
Harbingers of Chaos

This Novel is based on the PlanetSide Universe. The Story is about the Last Terran Republic MAX UNIT of the Outfit, Harbingers of Chaos, simply known as the «HOCZ». A MAX UNIT is a Juggernaut in an incredibly strong and durable power armour. The main chatacter joins random squads of the Republic in the fight against its Eternal Enemies: the New Conglomarate, simply known as the «NC» and the Vanu Sovereignty, simply known as «VS». He is Hated, Feared and Praised by all three Empires. An Outfit can be seen as a Clan or Distinctive, Autonomous Squads that are deployed in the Battlefields and together Fight and Achieve certain Objectives that are given from their Superiors. Among them, the Harbingers of Chaos, was the Best. The «HOCZ» was his only family and the reason he fought. Now, it's previous members defected and joined the enemy, leaving him alone. What is PlanetSide? PlanetSide is a massively-multiplayer online first-person-shooter video game published by Sony Online Entertainment and released on May 20, 2003. PlanetSide chronicles the efforts of Three Factions (Terran Republic, New Conglomerate, Vanu Sovereignty) as they fight for territorial control over four continents on the planet Auraxis. Players take on the role of individual soldiers fighting for one of the Three Factions within the game, and can specialize in various fields such as Combat Vehicle Crewman, Infantry and Pilot or a variety of Combat Support  Roles such as Combat Medic, Engineer, Infiltrator, Light Assault, Heavy Assault and MAX Unit. The game is played primarily in a first person perspective, with the option of third-person (only when in vehicles). Unlike most shooting games, in which small-scale matches take place in essentially an instanced map, PlanetSide Battles can involve hundreds of players in a single fight. PlanetSide battles concern control over territory and strategic points, and can cause repercussions to all Three Factions. To date, PlanetSide remains one of the few MMOFPS games ever created, and it's widely accepted to be one of the Best, if not the Best of its kind. In November, 2012 a sequel, PlanetSide 2 was released bringing in new mechanics, graphics, equipment and more fierce battles. #PlanetSide #MakeWarStories #LoyaltyUntilDeath

Some_Random_Guy1 · Video Games
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22 Chs

Chapter 19

The next morning, after a longer than usual night's sleep, Ivar woke up and got out of his huge bed.

Ivar overslept and when he stood up to put on his uniform, he saw he forgot to exit his power armour in the armoury and that the power armour was standing in the middle of his room.


Ivar pressed a button on his terminal next to his bed and a NS robot came running in.

"How is Gwaf's condition?" Ivar asked while rubbing his eyes.


After hearing this, Ivar quickly got ready and equipped his power armour that conveniently stood in his room.

Ivar walked out of his room and saw MOP BOT still guarding the entrance of his room and a suspicious red puddle a few feet from his position.

"Clean that up." Ivar ordered coldly.

"YES, SIR." MOP BOT responded.

Ivar walked down the stairs towards the caffeteria where the HOCZ members already sat and waited for their leader. As he entered, he saw that they already began eating. The NS robots must have served the food after realising that Ivar overslept and also already placed Ivar's food on his table.

After everyone saw Ivar, they all stood up and saluted him before Ivar gestured them to continue. Ivar walked over to his table and took a seat, as he removed his helmet. He started by drinking a few buckets of Coffee and then proceeded to eat a big bowl full of bacon.

Jane sat oppisite of Ivar as usual, but she tried hiding her face by avoiding eye contact with Ivar. Seeing as this is abnormal behaviour for Jane, Ivar took a closer look and saw she had a black eye.

"What happened to your eye?" Ivar asked.

"I-I got hit by the janitor robot..." She replied hesitantly.

Ivar realised what happened when he thought about the puddle of blood outside his room and MOP BOT who stood guard. He kind of wanted to tell her she got what she deserved, but ended up not saying anything since she looked sad.

"Go to one of the Combat medics and get that fixed up." Ivar said as he patted her head with his gaint armoured hand.

"Okay~" Jane replied after getting some affection.

Buck also sat down on Ivar's table and placed a few documents on the table.

"Mornin'. It looks like the president sent us a gift and by the looks of it, its a motherfucking BFR." Buck explained as he drank some coffee mixed with whiskey.

Ivar looked up in surprise at Buck. A BFR is a war relic at this point and extremely rare. He started grinning as he thought of what Gwaf might say.

"Looks like we have a welcome present to give Gwaf then."

Ivar chuckled before realising that his friend had already awoken. He quickly finished his food and stood up. He walked out of the caffeteria towards the infirmary while his footsteps boomed through the halls.

As he approached the Infirmary, he saw the same horde of NS robots that poured out of the door.

"Make way!" Ivar yelled.

As the NS robots heard Ivar's cold rough voice, they quickly opened a path for Ivar to enter the infirmary and towards the bed where the mad Engineer was lying.

"I'm glad to see you are awake, Sir." Ivar said as he made his way over to Gwaf.

Gwaf looked up at the gaint red figure that towered over him.

"Nice to see you Private... or is it General now?" Gwaf chuckled as he replied.

Ivar sat down on a nearby chair that one of the NS robots brought.

"I'm a General and the current leader of this Outfit. I intend to give you the leadership back after I send a report to--" Ivar explained before getting interrupted.

"No. Your the leader now. You kept this Outfit from dying all those years and you even have new recruits, so it needs its current leader." Gwaf explained.

"I see... This is still your Outfit regardless, so I'll make you a Officer at the very least." Ivar said as he stared at the frail looking man.

"Thats fine..." Gwaf responded.

There was a moment of silience where Gwaf just stared at the ceiling as if he was in deep thought.

"I know its a bit sudden, but can you tell me what happened? What did they force you to do and..." Ivar fell silient mid sentence.

"Guess I'll have to start from the beginning, huh?" Gwaf responded

"After the betrayal, I was chasing Craven and a few others who worked with Ash in stealing the War assets in our Armoury. I was in a Mosquito jet and they were in a Galaxy transport aircraft..."


(Flashback time!)

The stolen Galaxy was flying out of the docking bay of the satelite base as they carried War assets into space. Following right behind them was Gwaf in his Mosquito jet.

The aircraft on Auraxis were specifically made to endure space travel since the war is also fought on some nearby asteriods of the planet.


Gwaf fired at them with the Mosquito's Rotary gun and missles.

The Galaxy deployed flares and flew into the atmosphere of Auraxis.

"Damn it! Someone man the tail gun and shoot back at him!" Craven yelled.




Shots were being traded as the Galaxy started smoking from recieving constant fire. They were flying towards the Vanu warpgate on indar, desperately trying to avoid the crazy Engineer.

"YOU FUCKERS ARENT MAKING THIS OUT ALIVE!!!" Gwaf yelled over the radio that transmitted to the fleeing Galaxy.

"Almost there!" Craven said.

As they flew in closer to the purple warpgate, some Vanu scythes despatched out of the warpgate to meet the incoming intruders.

Craven hurriedly switched his radio to a diffrent frequency to be able to communicate with the oncoming VS fighter jets.

"Hello?! This is Craven! I am one of the spies from professor Armaros! I need help with this TR mosquito!"

The radio was silient for a moment before a eerie voice responded.

"Affirmative. Engaging target."


The VS scythes started shooting a plasma barrage at Gwaf and hitting him a few times.

"FUCK OFF!!!" Gwaf yelled and started shooting at the scythes.


Gwaf was greatly outnumbered and recieved large amounts of damage, while also destroying two scythes.


The right wing of Gwaf's mosquito got blown off and he began falling to the ground until finally crashing right outside of the purple dome shield of the warpgate.

Craven and his crew sighed out in relief as they finally landed on a landing pad near the main building.

As they landed, they saw Professor Armaros waiting for them with a squad of guards behind him.

They exited the Galaxy and walked over to the waiting scientist, while carrying crates full of all kinds of stuff.

"Welcome back, Craven! I see you've managed to escape unharmed." Armaros greeted as he opened his arms as if to embrace them.

"Yes, Professor. We also brought the things you asked and a few other War assets as a bonus!" Craven said in excitement.

Armaros grinned as he looked at the crates being placed in front of him. He started opening them and was instantly dissapointed at the broken machines and parts. He had ordered them to bring the cloning and reanimation technology that Gwaf used to make clones of themselves and the advanced Res-tool used to bring dead bodies back to life after more than a week has passed after the death. They did bring the technology they were tasked to bring, however the state of the technology made it useless to work with.

"This- This is unacceptable. UNACCEPTABLE!"

Craven's excited smile vanished after Armaros began smashing the machine in front of him with a broken piece of itself.

"*Deep inhale* Just kill these idiots." Armaros ordered.

The Vanu gaurds began shooting at Craven and his group, leaving only burnt bodies and ash from the plasma.

"This was a utter waste of time and resources. Now I'll have to figure it out myself.*Sigh* Vanu give me strength..." Armaros mumbled as he walked down the stairs.

He started wondering how he would explain this to the other head scientists who also had the same task as him. Although they were working together, they were more in a competition against each other as they tried their hardest to become the one responsible for reviving the Great One. Armaros's rivals are Professor Harbin and Professor Lezabel, both of who are one of the top scientists in the Vanu Sovereignty. They also share the same sadistic tendencies as Professor Armaros and have been known to use very... questionable methods in their research and experiments.

Just before Armaros was about to enter the main building with the teleporter, a squad of Vanu soldiers dragged a terribly injured TR Engineer. It was Gwaf. He somehow survived the crash but was severely hurt from the explosion and from also fighting the VS who dragged him into the warpgate.

"Professor! We captured this TR Engineer and identified him as Gwaf, the mad Engineer!"

Armaros turned his head towards them with a wickedly wide grin on his face. He sped towards them and looked at Gwaf who was restrained between two VS Heavy Assualts.

"Very good~ You all will be promoted and compensated for this!" Armaros said as he lifted Gwaf's head to stare him in the eyes.

"Looks like Craven and his fools could at least lure out the genius who's work I've been after."

Armaros grinned as he stared at the Engineer, who could only glare back at him.

"Dont worry, mister Gwaf. You are going to help me in my research and in reviving the Great One. So we wont let you die... yet~" Armaros said.

"Go fuck yourself, you perverted alien tentacle anal bitch..." Gwaf said while chuckling.

The Vanu gaurds looked at Gwaf in shock and anger as Gwaf insulted one of the most important scientists on the planet. Armaros was also confused by the word choice of Gwaf's insult but ignored it since the Engineer was basically on death's door.

"Just hit him everytime he says or does something stupid." Armaros ordered as he walked towards the main building once more.

"Yes, Sir!"

"Oh and inform Professor Harbin and Professor Lezabel that we captured the mad Engineer instead of his inventions." Armaros added.

"Understood, Sir!"

With that being handled, the guards dragged Gwaf to the teleporter in the main building within the warpgate. Armaros also instructed them to first lock Gwaf up in one of the large Vanu Outfit's satelite base, since the Republic might want to send rescue teams and it would be nearly impossible to track or send soldiers to the satelite base, far from Republic space. The nearest Outfit satelite that they got permission to hold him was the large Outfit named Hysteria in orbit of one of the moons of Auraxis.

"You guys are fucking gay!" Gwaf yelled his insult inside the building while getting dragged towards the teleporter.


One of the VS gaurds hit him on the head with the futuristic stock of his gun.

"Shut up primate!" The gaurd yelled.


They walked through the teleporter and arrived on the Hysteria satelite base, where they were met with a Vanu MAX unit and Outfit members surrounding her.

"Greetings. We brought the prisoner that Professor Armaros asked to be placed in a cell."

The Vanu MAX unit was clearly one of the higher ranked members in the Outfit so the gaurds who dragged Gwaf here, were as respectfull as possible.

"Very well. I am Melania. One of the six leaders of Hysteria. You can leave the prisoner here and leave." Melania said.

"Yes, Sir. May Vanu smile upon you." The gaurd said and threw Gwaf to the ground before they exited through the teleporter.

The Vanu MAX lowered herself and sat on her heels while staring at the injured TR Engineer.

"Get one of the medics to heal him and then throw him into one of the holding cells in the lower levels." Melania said while staring at Gwaf.

"Yes, Sir!"

Seconds later, a Combat medic showed up and used his Res-tool to heal Gwaf. Almost instantly, all the injuries and burns from the musquito's explosion, got healed and Gwaf felt instant relief before getting dragged through the halls and down multiple straircases. Everywhere they went, a group of soldiers were present or walking. The Hysteria Outfit seemed to be a largely populated Outfit , Gwaf thought as they walked through the final sliding door wich revealed the holding cells on the left side of the hall and on the right side, was a large window that showed the surface of the moon that they orbitted.


They threw Gwaf in his cell as he hit the cold metal floor before locking the cell and leaving.

Gwaf stood up and moved towards the steel bars that prevented him from leaving. He was surprised by the strangely nice hospitality he got from this enemy Outfit. Usually prisoners of war are denied medical care, but they healed him and placed him in a cell with an amazing view of a moon with giant purple crystal shards sticking out of the surface.

"Strange people..."

Gwaf walked to his prison bed and saw it had a blanket and a pillow with a soft mattress too. He sat down on it and was really surprised. He began feeling bad that the holding cells on his satelite had nothing but a hole in the ground for them to poop in.

He then got reminded of his Outfit and the state it was in before he left in a mosquito to chase down Craven and his crew. He knew that over half of his Outfit were traitors and the other half were either killed or fighting in the halls and other rooms.

"How did this happen? We were a family and everything seemed to be normal..." Gwaf mumbled to himself before standing up again and walking to the steel bars.

He just continued to stare out into space and mumbling to himself.

"Last person I saw was Ivar shooting at a group of those traitors while protecting the Armoury. Heh... if its that kid, then he'll probably be fine."


As Gwaf was in thought, the same Vanu MAX lady entered. She was alone and walked on the side of the massive window as she gazed out into the space, while completely ignoring her TR prisoner.

There was no one else besides them in the holding area wich made Gwaf think that she was there to interrogate him. He decided to play the role of someone who doesnt care and maybe make a few jokes. his plan was that he was going to give his captors as much trouble as possible.

As Gwaf took a closer look at her, he saw that she had a few scars on her face and red hair made into a short ponytail. She was attractive even though she looked as if she would kill you with just her stare.

"So your one of the leaders of this big Outfit?" Gwaf asked.

She turned her gaze towards Gwaf while facing her body towards the end of the hall as if she just noticed his existance.

"Yes I am. You are... or were the leader of ZCW correct?" She responded.

"Yes... Hopefully once I get back, I still will be."

"I wouldnt get my hopes up if I were you. Professor Armaros requires your help and he rarely lets prisoners keep their lives anyway." She stated while turning her gaze back out the window.

"Its a shame I'm only temporarily being held here. It would've been nice if I was the prisoner of a pretty girl like you~" Gwaf jokingly said as he returned to his bed.

Melania quickly turned her head towards Gwaf who was now lying on his prison bed.

"What did you say?!" She yelled angerily.

Gwaf kept on saying stuff like that in the hopes that she might think that they wont get any info out of him since he isnt going to take the conversation seriously.

"Its weird how its always the most gorgeous girls who are MAX units." He continued.

"Stop spouting bullshit!" She shouted at him as he continued to try and annoy her.

Gwaf's idea was to piss her off by flirting with her until she either left or called someone to beat him up.

"I mean honestly, I would defect to VS if I could see your pretty face everyday."

At this point he didnt get a response from her and thought maybe she had left, but when he looked up to see if she left, he saw a giant purple metal figure standing right outside his cell and with a terrifying grin on her face.

Gwaf was startled and jumped back towards the corner of his bed. He stared at the MAX girl who had a scar over her left eye and another across her right cheek. She was blushing and staring at him with her gold colour eyes. It looked as if she was going to eat him alive. She began breathing rapidly while aggressively typing into the computor lock of Gwaf's cell.

"W-Wait. Hold up! I was just making a joke I'm sorry!" Gwaf yelled as he began pushing the metal bed frame towards the entrance of the cell.

"Dont hide it! You already shared your feelings!"

Gwaf's helpless shouts and pleas for help were wasted as he barricaded the cell with anything he could get his hands on.


Melania shot the pitiful barricade that Gwaf made with her powerfull plasma cannon and bursted into the cell. Her giant figure towered over Gwaf who was cowering in the corner.


The gaint MAX lady pushed the helpless TR Engineer to the ground and... did some shit.

After a few hours of suffering and pain, the two laid on the floor outside the cell while staring out the window.

"You know, most men dont find a woman who's a MAX unit attractive. I would always over hear the male recruits say that they find me to be scary or too masculine and I would pretend not to hear and cry since I worked so hard on my make-up and hair to look more FEMININE, but your different. You liked me for who I am." Melania explained as she held Gwaf tightly.

Gwaf could only lay there and listen at this girl's relationship problems. He gave up the first ten minutes seeing as his pelvis got utterly destroyed by the weight and the powerfull thrusts.

"...I'm going to talk to Armaros and the others into accepting you into the VS. I could also get you a place in the Outfit since I'm one of the six leaders..."

Melania continued on and on and eventually revealing that she had a little sister too. Gwaf just had to sit there and listen to everything and eventually fell asleep due to exhaustion.

The next day he woke up in a completely different placed. It seemed like they moved him in his sleep since he is also no longer on the satelite.

He looked out of his cell window and saw a massive structure surrounded by snow and ice.


(End of flashback)

"...after that they took me to a containment site on Esamir and showed me this gaint Hibernation pod thing with a giant purple alien floating in some fluid. They wanted me to help revive or wake that thing up, since I used similar technology when I made the hibernation pods for our clones." Gwaf explained.

Ivar looked at him and sort of confused and didnt know exactly what to say at the very detailed and descriptive story he told him about a VS MAX being lovesick over Gwaf and... other stuff. But other than that, the alien they want to wake up is a real problem since the Vanu alien race created the warpgates and a lot of other advanced technology that could erase humanity completly.

"Your safe now so rest up. We also recieved a reward for saving you and capturing Eisa that you might like." Ivar said as he stood up from his chair.

"What kind of reward?" Gwaf asked.

"A fully functional BFR." Ivar responded.

Gwaf's eyes stretched wide open and let a big grin surface in excitement. He was the mad Engineer after all and loved modifying weapons and creating new types of weapons.

"I'm already at full health! Show me the damn thing already!"

Gwaf jumped out of his bed ordered a NS robot to bring him his old equipment. The NS robot happily did as he was asked since all the NS robots in the satelite considered Gwaf to be their father.

"By the way. Were there any others from that day who survived?" Gwaf asked as he walked alongside Ivar.

"Only me and Susan survived, but she ended up leaving and got a seat as a Commander. Although all she ever does is do paperwork and I think I might have killed her a while back..." Ivar explained.

"I see... And the armoury? You didnt let them get their hands on the special stuff, right?" Gwaf asked as he also gestured to Ivar's power armour.

"No. I defended the entire armoury and they only managed to steal a couple of Trac-5 carbines." Ivar explained.

"Good. Looks like the training I made you all do was usefull at least... Say you wouldnt know where I put my adreneline shots would you?"

"The NS robots still have them and it looks like they still produce them too. That reminds me. Where is the entrance to the factory on this satelite?! The NS robots refuse to tell me where it is since its 'classified'!" Ivar resonded.

"Oh yeah. No its better if you stay away from there... Its kinda radioactive." Gwaf said as he was reminded of something.

The two walked through the docking bay, where the BFR was placed by some friendly Republic drones.

The Engineer was stunned at the sight of it. The BFR was huge. Way bigger than a Colossus tank. In fact the Colossus tank got its name from the TR BFR. The Terran Republic BFR was considered the most powerfull version of it since it had stronger weapons and armour compared to the NC and Vanu knockoffs.

"Ivar. I'm gonna need a week with this thing. Make sure nobody goes to the armoury during that week. Understood?" Gwaf said as he focussed his gaze only on the BFR.

"Yes, Sir." Ivar replied as he smiled, knowing he had his comrade back.

The horde of NS robots once again stormed in as they all carried some of Gwaf's stuff. The other robots got jealous becuase their father didnt give them a order, so they brought every possible possesion of Gwaf to them in hopes of getting praised as they did before.

Ivar just rolled his eyes and walked back towards the exit, leaving Gwaf behind with the BFR.

I wanna include more lore but i dunno if its gonna bore you guys.

So let me know what you think!


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