
Harem is What I Want

Synopsis This is the story of a young man who travels to various universes to enjoy a peaceful life. He is a narcissist. He is a person who loves to show off and really didn't like to be lowkey or hide his strength, he really was a straightforward person. Some of the worlds he would visit: First world : Against the Gods Second World : One Piece Third World : Naruto Fourth World : Cultivation worlds ( BTTH, Soul Land, Martial Peak, Apotheosis, Rebirh of the Urban Immortal Cultivator, etc) English is not my main language, I am writing this to improve my English. So please forgive me if the grammar is really bad.

Harem_King19 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Their strength has increased rapidly

On a small star that looks like the moon there are several humans who are joking, they look so happy when they laugh out loud. Each of them is a figure that is so amazing, charming, beautiful even the word "beautiful" cannot describe their extraordinary figure.

Their laughter sounded so beautiful like the melody of a heavenly song that soothed the hearts of anyone who heard it. Their faces look like they don't have any burden on their shoulders, trully like people who really enjoyed the life.

All laughter stopped as soon as a handsome man asked the women a question.

"How do you feel after all this time undergoing closed-door cultivation?". The handsome man with long white hair asked.

"Well, although at first I found it difficult to undergo this hell training, but now I feel happy because the achievements I have now are the result of my hard work all this time". The golden-haired beauty answered with a very beautiful smile appearing on her face.

"Fufufu, now our Brahma Monarch Goddess knows how to speak politely and not be arrogant like she used to be". The black-haired beauty replied with a seductive smile.

"Hmph, only certain people deserve my respect. With my current strength, I can destroy the Realm of the Gods if I want to". Qianye Ying'er replied to the words of the black-haired woman who was none other than the Devil Queen, Chi Wuyao.

"Of course, even your father the Brahma God Emperor wouldn't be able to do anything if he had to face you. After you get out of here, you can truly fulfill your dream of becoming the strongest in the entire Realm of the Gods". Chi Wuyao smiled. She naturally knew Qianye Ying'er's father very well, her father's name was Qianye Fantian.

Qianye Fantian was known as the Strongest God Emperor in the Eastern Divine Region to date, even so he was also one of the men Chi Wuyao had played in the past. Even Chi Wuyao planted so many shadows of fear in his heart.

Even though Qianye Fantian was known as the Strongest God Emperor in the Eastern Divine Region. With Qianye Ying'er's current strength, Chi Wuyao clearly knew that Qianye Fantian would not stand a chance at all against her. Even Qianye Fantian would not be able to withstand Qianye Ying'er's weakest blow.

"Hah, my ambition is no longer fixated on the Realm of the Gods. As Ray said that the Primal Chaos Dimension is just a small universe among the infinite universes that are out there". Qianye Ying'er said.

Due to Ray's intensive training and knowledge of the new cultivation path, she learned that there was an infinite universe out there. At first she did not believe in such a reality, but seeing Ray's figure and his power which was beyond her comprehension instantly answered all her doubts so that she believed in that fact.

With that, she no longer dreamed of ruling over the Realm of the Gods. She thought that ruling the Realm of the Gods didn't mean much to her, moreover, the Realm of the Gods was only a small region in the Primal Chaos Dimension. And The Primal Chaos Dimension was like a speck of dust among the infinite universes out there.

"Oh, your answer surprised me a bit. I thought it wasn't just me who thought that, it turns out that you are also curious about what the world has to offer out there". A look of surprise appeared on Chi Wuyao's pretty face when she heard Qianye Ying'er's statement.

Actually, she is also curious about everything that is out there, what mysteries are out there, what mysteries are behind this life, what kind of surprises are waiting for her in the outside world. It made her impatient to unravel them one by one.

Hearing Chi Wuyao and Qianye Ying'er's conversation, Mu Xuanyin simply shook her head. It's good that they have big ambitions, but they also have to know what kind of difficulties await them if they want to accomplish their goals.

"The ambitions of the two of you are enormous. You won't be easy to accomplish it even with your current strength. You remember what Ray told us, right?". Mu Xuanyin turned her head towards the two of them.

"Ray said that there are countless cultivators out there who are as strong as us. Even in the face of cultivators in higher dimensions and realms, our strength is just that of ants and is not worth mentioning". Mu Bingyun who was beside Mu Xuanyin immediately answered her question.

"If the current strength of each of us could destroy a single universe with our full strength. Then for cultivators in the higher realms, their sneeze alone is enough to shatter countless universes". Mu Bingyun continued.

Just imagining it made the women shudder in fear. Destroying countless universes with just a sneeze? Only entities at the top of the food chain possess such majestic power.

Even so, there was an unnatural feeling of joy in their hearts. Ever since they had trained with Ray, their minds and mentalities had been forged in such a way. It made them more eager to pursue strength and further deepened their comprehension of cultivation.

Ray was very happy as he heard the conversation between the women, he was happy that his wives had such strong will and ambition. Of course he as their husband will continue to guide, accompany and encourage them.

"Don't worry, you still have a long way to go to attain that kind of power. By being with me and continuing to work hard, you will have powers that are even more beyond comprehension than simply destroying countless universes". Ray said to the women.

The women immediately turned their heads towards Ray as they heard his sudden words.

"Ray, have you ever met any of them? I mean a being who have extraordinary powers like you said". Qianye Ying'er asked curiously.

The women immediately looked at Ray seriously, they were also curious and wanted to know the answer. Even though they knew their husband was very strong, but he was no different from an ant before a Transcendent Being.

Talking about power beyond reason made Ray remember the mysterious humanoid figure he met the first time he died. Ray simply raised his head to stare at the starry sky, as if he was tracing where the mysterious humanoid figure was.

But he would never be able to track down and locate the mysterious humanoid's whereabouts, he was certain that its existence was in a higher dimension and completely out of reach with his current strength.

"Yeah, I've met a being that has powers beyond reason. When I stand in front of it, I feel like I'm a little ant being stared at by a majestic dragon". Ray nodded.

"Its presence that is like a transcendent being was enough to shake the infinite multiverses. Its transcendent and abstract figure left me completely clueless, i couldn't perceive its gender whether male or female, its gender is inapplicable. But i would call its "He" not "She"....". Ray continued.

As soon as he dropped his words, the women suddenly felt goosebumps down their spines. If Ray's being so strong was no different from an ant in front of such a being, let alone those who had just treaded the path of cultivation yesterday afternoon.

Ray turned his gaze towards the women, he just smiled seeing them so scared.

"There's no need to be afraid, if he wanted you to die then you would have definitely died without you knowing how you died. Even I believe that what we are doing and talking about right now, he must know it. In other words, throughout our lives, we are always being watched by him". Ray said as he waved his hand.

The more the women heard his words the more they sank into extreme fear.

Die without you knowing how you died?

The being is always watching over us?

Just imagining it made the women tremble with fear. At this time they did not dare to act and speak carelessly anymore, they were afraid of offending the being.

"Haha, don't worry. He won't be interested in mortals like us. Even though we are all very strong right now, in his eyes we are still mortals". Ray laughed lightly as he looked at the women.

Hearing his words, the women breathed a sigh of relief. Even though they have high self-esteem and often act arrogantly, they know how to be humble especially in front of the stronger ones.

"Even so, he is a benevolent and not arrogant being. The strength I have today is not only the result of my hard work but also because of his blessing. And I regard him as my master". He continued.

The women slightly suprised as they learned this fact. But they quickly be relaxed again, that fact wasn't too surprising after all.

"Looks like you guys aren't that surprised to hear this?". Ray raised his eyebrow as he saw the women's expressions were normal.

"That's not too surprising. After all, your presence was never mentioned or recorded in the history of the Realm of the Gods. You are like an anomaly that suddenly appeared in the Realm of the Gods, so a fact like that doesn't really surprise us". Chi Wuyao said calmly.

She remembered the time Ray told the women about his origins from another universe and explained the cultivation path he followed to them. At that moment Chi Wuyao's doubts about him from another universe were immediately answered. However, the fact that Ray was from another universe still surprised her.

The women nodded in agreement as they heard Chi Wuyao's words. But it seemed that Mu Xuanyin was a little curious about the being that Ray considered his master.

"So Ray... Do you know where your master is?". Mu Xuanyin was so curious, she couldn't help but ask him.

"*Sigh*, I don't know where exactly he is, but I'm sure he's in a higher dimension". Ray sighed lightly.

"Oh...". Mu Xuanyin was a little disappointed by the answer, but she didn't show it.

"Before that...". Ray didn't continue his words, he just snapped his fingers. As soon as Ray snapped his fingers, a strange yet extraordinary phenomenon occurred around them.

The void in the expanse of the galaxy where Qianye Ying'er and Mu Bingyun had once fought the epic battle suddenly bends and twists. The remnants of the floating celestial bodies are sucked into space, so that in a matter of seconds everything is swept away without leaving any residue and even dust has disappeared into space.

Within a few breaths, the swirling space was replaced by a dazzling arc of light. The arcs of light moved in various directions, then merged to form a dense ball of light.



The ball of light exploded like massive fireworks that so beautifully lit up the darkness of space. Shortly thereafter the explosion sparks radiated to form various stars, planets and finally to form a new large galaxy that stretched to an unknown distance.

"Wow, it's so beautiful. No matter how many times I see it, it's still beautiful in my eyes". Mu Bingyun muttered while looking at the extraordinary phenomenon from a distance.

She and the women had often seen this kind of phenomenon during their training, they had been told by Ray the function and usefulness of the Training Room.

At first she and the women were very surprised by the existence of a treasure like the Training Room that Ray had. This heaven-defying treasure would never be found in any corner of the realm in the Primal Chaos Dimension.

The Training Room was arguably a vast realm that included billions of planets within its domain. It has so many galaxies, that this domain is as wide as the universe. Everything inside the Training Room is virtual, if their constructions are destroyed they will repair themselves resulting in a phenomenon that is so beautiful to behold.

Even so, the women are always amazed when they see the phenomenon of such a supernova explosion.

"Yeah, I believe that if the people of the Eternal Heaven Realm found out about the existence of a treasure like this Training Room, they would definitely do everything they could to obtain it". Mu Xuanyin nodded.

As Mu Xuanyin said, once someone from the Realm of the Gods especially those from the Eternal Heaven Realm saw the entire Training Room that actually looked like a copy of the universe, they would flock to try to obtain it.

The elders of the Eternal Heaven Realm, their hearts would never be satisfied if they had not been able to obtain such a heaven-defying Treasure.

It should be known that the Eternal Heaven Realm is one of the four king realms in the Eastern Divine Region. Although they are not the strongest, they are known by everyone for their kind nature.

If other God Emperors like the Brahma Monarch God Realm, Star God Realm and Moon God Realm were to become one's enemy, they would definitely never make the Eternal Heaven Realm their enemy.

If anyone dared to go against the Eternal Heaven Realm, they would definitely anger the public. It was no different from going against the laws of nature.

Apart from being considered good by the public, the reason the Eternal Heaven Realm was never attacked by other powers was because they possessed the Eternal Heaven Pearl. If the people of the Eternal Heaven Realm found out there was a treasure better than theirs, they would definitely do everything they could to obtain it.

"Fufufu, of course they'll never be able to obtain it. After all, this kind of treasure is in Ray's hands, whoever has the ability and courage to snatch it from him. The heavenly treasure they have are good but compared to Ray's treasure, theirs is just trash". Chi Wuyao continued Mu Xuanyin's words.

Although Chi Wuyao had never looked into the specifics of the treasure they had in their realm, but she knew that the Eternal Heaven Realm possessed the Eternal Heaven Pearl.

She also knew that the Eternal Heaven Pearl was one of the Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures. The Eternal Heaven Pearl was ranked fourth of the Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures.

Originally, the Eternal Heaven Pearl belonged to the Creation God Xi Ke at the beginning of the era of the gods. After the end of the era of the gods, it was discovered by the ancestor of the Eternal Heaven Realm. Because she had the Heart of Snow Glazed Glass physique, she was able to obtain possession approval from the Eternal Heaven Pearl.

The Eternal Heaven Pearl's known powers include the ability to create its own space-time called the Eternal Heaven Divine Realm which has almost completely independent laws of time. One year outside is a thousand years inside the pearl spacetime. This ability is not limited, to maintain space-time must require enormous energy.

"Hehe, of course the heavenly treasure that those old farts have in their territory are incomparable to Ray's Training Room". Qianye Ying'er said with a mocking expression on her face.

Qianye Ying'er knew because she had even entered the Eternal Heaven Pearl when she was very young. Within a certain period of time the Eternal Heaven Realm often held meetings between God Emperors from various regions except the Northern Divine Region.

What made the Eternal Heaven Realm less hostile to other Divine Regions was that they realized the use of the Eternal Heaven Pearl. One of them was an event called the Profound God Convention.

As the name suggests, the Profound God Convention was an event that occurred once every three thousand years. The event was arguably an honorable meeting between God Emperors.

However, the Eternal Heaven God Realm announced that the current Profound God Convention would only be held once every 700 years. Apart from being a gathering event, the Profound God Convention was a contest to showcase the comprehensive strength of the young practitioners from each Divine Region.

Anyone could participate as long as the conditions were met whether they were from the support of any sect or star realm. The requirements weren't too difficult, only participants under the age of sixty with a strength no weaker than the Divine Tribulation Realm could apply to the preliminaries.

The participants who won the competition would get the privilege of entering the independent realm that was inside the Eternal Heaven Pearl. By entering the Eternal Heaven Pearl, they would be able to practice their skills and increase their cultivation within only a very short time in the outside world.

The Profound God Convention was truly an auspicious event for all of the Divine Regions. Because with this event, they will be able to see the strength of the young practitioners from their region and compare it with other regions.

"Aishh, what are you guys talking about?? Even though the treasure they have can't compare to mine, it's still a heavenly treasure after all". Ray shook his head as he heard the conversation of the women.

Of course he knew that the Eternal Heaven Realm had a heavenly treasure similar to his, even though the comparison between the two treasures was vastly different, the Eternal Heaven Pearl was still an extremely useful heavenly treasure.

"But what you guys say has some truth in it too. If it wasn't for me holding the Training Room, they would probably have done everything they could to obtain it". Ray continued.

He clearly knew what the nature of elders who had felt at the pinnacle of power was like, they would not allow others let alone those younger than them to have what they did not have.

That was why if the old geezers from the Eternal Heaven Realm saw the Training Room, they would definitely try to obtain it.

But do they have the abilities to support their actions?

Will they be able to snatch the Training Room from Ray?

Obviously they wouldn't be able to, they could only fantasize!

"Ehemm. Since you guys have finished undergoing hell training for approximately 20 thousand years, it's time for you to return to your respective territories". Ray said as he looked at the women.

Honestly he was happy to have spent 20 thousand years with them, during that time a lot stuff had changed.

Starting from the women who were not too familiar with each other until they have an inner bond with each other. Even the power they currently possess is more than the strength they had before they met him.

Indeed, in the early days of the women's training, they felt reluctant when they were asked by him to dispel their profound arts and had to start over the path of cultivation all over again.

After all, it was not easy for them to replace possessions in terms of cultivation and at the same time dispel their profound arts with something completely new and foreign to them.

Especially Qianye Ying'er who was vehemently against it. Qianye Ying'er as a Goddess would have no way of agreeing to such an idea, she would rather find her own way to become stronger without asking Ray for help.

It was impossible for her to dispel her Divine Master realm cultivation base!

It was impossible for her to dispel the Brahma Monarch God profound arts that she was so proud of!

If she lost both of them, wouldn't it be the same as being an ordinary human? Wouldn't that make her weak like a mortal?

No matter how much they trusted Ray, they didn't have that much trust in him the first day they met. Even though they were chosen to be his empresses, they did not arbitrarily obey directly what he ordered them to do.

The women were the top beauties in the Realm of the Gods, the prestige of the four of them was known by many in the entire Realm of the Gods. Each of them is an extraordinary figure, be it in terms of fame, strength and beauty. So it's impossible for them to trust someone they just met.

But upon seeing his figure and strength that seemed foreign to them, the women were forced to believe him and dispeled their cultivation base and profound arts.

Since then he has given women an introduction, direction, comprehension of the new path of cultivation. As time passed, their cultivation and strength increased rapidly.

However, it cannot be separated from their hard work, talent and comprehension. Not only did he give them Dragon and Phoenix bloodlines, he also gave them the talents he bought from the system. Each of the women had a higher talent than Ray's, they had God Grade talent.

Jane (System) had told him that women were qualified to have God Grade talent. Of course it makes him happy because the women can have very high talent. Even so, he was also very envious of them because they had a talent higher than him even without them needing to work on increasing it.

Of course the women naturally didn't know that, he just told them that their talent was God Grade. That way he explained to them what a person's talent and grade of talent was.

After the women know their talents, they feel very proud, especially after listening to his statement that someone can increase their talent by working hard, which makes them even more excited to become stronger.

Although they were very happy because they had high talent, they also felt suspicious and wondered. Especially Chi Wuyao, she clearly knew that her talent wasn't too heaven-defying so her comprehension of cultivation wasn't that high.

Ray really knew that they must be suspicious of why they suddenly had such high talent and comprehension. He quickly explained to them what made him unique, he couldn't help but lie to them that he could naturally give a person both low and very high talent, as long as the person was close to him and met the requirements.

Ray purposely lied to them, even though they were his women, Ray would not tell them about the System. At least wait until the time is right to tell them.

The women were very surprised once they heard his explanation that he could give someone talent. From his explanation, the women realized that their talent must have been given by Ray. The proof of their comprehension of such a high cultivation made the women immediately believe his words.

Except for Chi Wuyao, she was very observant, she could slightly detect a lie from Ray's words. Even so, she didn't care, anyway she would find out sooner or later.

As thousands of years passed, their comprehension of the path of cultivation deepened, allowing them to create various techniques. Their comprehension of the various laws as well as their dragon and phoenix bloodlines were factors that supported them in creating techniques for themselves.

As they broke through the Nascent Soul realm, Ray gave them a bit of enlightenment about the various elementary to supreme laws, he even gave them the energy essence of every law he mastered. His actions brought the women a little closer to comprehend the laws of the universe.

Returning to the current situation, before exiting the Training Room, Ray muttered in his mind as he asked Jane to make a brief status on their strength progress.

'Jane, try to make a brief status of their strength and show me'.

[Creating the status of the women...]


[Status creation complete!]

'Show me'. Ray muttered as he heard Jane's voice.

[The status of the women :

Name : Chi Wuyao

Age : 30 Thousand Years (Calculated when training inside ISATR)

Race : Human, Dragon, Phoenix

Bloodlines :

- Primordial Dragon

- Primordial Phoenix

Talent: God Grade

Cultivation Level : Peak 2th Stage of Great Ascension Realm

Body Strength : Martial Emperor Realm

Soul Power : Martial Sovereign Realm

Laws : Water (15%), Fire (15%), Wood (15%), Earth (15%), Metal (15%), Wind (15%), Lightning (10%), Ice (10%), Darkness (40%), Light (10%), Life (10%), Death (15%), Space (10%), Time (10%), Creation (10%), Destruction (5%), Devour (5%), Nihility/Nothingness (5%), Chaos (10%), Primordial (10%)

Innate Ability : [Regeneration], [Transformation](Dragon, Phoenix), [Sword Intent], [Omni -Element Manipulation], [Nirvana Fire], [Holy Water], [Dragon Fear], [Darkness Manipulation], [Soul Manipulation], [$-$&$$+$+$], [$-$&$$+$+$], [$-$&$$+$+$], [Teleportation], [Portal Creation], [Pararell Thought Processing](PTP)

Techniques : Myriad Defying Cultivation (Stage 3), $-$&$$+$+$ Arts, $-$&$$+$+$ Technique

Skills :

- Source Armament Haki (Grandmaster)

- Divine Observation Haki (Grandmaster)

- Supreme Haki (Grandmaster)

- Immortal Clone Technique (Grandmaster)


[Name : Mu Xuanyin

Age : 30 Thousand Years (Calculated when training inside ISATR)

Race : Human, Dragon, Phoenix


- Primordial Dragon

- Primordial Phoenix

Talent: God Grade

Cultivation Level : Middle 2th Stage of Great Ascension Realm

Body Strength : Martial Emperor Realm

Soul Power : Martial Sovereign Realm

Laws : Water (25%), Fire (25%), Wood (15%), Earth (15%), Metal (15%), Wind (20%), Lightning (15%), Ice (35%), Darkness (5%), Light (10%), Life (5%), Death (5%), Space (10%), Time (10%), Creation (10%), Destruction (5%), Devour (5%), Nihility/Nothingness (5%), Chaos (10%), Primordial (10%)

Innate Ability : [Regeneration], [Transformation](Dragon, Phoenix), [Sword Intent], [Omni -Element Manipulation], [Nirvana Fire], [Holy Water], [Dragon Fear], [Ice Manipulation], [$-$&$$+$+$ Manipulation], [$-$&$$+$+$], [$-$&$$+$+$], [$-$&$$+$+$], [Teleportation], [Portal Creation] , [Pararell Thought Processing](PTP)

Techniques : Myriad Defying Cultivation (Stage 3), $-$&$$+$+$ Arts, $-$&$$+$+$ Technique

Skills :

- Source Armament Haki (Grandmaster)

- Divine Observation Haki (Grandmaster)

- Supreme Haki (Grandmaster)

- Immortal Clone Technique (Master)


[Name : Qianye Ying'er

Age : 21 Thousand Years (Calculated when training inside ISATR)

Race : Human, Dragon, Phoenix


- Primordial Dragon

- Primordial Phoenix

Talent: God Grade

Cultivation Level : Early 2th Stage of Great Ascension Realm

Body Strength : Martial Emperor Realm

Soul Power : Martial Sovereign Realm

Laws : Water (15%), Fire (35%), Wood (15%), Earth (15%), Metal (25%), Wind (15%), Lightning (20%), Ice (10%), Darkness (5%), Light (10%), Life (5%), Death (5%), Space (10%), Time (10%), Creation (10%), Destruction (5%), Devour (5%), Nihility/Nothingness (5%), Chaos (10%), Primordial (10%)

Innate Ability : [Regeneration], [Transformation](Dragon, Phoenix), [Sword Intent], [Omni -Element Manipulation], [Nirvana Fire], [Holy Water], [Dragon Fear], [Fire Manipulation], [Metal Manipulation], [$-$&$$+$+$], [$-$&$$+$+$], [$-$&$$+$+$], [Teleportation], [Portal Creation], [Pararell Thought Processing](PTP)

Techniques : Myriad Defying Cultivation (Stage 3), Dancing Fire Star Technique, $-$&$$+$+$ Arts

Skills :

- Source Armament Haki (Grandmaster)

- Divine Observation Haki (Grandmaster)

- Supreme Haki (Grandmaster)

- Immortal Clone Technique (Grandmaster)


[Name : Mu Bingyun

Age : 30 thousand years (Calculated when training inside ISATR)

Race : Human, Dragon, Phoenix


- Primordial Dragon

- Primordial Phoenix

Talent: God Grade

Cultivation Level : Peak 1th Stage of Great Ascension Realm

Body Strength : Great Ascension Realm

Soul Power : Martial Sovereign Realm

Laws : Water (25%), Fire (25%), Wood (15%), Earth (15%), Metal (10%), Wind (20%), Lightning (10%), Ice (30%), Darkness (5%), Light (10%), Life (5%), Death (5%), Space (10%), Time (10%), Creation (10%), Destruction (5%), Devour (5%), Nihility/Nothingness (10%), Chaos (10%), Primordial (5%)

Innate Ability : [Regeneration], [Transformation](Dragon, Phoenix), [Sword Intent], [Omni -Element Manipulation], [Nirvana Fire], [Holy Water], [Dragon Fear], [Ice Manipulation], [Dimension Manipulation], [$-$&$$+$+$], [$-$&$$+$+$], [$-$&$$+$+$], [Teleportation], [Portal Creation], [Pararell Thought Processing](PTP)

Techniques : Myriad Defying Cultivation (Stage 3), $-$&$$+$+$ Arts, Day and Night Technique

Skills :

- Source Armament Haki (Grandmaster)

- Divine Observation Haki (Grandmaster)

- Supreme Haki (Grandmaster)

- Immortal Clone Technique (Master)

'Hmm, their overall strength is quite balanced with only a slight difference between them'. Ray nodded as he saw the status of the women.

Actually Ray was quite proud of their progress, the women mastered everything he was good at starting from techniques, arts, skills and abilities. The difference is, their comprehension of the laws is not as deep as his comprehension.

They only mastered a few laws with a low percentage compared to him. Even so, with that much increase within just 20 thousand years, it was truly something that was difficult for anyone to achieve.

But did Ray only guide women for these 20 thousand years? Of course not!

Not only did the women become stronger, his strength also increased. Although his cultivation did not increase, the percentage of each law he mastered increased quite significantly.

After deepening his comprehension of laws, how they appeared in the universe, what is behind the mystery of these laws, he gained a little enlightenment for his dedication as he immersed himself in understanding the mysteries of the laws.

In addition, he had also absorbed the Nirvana Devil Emperor's soul along with the primordial energy contained within. Due to that his soul grew a little stronger than before and his primordial energy essence increased so it was very useful to increase the percentage of his Primordial Laws.

Actually Ray wanted to see the progress of his status, he felt his progress was not inferior to the women. But he endured it, it was better to see it while he was outside the Training Room.

After seeing the brief status of the women, Ray looked at them before said.

"Hmm, you guys have become very strong. In the Primal Chaos Dimension you don't have any rivals at all. But I hope you don't slack off in increasing your cultivation okay?". Ray wanted to remind them not to be negligent and arrogant.

The women nodded in agreement as they heard his words. After all, they weren't always at the peak of power. If extremely powerful individuals from outside the Primal Chaos Dimension came with malicious intent, that was when they would perish without being able to do anything.

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