

"Ain't no words to describe you baby, All I know is that you take me high, Can you tell that you drive me crazy? Cause I can't get you out my mind..." - Shower by Becky G.


I woke up the next day with the same frozen face I fell asleep with. Remembering what happened the day before. From the death certificate to what I did. Oh God! I'm so fucking stupid! I rejected him. Carter. Why the hell did I do that? I doesn't take a genius to know that now he would even bother himself to try.

I mean he has girls falling to him feet, why would he come after me of all people? I bet he already called Cameron right after what I told him. Why is it that I can't be as confident as her?

I grabbed my phone from the night stand to check the time. Stamped right there on the screen was 8:10 A.M. I guess I should probably get up and get some food into my system.

After slackly getting up from my bed and quickly doing my morning routine, I made my way to the door. Not before making sure I had my phone and headphones with me.

Before I knew it I was sitting, shoving breakfast down my throat at the never-ending dining table. Everybody was wide awake, chatting amongst themselves. Thankfully ignoring me except for Tyler and Chloe of course.

Without warning, we all heard Ronald the butler shouting. I don't know who he was shouting at but I heard him tell whoever it was that came in that if they didn't leave he would call the police on them. I heard footsteps getting closer and closer.

Once they came into view I realised that there were at least more than twelve men, who were wearing the same uniform and were all carrying bouquets of hydrangeas and peonies. They silently and instantaneously laid them down, before walking out the same way they came in.

Just when I thought they were about to leave, more men came in with bouquets in their hands, slowly the bouquets filled the entire dining room. All of us were dumbfounded, staring at them.

After they were done crowding up the room with bouquets, one man came in carrying only one delicate yet extravagant looking peach-coloured flower in his left hand. He looked down at the card with his right before he said.

"Miss Harmony White?"

Silence filled the air but that didn't stop everybody from turning to me.

"That would be me." I frowned in puzzlement, but nevertheless answered back. Without another word, he began to approach me. Once he was beside me he settled the flower into my hands.

"There must be some sort of mistake. I didn't order any of this." Questions were filling up my head.

"I am under very strict orders, not to answer that question for you. But these flowers are all sent here for you, Miss White." He smiled down at me.

"For me?" I questioned once again, not believing one word he was saying.

"Yes, the man who ordered these for you, told us to send these all to your house at exactly 8:45 A.M. No matter where you were. Also, to have this rare Juliet Rose delivered to you in hand." As if he had been memorizing what to say for a while before he came in.

"Who in the world would send her all of these flowers?" My mother's drilling voice broke the ice.

"Believe me ma'am I would tell you if I could, but the man who ordered these gave me strict orders not to tell anybody his name."

With that he walked away. I looked down at the Juliet Rose that was sitting on my lap. It had a small card on the side, that caught my attention. I pulled it out, before opening it.

I hope you liked the bouquets, my sweetest Harmony. Doing this for you was the first thing that popped into my head once you ended that call. The flower you have in your hands right now represents you in every way. You are too beautiful, too exquisite, very unique, and worth every dime I've got.

You told me I had to try harder for a second date, and that's exactly what I'm doing. This is just the first and only thing you will be getting today. But no need to worry, The rest is yet to come. By the end of the week I'll have you screaming yes to me. I mean that in every possible way ;) .

- C

I felt myself heat up. I knew for a fact that my face was the colour of my mother's crimson nail polish. I then gasped so loudly once I realised what the last few words meant. Oh my, He is actually trying to get me to say yes. I couldn't help the bubbly feeling building up inside of me as I kept repeating his compliments in my head.

"Oh this is all so romantic, Harmony. You now have a secret admirer, I wonder who he is." Grandma soon began squealing. I smiled to myself because I of all people knew precisely who he was.

"I know right, I'm so mad at you right now. You got your first secret admirer before me." Chloe whined before letting out a pout.

"Guys you do realize that Harmony is holding a Juliet Rose right? This rose is very scarce and one of the most expensive roses to ever be sold. Whoever this guy is must be a Royal Prince." Grandma dramatically continued. I rolled my eyes , but that didn't stop the flutters I got from her words.

No one said anything after that. Cameron however glared at me the moment my eyes met hers, yet she didn't say anything. She simply got up from the table with her idiotic umpa-lumpa following her.


After I hung out with Tyler and Chloe outside for a while, as always they made me regret it. At some point Tyler wanted to try a wrestling move on me. I ended up me face first into the agglutinative mud. The gardener wasn't too happy. I furiously stomped my way up the stairs to my room.

Speedily I made my way to the bathroom. I scrunched up my nose when I noticed how much I really do stink. I pulled out my phone from its protective case in my pocket.

Now that I think about it I would have without a doubt killed them if something happened to my baby. I plugged it on to the iHome system I had in the bathroom.

As I showered, I was singing my heart out to every song that popped out of the speakers. The next song that came out made me grin. At this moment I was not only a superstar but I was the world's greatest dancer too. Not.

I don't know, it's just something about ya,

Got me feeling like I can't be without ya,

Anytime someone mention your name,

I be feeling as if I'm around ya...

I couldn't stop smiling. What made me even more happy was the look on my sister's face today. For the first time ever she looked jealous. Of me. Me.

...There ain't no guarantee

But I'll take a chance on we

Baby let's take our time

And when the times get rough

There ain't no giving up

Cause it just feels so right...

I would actually like to take a chance on Carter and I, but I'm still scared. I don't want to seem to eager. I want him to actually put effort in showing me that he really wants this.

I wouldn't want to be in a relationship that is one sided. I don't think I could bare being heart broken. I hope he wouldn't do that to me. I really do.


I didn't want to stay locked up in my room. So I opened my bedroom door and began walking around mindlessly. As I walked past my parents room, I heard a phone ring.

I would have left it there, but it kept on ringing on and on relentlessly. I knocked on my parents bedroom, but the only answer I got was inarticulateness.

Being the curious cat that I was, I opened the door a little more. I peaked my head in to make sure nobody was around. No one was there.

I slowly approached the phone that sat on the nightstand. It was my mother's. The number calling was a blocked number. I didn't have a clue as to who's phone this was. I looked around one last time at the silent room before grabbing the phone into my hands.

I guess I wasn't fast enough, because as soon as one of my fingers hit the green answer button. The ringing ended and a text message was received instead. The message appeared on the locked screen.

It's gone, Boss. The papers, certified documents and original signatures are all gone. We've looked over the security cameras but nothing came up. I'm sorry, Boss.

That was the end of the message. I don't know why for some reason the words 'Boss', 'certified' and 'documents' struck me so hard. Why did he just call my mother Boss?


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