
Harbingers of Chaos

This Novel is based on the PlanetSide Universe. The Story is about the Last Terran Republic MAX UNIT of the Outfit, Harbingers of Chaos, simply known as the «HOCZ». A MAX UNIT is a Juggernaut in an incredibly strong and durable power armour. The main chatacter joins random squads of the Republic in the fight against its Eternal Enemies: the New Conglomarate, simply known as the «NC» and the Vanu Sovereignty, simply known as «VS». He is Hated, Feared and Praised by all three Empires. An Outfit can be seen as a Clan or Distinctive, Autonomous Squads that are deployed in the Battlefields and together Fight and Achieve certain Objectives that are given from their Superiors. Among them, the Harbingers of Chaos, was the Best. The «HOCZ» was his only family and the reason he fought. Now, it's previous members defected and joined the enemy, leaving him alone. What is PlanetSide? PlanetSide is a massively-multiplayer online first-person-shooter video game published by Sony Online Entertainment and released on May 20, 2003. PlanetSide chronicles the efforts of Three Factions (Terran Republic, New Conglomerate, Vanu Sovereignty) as they fight for territorial control over four continents on the planet Auraxis. Players take on the role of individual soldiers fighting for one of the Three Factions within the game, and can specialize in various fields such as Combat Vehicle Crewman, Infantry and Pilot or a variety of Combat Support  Roles such as Combat Medic, Engineer, Infiltrator, Light Assault, Heavy Assault and MAX Unit. The game is played primarily in a first person perspective, with the option of third-person (only when in vehicles). Unlike most shooting games, in which small-scale matches take place in essentially an instanced map, PlanetSide Battles can involve hundreds of players in a single fight. PlanetSide battles concern control over territory and strategic points, and can cause repercussions to all Three Factions. To date, PlanetSide remains one of the few MMOFPS games ever created, and it's widely accepted to be one of the Best, if not the Best of its kind. In November, 2012 a sequel, PlanetSide 2 was released bringing in new mechanics, graphics, equipment and more fierce battles. #PlanetSide #MakeWarStories #LoyaltyUntilDeath

Some_Random_Guy1 · Video Games
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22 Chs

Chapter 20

Another day passed and the news of the mad Engineer returning began to spread through Auraxis.

Obviously this news shocked a lot of people who thought he was dead and even made HOCZ even more famous. The fact that Gwaf is still alive made the New Conglomarate become more vigilant. They started fortifying bases and made sure to have tanks potrolling each facility under their control. The reason for this is becuase Gwaf was known for hating NC and would especially test out his experimental weapons on any NC base he could find.

The Terran Republic's high ranking personnel (New high ranking personnel) as well as the Manufacturing department of the Republic began sending messages and requests to the Harbingers of Chaos in hopes of Gwaf giving them a new weapon or piece of equipment that they could mass produce to soldiers.

Buck also decided he had enough, since every HOCZ terminal got spammed with messages in hopes of getting Gwaf's attention.

Everyone in the Harbingers of Chaos satelite, are currently eating breakfast in the caffeteria. Buck walked towards the caffeteria and passed several NS robots, who carried boxes full of tools and parts into the Armoury.

Buck remembered Ivar telling everyone to not enter the Armoury for a while since the mad Engineer started tinkering with the BFR and needed full concentration so he doesnt accidently blow everything up.

Buck entered the caffeteria and saw the usual scene of soldiers enjoying the shit out of their food. He then walked over to Ivar's table and sat down on the opposite side of the table. Jane also sat on the table as usual and had been flirting with Ivar only to have Ivar threaten her to stop.

"Son, I need to talk with ya." Buck said as he pulled out a data pad.

"Go on then." Ivar responded as he stopped eating to focus on the scruffy Engineer in front of him.

"Ya probably already saw the terminals exploding with messages from people trying to contact Gwaf. They even spam the normal members with messages and shit. I know its only been two days since he got back but he should at least send a message out to make everyone calm the fuck down. Fuckin hell..." Buck explained.

Ivar looked at Buck for a few seconds as he thought about the situation. Its not like he can kill all the people who sent the messages and threatening them would only work temporarily before they start again. He was determined to keep his Outfit happy and safe and decided to do things peacefully this time.

"Fine. I will talk with Gwaf and get the NS robots to change each of the terminals in the satelite's address so they can stop sending messages."

Ivar explained and saw Buck's expression changed as he felt relief.

Ivar stood up and walked away from his table as his giant metal figure shined from the bright lights in the caffeteria. He walked out of the caffeteria and made his way to the Armoury while his heavy footsteps echoed through the halls.

There were NS robots constantly entering and exiting the Armoury as Ivar walked past them and entered the Armoury. As Ivar walked in, he saw a absolutely huge metal thing standing at the end of the Armoury. There are sparks spraying on the side of the unkown machine wich provided enough light for Ivar to see the very Engineer he was looking for.

Ivar started walking towards Gwaf in one of the long rows of weapons an vehicles that stretched for what seems like a mile. As Ivar got closer, he could see that the BFR that Gwaf started working on yesterday, looking completely different.

The BFR looked taller and wider as if it was remodeled. There are giant arms on each side of the mech and has human-like hands. The body became more oval shaped than what it was and had more armour plating. But the thing that stood out the most was the two massive Mini-guns mounted on each shoulder.

Ivar was completely astounded and stood still for a good ten minutes before moving again. The fact that Gwaf made this much progress in only a day is shocking. Ivar was surprised at the fact that Gwaf could do this much after suffering and being in a short coma.

Ivar arrived infront of the giant death machine and looked up at the Engineer who doesnt seem to notice the smaller, yet massive MAX infront of his creation.

"GWAF!!!" Ivar shouted.

Gwaf tensed up as he got startled by the cold rough voice of Ivar. He looked down at Ivar from the platform he was standing on and then climbed down to meet his friend.

"You big fucker! I told you not to disturb me! Do you know what could have happened if I was working on the Auraxium reactor and you startled me then?!" Gwaf yelled at Ivar.

Ivar quietly waited for Gwaf to stop complaining since he remembered from their past that whenever Gwaf started ranting, complaining or explaining Warhammer lore, then it is better to pretend like your listening and wait until he gets it out of his system.

"Very big boom would've happened! And another thing--" Gwaf continued before getting interrupted.

"I'm sorry. I just need your help."

Gwaf stared at Ivar in surprised before calming down and changed his attitude to a more friendly and curious one.

"Sorry. What cha need boi?" Gwaf said as he pulled out a can of Cortium vanilla cola.

Ivar gazed upon the yellow glowing can. Cortium vanilla cola was one of Gwaf's first inventions before starting the Outfit. An important thing to note is that Gwaf was a scientist before enlisting in the Terran Republic millitary as a Engineer and wasnt forced into service like many others in the Republic, but instead joined out of his own free will. The Cortium energy drink he made became famous throughout the planet before it stopped being produced due to organ failure within civilians who didnt have implants and medical bionics to strengthen their bodies to handle even eating litteral shit without getting sick.

Ivar took a closer look at Gwaf and saw dark bags under his eyes and even his eyes being red as if he forgot to blink.

"There are people and companies sending out messages to every terminal in this satelite in the hopes of reaching you. I just need you to release some kind of statement that you wont be making stuff for them or something." Ivar explained.

Gwaf chugged two more cans of his cancerous energy drink before staring at Ivar with a gleeful smile.

"Sure. I'll broadcast a message after I'm done with this thing. Those fuckers never knew when to stop anyway." He responded.

"Speaking of wich. How did you manage to do this much in one night?" Ivar asked.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, it didnt take as long as I thought since you stockpiled on every imanginable resource in the last ten years." Gwaf replied.

Ivar took another look at the BFR behind Gwaf and was amazed that this thing was the exact same BFR that got sent to them by the president.

"I'm going back for now to train the soldiers in the Outfit." Ivar said.

He began walking back from where he came from, leaving the mad Engineer with his project as NS robots kept passing him.

"And take a fucking nap!" Ivar yelled one last time as he marched towards the exit.

After a few minutes, Ivar entered the VR training room and was met with his soldiers who started training after finnishing their warm up run. They all stood in a line and shot at targets being simulated, while Buck instructed them.

"Remember to burst fire your weapon when engaging a enemy at long range with a automatic weapon! It will increase your chances of hitting your target and saves ammo!" Buck yelled.

Ivar approached them and looked satisfied at the progression made with them.

"Good work, Buck." Ivar said as he stood next to the firing line.

Buck nodded his head in thanks and stepped to the side for Ivar to take control.


Everyone stopped firing and turned towards their leader. Jane made her way to the front of the group in hopes of training with Ivar alone again.

"Everyone move to the simulated enemy base on the coastline! You all will practise assaulting and fighting without me to lead you!" Ivar shouted and walked towards the simulated enemy base.

The HOCZ soldiers followed behind Ivar as they approached the base. It was the same base Jane trained at with Ivar before they all fucked off to Esamir and commited genocide in order to save one man.

Ivar stopped in front of the building with the point terminal and turned around to face his soldiers.

"First thing I want you all to do, is find a place to deploy a sunderer while the rest capture the point terminal!" Ivar shouted.

So far they have only been trained to defend and not to assault a base. They did have some experience thanks to Ivar leading them, but they lack the experience to do it without big daddy Ivar holding their hand.

"Yes, Sir!" They shouted in unison.

"Good! This will be a NC base so prepare for that!" Ivar yelled and walked away from them.

Ivar walked to a small building nearby that had a control terminal. From within that building, Ivar can control the entire base and what will happen. As he entered, he sat down infront of the control terminal and started smashing/typing things and made adjustments. He set the aggresiveness of the simulated NC soldiers to the maximum and gave each of them the best weaponry that the New Conglomerate has to offer. He also increased the level of pain that the HOCZ soldiers will feel even though the pain they would have felt, would still have been realisticly accurate.

"BEGIN!!!" Ivar shouted over a loud speaker that echoed through the VR training room.

The HOCZ soldiers immediately moved out. They all moved away and got in sunderers before when Ivar also left, so when Ivar gave the order to begin, they could quickly assault the base.

The Sunderers dropped the soldiers off next to one of the other buildings surrounding the point terminal building. As soon as they got out, the Engineers driving the Sunderers, drove away to safely park somewhere close.

The soldiers moved out in a formation similar to the one Ivar always uses when leading them, except with Jane in the front instead of Ivar.

They rushed into the building and met the unsuspecting NC inhabitants. They opened fire and started mowing the enemies down.



They all fired and they quickly cleared the building without recieving any damage.

"Great job guys! Lets quickly move to the next one!" Amanda yelled as they moved towards the exit.

Its important to note that Buck isnt with them, since Ivar wants them to think for themselves and fight without relying on their leaders giving orders.

The Engineers who drove the Sunderers also joined up with them after parking nearby. They all kept moving in a group as they headed for the neighboring building.


The NC soldiers started shooting at the HOCZ soldiers, who moved in a group out in the open. The NC soldiers shot at them from on top of the roof and threw C4 at the huddled up group.



"They already lost the element of surprise. What the fuck did they expect was going to happen?!" Ivar said to himself as he watched the HOCZ soldiers through a big screen inside the control building.

Ivar watched as they got blown up with C4 and instantly lost the fight.

"So I guess they arent doing so good, huh?" Buck said as he entered the building.

Buck stood next to Ivar and watched the poor group of soldiers. The bad thing about this training is the fact that even though they lost the battle and would've died in reality, the simulated NC soldiers keep shooting at them even though they gave up.

Ivar wants to teach them to never give up until they are actually dead. This is becuase of the Terran Republic's motto of 'Loyalty until death' and the fact that some of the soldiers gave up, ran away and passed out from shock, really pissed Ivar off.

"They tried copying the formation we used when we attacked Eisa Tech Plant. It is only effective indoors where the area that can be shot at is reduced. They need to spread out when they are outside and use the Light Assaults to scout ahead and flank seeing as they have jet packs!" Ivar explained as he turned the simulation off.

"Well, up until now the Light Assaults were either fighting in buildings or flying Mosquito jets. Give them some pointers while they regroup." Buck said as he felt pity for his comrades.

Ivar reset the base and waited for every soldier to move outside the base's range before talking through the loud speakers.

"You all did good in the first building, but use your fucking brains! Light Assaults need to scout and flank on top of buildings and Infiltrators need to use their INVISIBILITY to scout on the ground and take out enemies stealthily!" Ivar shouted through the speaker as he reminded them of the obvious abilities and shit they have.

The HOCZ soldiers were all exhausted mentally and physically and laid on the simulated dirt ground. They made sure to listen to every word of Ivar's scolding and lecture, so they can at least do better and maybe not go through the same pain again.


The HOCZ soldiers lying on the ground, instantly jumped up as if they got energized. If there is one thing these guys care about, its food. They all suffered by eating the bullshit rations that the Republic gave them before joining Ivar's Outfit and they are planning on staying in HOCZ so they wouldnt have to go through that torture again.




The HOCZ soldiers shouted as they got into new Sunderers and drove to the base again.

They did the same thing and got dropped of outside the same building as last but this time...



The group of blood thirsty HOCZ soldiers charged into the building and shot everything inside.

Not even a moment longer passed and they charged the next building. They kinda did what Ivar said about them scouting, flanking and using stealth, the only problem was that they kept on shouting and yelling threats.


The Infiltrators activated their ripper power knives wich was basically a knife and chainsaw hybrid that had the power to brutally rip and tear through the armour and flesh of the victim.

The Infiltrators charged into the next building and uncloaked as they began stabbing everyone wearing blue.


Blood started splattering everywhere as the Infiltrators stabbed/saw the simulated NC. They kept on slaughtering the NC until the others also entered the building and unloaded a hellish storm of bullets in every direction.

Once they cleared the second building, they headed towards the terminal point building. Along the way, the Heavy Assaults shot their rocket launchers at any sign of blue in their vision.

When the crazed HOCZ group entered the building, they were met with three NC MAX units that were armed with powerful heavy shotguns.






The NC MAX units quickly got erased. The group continued their chaos as they entered the point terminal room.


They kept on slaughtering any simulated NC that dared enter that building up to the point where the simulated soldiers refused to go anywhere near them even though Ivar commanded them to attack through the control terminal.


After half an hour of completely torturing the VR training room's AI, Ivar and his soldiers left and was currently busy eating a feast in the caffeteria.

Ivar wanted to reward them seeing as they improved and caused chaos just as he does. So Ivar had the Chef robots prepare roast pork, roast chicken, gravy, baked patato slices covered in cheese, apple pie, blue berry pie, ice-cream, wine, beer, vodka, whisky, cortium cola and a salad with a glass of water each.

It was heaven for them, to say the least. They all started moaning while eating again wich annoyed Ivar immensely, but he ignored it seeing as they did a good job.

"Mmmmmmm...oooaaaAAH! OH FUCK!!!"

One of them moaned louder than the other and almost as if triggering a avalanche, the rest of them also started moaning like that.

Ivar decided to leave before brutally murdering his own Outfit and left those horngry freaks in the caffeteria. Their moans could be heard throughout the satelite and if Ivar didnt know any better, then he would've thought they were having a orgy.

Ivar quickly went to his room, where he can hopefully escape these horrific sounds. As he approached his room, he saw MOP BOT still gaurding the entrance to his room.

Ivar walked passed him and into his room. He closed the futuristic sliding door and for a moment, he could enjoy some silence.


The silence got destroyed as the HOCZ soldiers moaned louder. At this point, they arent even eating anymore and just fucking moaning.

Ivar's eyes became bloodshot and opened his door. He quickly calmed down a little and looked at MOP BOT.

"MOP BOT!!!" Ivar called out from behind the robot janitor.



As soon as Ivar completed his sentence, MOP BOT marched towards the caffeteria. He had his special Auraxium alloy mop equipped and ready.

MOP BOT entered the cafeteria and stared at the lustfull soldiers, as they continued producing the sounds of satan.


The soldiers slowly became silent as they sensed the presence of danger. They all turned their attention to the robot janitor standing at the door.

MOP BOT lowered his mop and stared at the crowd infront of him. The water still dripping from the mop.

The epic stare off continued for several minutes longer until...


As the sneeze went off, MOP BOT striked. He started smacking everyone without mercy. The soldiers tried fighting back, but it only lead to more smacking on the face with a stinky wet mop.




After only a few seconds, MOP BOT left the caffeteria, leaving a gruesome scene behind.

MOP BOT quickly ran up the stairs towards Ivar's room and stood gaurd once more. His mob was dripping with blood and tears, serving as a lesson to those who commit crimes within this satelite.

Poor Jane is going to get beat up twice now...

This one felt longer for some reason...

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