing my blank look. "She said that it'll turn him back."

"Thanks a lot officer." I say and then go to Oscorp again. Peter's mask is laying on the ground and he's being chocked by the Lizard's tail. Kinky. I quickly cut off the tail and save Peter first. I throw him the canister.

"It's the cure. Go! I'll keep him busy." I order quickly and start attacking Connors. Man he's strong. My hits have an effect on him. Just a bit. But his hits just hurt so much. He's stronger than me, no question about it. But I have to just keep him busy so I handle him just fine.

He claws at me, I duck. I swing at him, kicking out, he catches my kick and throws me away.

"Oomph! Damn it Peter! Be quick!" No sooner that I say this, both me and Connors see a blue explosion occurs in the sky. At first I see him smiling. Huh. He thinks it's his serum that got blown. He thinks everyone will be Lizards. Boy is he in for a surprise.

After a few seconds when the blue cloud reaches us, The Lizard starts screaming in anguish. Such a sudden change is bound to be painful.

"No! No!" He grumbles and quickly falls down, passed out. Huh. That was anticlimactic. I feel Peter dropping down next to me. We both look at Connor's naked body for a while after which I web him up with the incapacitation web.

I look at Peter's face, his unmasked face and say, "Next time, you'll be the distraction." He laughs at me. The asshole.

"Yeah sure. Thanks for coming man. I don't think I could have handled it." He drops his shoulders and just sits there.

"Yeah, no worries. I should have kept a closer eye on him. I knew he was desperate but I still didn't think he would go to such lengths for an arm. Sorry for coming in late." I really am sorry. I was watching a basketball game and had asked Siri not to disturb me. Which was why she didn't tell me when it first started happening.

"Lets- let's just go home, okay?" Peter picks up his fallen mask and puts it on. His webbers were broken in the fight so I give him one of my own pair of spare webbers. He smiles at me softly and goes swinging away.

I bring Officer Stacy down towards his Cop car and swing away too, before I can get a lecture of how Vigilantism is bad.

It was a good fight. Connors gave me an example of how fighting Abomination would be like. Same height, a little difference in strength. I think I might need help but I could theoretically bring down Abomination. Help from Hulk and Spider-Man that is.

Meh.. I'll burn that bridge when I get to it.

June 2nd , 2010:

The next few days were relatively peaceful. Other than the Board Members being assholes to Bernard and Bernard putting them in their places, nothing interesting happened. Oh there was that one event where an 'Air force training exercise went wrong' , which meant that Iron Man is in the business. I already had a live feed from Stark's Company grounds. It was hard to hack into them, but not impossible.

I was just eating Popcorn and watching the CCTV footage when Siri brings out a screen on the full display. It showed Pepper Potts along with a few black suits going into the compound. As soon as I see Coulson's face, I jump out of my chair and start to suit up. It's Hero time!

... Yeah that's terrible. I don't know why I said that.

"Siri! Call Peter, tell him to suit up and get to Stark compound! And tell him to be quick about it. We need to minimise the damage done." I order and start swinging towards the fight zone with the help of my HUD.

I get there just as Iron Monger steals a bike and hits Tony with it. The two Iron titans are doing so much damage. Even SHIELD will have trouble covering this up. The priority is to decrease the damage done. So I swing closer to them.

Stane was stepping on Tony and monologuing, as every super villain does. "... I built this company from nothing!" Stane throws Tony into a bus, which was thankfully empty. "Nothing is going to stand in my way! Least of all.. you." Now he has a rocket aimed at the bus.

I fire a web at the rocket and prevent it from being fired. The rocket bursts in its place at Stane's shoulder and knocks him back. That ought to have hurt him. I turn to Iron Man who's now standing and looking at me. Probably trying to scan me.

"It'll keep him down for a few seconds. I'll throw him back to your compound. We'll fight him there. If he roams the roads freely he'll do even more damage." I order Iron Man. I don't wait for him to acknowledge it and pick up Iron Monger. It weighs about a ton so nothing I couldn't handle. I jump into the air and throw Iron Monger high into the air towards Stark's Compound and start swinging towards there.

"Siri. Is Peter here yet?" I ask Siri.

"Yes he's here. He just got here actually." She answers. Perfect timing. I call Peter's phone.

"Yo. Spidey. I'll help the smaller red suit deal with the big grey one. You're on damage control. We want zero casualties." He knows what he has to do. We'd done the same for some small time criminals during shootouts.

"Sure. I'll join you once the cops have it all handled." Spidey says.

"Ok cool. Oh and don't talk to any of the black suits. They're dangerous people. Government agency but a lot more efficient." I warn him. I don't want Shield to be after me and Peter to join their Super Secret Boy band.

"Really vague, but okay," he says confusedly.

At this time I'm once again at the compound. Iron Man is on top of his factory building. I join him as he's talking to someone, probably Pepper or Jarvis. He removes his left hand gauntlet when Iron Monger returns. I sigh loudly and again interfere. Iron Monger is strong. But he has nothing on even The Lizard.

He's about to punch Iron Man when I jump in and catch his punch. In one hand. I don't know who is more shocked, Tony or Stane, but it was damn funny. I laugh and start punching Iron Monger.

After getting out of his shock Tony joins in. I'm faster than Iron Monger so I manage to land far more hits than he could defend against. When I feel he is enough distracted I bring out my claws and stab into the suit. Right where the Arc Reactor is.

I pluck out my hand,and the arc reactor comes out with it. I throw it to Tony who's too shocked to do anything and then start tearing into the now disabled suit. Within a minute the Iron Monger is now just a pile of broken metal pieces and weapons and Obadiah Stane is a scared little girl. I don't even give him the opportunity to try to run when I use my Venom blast through my claws to stun him.

I turn to Iron Man, "Maybe next time when you make a super suit, make sure no one can replicate it, huh Stark?" I'm smiling at him.

"How'd you know it was me? Uh- I mean, I'm not- I'm not Stark." He's stammering.

"No one else is smart enough to make a suit that strong and that small." I don't mention his stammering an he's happy enough to avoid it. I point towards Iron Monger and say, "This is what happens when dumber people play with things they don't understand. Plus that arc reactor kinda gave it away." I wanted his arc reactor so badly. But I don't want to steal it.

"Hey did you patent that arc reactor? If I manage to make one for myself will you sue me?" I ask him suddenly.

I think I shocked him again. "Um if you actually manage to replicate the arc reactor I'll let you keep it for personal purposes and even offer you a job at my company." Is he excited? Yup. He's excited.

"Thanks for the offer, man. Although I don't need a job yet." We are silent for a while. When suddenly Spider-Man appears.

"Spidey. You're late." I show him Stane.

"Um Is that Obadiah Stane? Executive officer of Stark international?" he asks while pointing his finger at Stane.

"Yup!" I reply cheerfully.

"And is that Tony Stark?" he asks dumbly while pointing at Tony who's now examining my webs which I had used on Stane.

"Yeah Hi. How are you so strong? Also what is this thing? How is this so strong? The tensile strength must be of the charts for it to support your weight." Tony says after he's done trying to tear it up with his bare hands.

"Its a mixture of chemicals. Take a sample home if you wish. But be careful. It'll dissolve after 2 hours." Peter says dumbly. He's probably nerding out in his mind. He'd seen my 3 types of webs and made improvements on them so I actually let him answer.

"Yeah Spidey. We should go." I look at Tony. "It was nice meeting you Mr. Stark. You got this right? Those black suits are probably coming to arrest him."

I don't wait for Tony to answer and start swinging towards my home. Knowing that SHIELD will probably try and track me, I already had Siri on task. She hacks into every camera in 10 block radius from Stark Compound and turns it off for about 30 minutes. Its enough for me to change into my normal clothes. Its not much but its enough. I'll have to invest in a stealth suit soon.

Peter comes with me until we reach my home and then I tell him what happened. After he goes home, I think back to what happened. It was a good fight. Not as awesome as the movie fight but we had to minimise the damage so it was ok.

OMG I fought besides Tony Stark! I met him! It was awesome. How many people can say that they fought besides Iron Man? None. Zip. Nada. That's how many. Hehehe.. One Avenger met. Now time for a second. Hulk will make an appearance soon. Ah..

I once again read the Black Book and go to sleep. It was a long day, today.