
Harem In An RPG World

Kai Rose was reincarnated into the powerful Rose Dukedom within an RPG world. In this world people would gain a class at the age of ten and could increase their level. By increasing their level they would be able to invest stat points increasing their strength and with that strength would come wealth, authority and respect. Unfortunately for Kai he had no status screen, not only that when he turned ten nothing happened. For eight years he trained his mind and body waiting until the day he was meant to leave for the royal academy and praying he'd gain a status screen and a class. The day before he was supposed to leave for the academy, he and his childhood friend went a step further. Nothing happened until he was about to fall asleep and a loud noise in his head plus text in front of his eyes jolted him awake. [All Requirements Met] [System Activated] [Putting Host Into Sleep Mode] [Until Awakening Process Is Complete] "What the?.." Kai almost cursed out loud before he faded to black. _________________ I am re-releasing this novel for WSA 2023. Chapters: 1 a day Word count: 1500-2000 words per chapter. 250 Power Stones = Bonus Chapter The cover art is not mine, if you want me to take it down then please let me know.

DontLookPls · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


After getting dressed, Kai made his way down for breakfast.

He made his way into the dining room, as he entered he saw his mother already sitting at the head of the table.

"Morning, mother." Kai greeted his mother as he sat down.

His mother nodded in acknowledgement but said nothing else.

Shortly after Kai had sat down, breakfast had been brought by Leah. She placed the plates in front of Kai and his mother. She avoided gazing at Kai after the events of the previous night.

This of course did not go unnoticed by Lumi, she knew Leah very well. She had seen her grow from a baby into a beautiful woman.

As far as she knew Leah had only once avoided looking at Kai and that was around the time she became aware of her feelings.

Lumi could recall how after Kai had rejected Leah's confession. She had not avoided looking at him nor did she blush when around him.

But right now both of these things transpired right in front of her.

Lumi was no fool and she quickly realized that something must have happened between the two.

Seldom getting the chance to tease her son. Lumi decided to have a little fun at Kai's expense and find out what exactly transpired between the two.

Lumi thought for a second as Kai was digging into his food. After deciding what she should say her lips curved into a smile as she spoke.

"So dear, tell me when will I get the good news about my grandbaby from you and little Leah?"

Kai almost choked on the water he was drinking as he heard what his mother said.

At the same time, Leah was standing not far from the table. She was there in case Lumi or Kai needed anything.

When she heard what Lumi had said she wanted to hide in embarrassment.

Kai wasn't sure how much his mum knew for sure but he wanted to avoid a conversation like that.

He decided to not say anything and pretend he didn't hear what his mother said. He wasn't a person who was comfortable discussing things like this let alone with his mother.

Lumi saw that her son was trying to avoid the question and smirked.

"I know you've heard me. Unless of course you just don't know how to drink water."

Kai had no response to this and as such had decided to surrender.

Sighing heavily Kai said. "Not anytime soon seeing how I'm leaving for the academy"

The sigh didn't escape Lumi as she decided to use it against her son. While she knew the true reason for it, she instead decided to use it as more ammo to tease her son.

"Oh? Does that mean if you weren't leaving I could expect one soon?" When she said that Leah's eyes grew wide as she hid her face and started imagining a future where she had Kai's children.

Once again Lumi had managed to stump Kai. While he had a glib tongue when it came to arguments, this was way beyond his comfort zone. Thanks to that he froze not knowing how to reply.

But then he had an idea, he didn't feel the need to attend the Royal Academy. In Kai's eyes, his previous life made up for anything he might have learned there.

Other than that, the grand library of the Rose family contained a vast collection of knowledge that Kai had devoured through the years.

With no real entertainment that Kai was used to from his previous life. Kai had opted into using his free time to read and train his combat skills instead of lazing around.

Kai decided to use this opportunity as a hail mary of sorts to avoid confinement within the capital for 3 years. In his opinion, the time would have been better spent grinding levels in the Rose duchy.

"Does that mean if I promise you a grandchild soon then I don't have to go?" Kai asked trying to remain expressionless as he asked a question he deemed embarrassing.

Lumi pretended to ponder it for a moment before giving the answer she had prepared the second she noticed something happened.

"My dear son, how could I as a mother force you to forgo your education? With that in mind, Leah should go with you to the academy. You are allowed an attendant given that you are a noble. So why not take little Leah and work on my grandbabies"

As she said that she smiled as her eyes turned crescent. She rarely had the chance to tease Kai and treat him like a kid.

Ever since he was born, Kai had shown intelligence that was far beyond anything she had heard of.

While Kai's body was limited physically, his mind was not. As picked up the language slowly over time. Once his body allowed him to, he started speaking.

This of course at the time startled the duchess as by no means should have Kai been able to talk.

By the time he was able to walk, Kai had already learned the language and started to read history books among other things.

He swiftly learned about the world he was in and shocked his mother with his insight and maturity. He posed deep questions about events that had transpired as he tried to learn how this world worked.

Because of all this, Kai behaved more like a young adult if anything. Lumi Rose had great hopes for Kai due to this but she didn't get to experience the joy of a child through her son.

If she didn't know better, she would have long ago suspected that Kai was not her child but some demon in disguise.

Seeing Kai reluctant to answer, she instead decided to turn to the girl in question.

"Leah, will you be willing to travel with Kai to the Royal Academy and serve him there as an attendant?"

Leah managed to compose herself. While she found the situation embarrassing as much as Kai did if not more. Her mother's strict training kicked in as she put on a professional expression and lowered her head toward Lumi.

"It would be my honour to follow the young master and serve him"

With that Lumi had gained another opportunity to have some fun.

"Oh? Let me ask you a question dear, do you also call Kai by young master while serving him." Lumi gave a suggestive wink toward Leah who took Lumi's words literally.

At this moment Kai honestly wanted to crawl into some ditch and just bury himself in it,

"Yes your grace. I always remain professional as I serve the young master"

Seeing how her shot missed its mark, Lumi decided to try once more.

"Forgive me dear, but I have to ask does that include the bed?"

As Lumi said this Kai pushed back his chair and stood up with an irritated expression. Not wanting to have Leah also suffer from his mothers teasing Kai decided to put a stop to it.

"That's enough."

Seeing the fierce gaze in her son's eyes Lumi decided to stop trying to tease the pair.

As she chuckled from her son's outburst she said. "My my, what a fierce gaze. Alright I will stop teasing you for now"

With that being said the rest of the breakfast was pretty uneventful. Despite this, the mother and son pair chatted away. After breakfast, Kai would be leaving his new homeland for the unknown dangers of the Royal capital and the Royal academy. So the mother and son pair decided to make the most of the little time that they had left together.


A/N: Thank you for reading and I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. Remember to add it to your collection and vote for it with power stones ^^