
HaremTech System: Vampire Overlord

After the cataclysm, Javar World was in ruin, and half of the population was destroyed. A space crack appeared in almost every corner of the world and existence beyond humans appeared. The 'Shataki' Then, the war to protect Javar began. Push to the brink of extinction, a group of scientists discovers how to awaken their dormant bloodline. They are called ‘Maxis.’ Javar saw hope and things began to change. Yet, it wasn’t easy. The threat was beyond their imagination. Even the Maxis were in despair. Not until..... At the far corner of Javar's wasteland, a useless young man at the brink of death awakens not a bloodline but a system. Unfortunately, luck was against him. He found himself in a dire situation again. But this time, nightmares worse than imagination descended by mistake. A vampire was created and conquest began..... Who killed his parents? What mystery surrounded his parent's death? Perhaps, were they even human, to begin with? There is more to Javar than meets the eye. What's so special about it, a race against time to discover the mystery began. Hell is about to be unleashed. What else will alleviate a vampire besides blood, maybe s*x? A useless young man, neither heroic nor villainy, so what is the mystery about. Tell it to all so they may hear. Your beautiful daughters and wives should not be seen by me. If you want a battle, bring it on. Because...the Vampire Overlord is awakened. ******** Join me on discord. https://discord.gg/ckmtX6Yac7

_EverSmile · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
203 Chs


Inside a small lit room, four people sat around a burning fire in silence. A crack appeared on the wall and some broken glasses scattered on the ground.

After what looked like forever, a slight sound came from a person. Her cold ice stared at La Coaster with a conflicted expression.

She looked at three people sitting close together and couldn't believe her eyes. In a short span of a few minutes, something unimaginable happened.

She saw Kelsi virtually dead. But now, she was sitting across from her, hale and healthy. Perhaps, she was more radiant than before.

Also, the talkative Annette was sitting quietly beside a man. A man. She couldn't believe it. She knew the disgust she had toward men.

She considers all men as her plaything, beneath her skirt.

'Is this a dream?' Tania cried in her mind.

She would go crazy if she didn't find answers to what really happened.

La Coasta was too timid to look at the furious Tania. He stole a look at her, now and then.

"Can someone tell what the hell is happening?" Tania's cold voice reverberated throughout the room.

Annette looked at La Coasta and Kelsi before she cleared her throat lightly.

"I don't really understand what is happening. But what I'd know is that after being bitten by him ...." She glanced at La Coasta.

Noticing Annette's gaze, he shrugged and averted his gaze, looking at the ceiling.

She pouted and continued.

"I lost consciousness. But after a couple of moments. A powerful force spread throughout my body. And body reacted in such a way that made me crave for blood and him." Annette finished her monologue and stared directly into Tania's eyes.

The room descended into a round of silence. Tania was trying to digest what she just heard.

Kelsi, the quietest among the three, bit her lips and said seriously.

"I don't know why you're making these look somewhat devilish. And if it were demonic. Who cares."

Hearing the cold hard truth from Kelsi. Tania raised her head and opened her mouth. But the word stuck in her throat.

"What we want is already achieved. I feel it in my blood. My bloodline has awakened. And that is what matters most. And if you're thinking about the condition you find us. I have nothing to say. Everyone acted on instinct."

"Annette, how do you feel?" she turned to face her.

"Great. My blood is pumping and my eyesight has improved by a wide margin. I know there is more to our bloodline. If we put in a bit of research and practice. We will surely find out about our bloodline." Annette announced with a satisfying smile on her face.

"You're right. My eyesight has improved but I think that is not my area of expertise. I think it's about speed."

The two ladies began to chat happily about their awakened bloodline, forgetting about Tania entirely.

Tania's mouth was agape. She could believe this was happening before her eyes. Her precious sister had turned to entirely different people under the taste of power.

She was bitter and lost.

"What about you? You're the one that injected us without your blood. You must be extremely strong." Annette asked, moving closer to his body.

"I-I don't know. There is nothing different about me."

"Really." Annette and Kelsi chorused.

"Hmm. Hmm." He nodded. "Why would I lie about it?"

"That's strange." Kelsi raised her brow.

As the brain of the research. She knew this wasn't supposed to happen. They awaken their bloodline through his bite. How could he not have any power?

"I would have run a test on you. But we don't have the equipment in this desolate wasteland. Back in the city…." She sighed and shook her head.

"You don't have to think about it. We're still new to this strange power. When we start practicing. We will know more about our bloodline."

"Right! Right!" Kelsi nodded, giggling. She can't imagine what sort of power she would discover when she began her training.

'I know the blood of a Shataki wouldn't be any simple. What grade is my bloodline?' She was lost in her fantasy, unknown to the conflicted gaze directed at her.

Tania was the only one with a clear gaze while the other was lost in their thoughts.

'Why do I feel different from them?' a strange thought appeared in her mind.

But she shook her head and abandoned the abysmal thought.

'What can they get from the diluted blood of a beast? It is not even a beast. What should I even call it.'

She looked at the lost duo and shook her head. 'Their thirst for power made them lose their thinking. I'm sure after a couple of days. They realized how wrong they were. That research was a failed experiment and I won't ever allow myself to be bitten by this maggot.'

She smirked in disdain, and stumped her foot, and left the trio to their reverie.

Annette glanced at Tania and raised her brow. 'What's wrong with her?' she thought for a second before she shook her head.

"I can feel you close to my heart." She whispered beside La Coasta ear.


He blinked his eyes and turned to face her. They turned into four, staring deeply into each other's eyes.

A spark of fire was lit and every second, the fire was burning fiercely, spreading throughout their body.

"Hmm. I also feel a connection with him. Do you also feel the connection with me, Annette?" Kelsi asked, raising her head and she caught sight of the two staring deeply into each other's eyes.

The connection broke when they heard Kelsi's voice. Annette's face reddened and her breathing was somewhat erratic. She averted her gaze trying to control her breathing.

"What is wrong with you two?" Kelsi asked.


"Our connection gets stronger when we focus on each other for a couple of seconds. I almost pounced on him." Annette whispered.

"I guess." Kelsi shrugged. She had guessed this was a side effect from their bloodline. 'Is this how we would be feeling against every man that stared at us. That would be bad.' She exclaimed in her heart.

'Impossible. It can't be' she denied the notion, shaking her head vehemently.

"What are we? For real!" Annette looked at La Coasta and Kelsi seriously.

"I haven't heard of any bloodline craving for blood like mine." She added.

After thinking for a moment, Kelsi said slowly.

"I've heard a myth about something like ours. And I'm sure we met the myth description."

La Coasta had been trying to figure out what he had turned to. Now, he was about to know. His ear twitched.

"What are we?"



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