
HaremTech System: Vampire Overlord

After the cataclysm, Javar World was in ruin, and half of the population was destroyed. A space crack appeared in almost every corner of the world and existence beyond humans appeared. The 'Shataki' Then, the war to protect Javar began. Push to the brink of extinction, a group of scientists discovers how to awaken their dormant bloodline. They are called ‘Maxis.’ Javar saw hope and things began to change. Yet, it wasn’t easy. The threat was beyond their imagination. Even the Maxis were in despair. Not until..... At the far corner of Javar's wasteland, a useless young man at the brink of death awakens not a bloodline but a system. Unfortunately, luck was against him. He found himself in a dire situation again. But this time, nightmares worse than imagination descended by mistake. A vampire was created and conquest began..... Who killed his parents? What mystery surrounded his parent's death? Perhaps, were they even human, to begin with? There is more to Javar than meets the eye. What's so special about it, a race against time to discover the mystery began. Hell is about to be unleashed. What else will alleviate a vampire besides blood, maybe s*x? A useless young man, neither heroic nor villainy, so what is the mystery about. Tell it to all so they may hear. Your beautiful daughters and wives should not be seen by me. If you want a battle, bring it on. Because...the Vampire Overlord is awakened. ******** Join me on discord. https://discord.gg/ckmtX6Yac7

_EverSmile · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
203 Chs


The early sun shines brightly on the horizon and Javier's world welcomes a new day, of hope, opportunity, death,h, and beginning. Whichever you find yourself, take heart.

Amid a desolate city ruin, surrounded by yellow sand. At the center of two dilapidated buildings. Two people were fighting with bodies drenched in a cold sweat.

"Why are you so weak!" A voice complained, sending a powerful punch toward her opponent's belly.


A miserable cry echoed and a silhouette stumbled backward, gasping for air. These two were Kelsi and La Coasta.

After the shocking revelation of what possibly they might have become. They accept reality with no option.

Then a slight quarrel happened between Annette and Kelsi last night in whose room he would sleep.

Kelsi won the debate, resulting in smiles and giggles all night. The smell from him has a charm against them and their link makes it quite difficult for them to separate from him.

Though the three realize what they have for each other was nothing but lust and their bloodline instinct influences their decision.

They decided to get to know each other better while both Annette and Kelsi apologize for their inhuman behavior.

Though Kelsi feels wronged. If not for their research, how could he and them have the opportunity to awaken their bloodline?

Now, since the little misunderstanding had been put behind them. They decided to focus on their training.

Since La Coasta and Kelsi slept in the same room. They both woke up at the same time and decided to spar.

"How do you survive this long in this cruel world? And not to talk about here is the wasteland."

La Coasta groaned and rubbed his belly. 'Fuck! This is so painful.'

"Why would I need to train? Can't we find a village and settle in and live a quiet life?" He couldn't understand why people would risk their lives for nothing.

"Are you asking me that question!? Are you for real?" Her mouth was aghast.

La Coasta stared at the dumbfounded Kelsi and shook his head.

"Forget. I'm no longer training."

He struggled to get on his feet and leave the training ground. He had a lot of bruises on his face. But they were healing at a visible speed.

"Whatever haven you lived in previously. You better get your ass together. The illusion of a better dream is a pipe dream. The wasteland is changing and if you don't have enough strength. Your fate would be worse than a beast." Annette's voice echoed as she entered the training with a smile on her gorgeous face.

La Coasta didn't care about this bullshit. He only wants to live in a village and have many beautiful women around him, serving him all day long.

They may call him may with no visions or goals. He didn't care. He just didn't want anything to do with fighting and bloodshed. Unknown to him, his time and cowardly behavior had transformed his rational thinking.

The training ground descended into abrupt silence while Annette and Kelsi stared at La Coasta for a moment. They have seen people with no will to fight. But not to this level of his.

"You will realize how wrong you were when the time comes. But I hope it is not too late by then." Annette announced and averted her gaze.

"Let's fight." She took a fighting stance.



Two blurry movements appeared on the training ground, recasting a gust of whirlwind. Annette appeared a little faster in front of Kelsi with a punch.

She was quite surprised by Annette's speed but she recovered from her initial shock.

Her eyes glowed with crimson light and the punch speed was reduced to a considerate speed. She looked at the punch and a smile appeared on her face.

She tilted her head and dodge the attack and sent a powerful kick toward Annette's opening.

'What the hell!?' Annette cried in her heart. That punch was too close to be avoided. Nevertheless, it was avoided.

However, seeing a kick going for her thigh. She grimaces a little, not sure how to avoid it.


Annette was sent flying backward. She crashed to the ground and rolled twice to get on her feet. Yet, she discovers another incoming kick close to her blind spot.


Kelsi kicked her abdomen and she flew further and a slight groan escaped from her mouth. She didn't follow up with another attack and she said.

"Sister, why are you so slow?"

Listening to Kelsi's arrogant speech. A spark was ignited in her heart. Instead of feeling offended, blood boils. She stood and patted her chest.

"That was just warming up. And don't pity with just two kicks. Bring all you have. I can take them all."

"Really!" She raised her brow.

"Hmm. Hmm." She nodded.

"Good. I thought this was going to be boring but I guess not." She dashed toward Annette at her fastest speed.

Annette took a deep breath and all the hair on her body stood straight with slight traces of crimson light. 'I knew it. So this is it.'


She disappeared from her initial position and almost appeared in front of Kelsi.

'What the hell!'


A powerful punch connected with Kelsi's nose. She stumbled backward and blood splashed out of her nose.

On the side, La Coasta's jaw was on the ground.

Meanwhile, at the top of the highest building. A silhouette stood lonely and watched the sparring with a conflicted gaze.

"I can barely see their movement." She muttered.

"What should I do now?" She was lost.


AN: Please support this book for the Weekly Milestone Events.

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