
Hanma in Murim (Remake)

Once upon a time, there was a man who craved power and was ruthlessly ambitious. He had firmly established his name in the annals of time, but it would eventually fade, much like a lovely flower in full bloom. His strength, which he had spent the better part of his life honing, had vanished with age. Since there was no longer any of it, the passion, excitement, and greed that go along with it were carried away by the wind of time. He was left alone in a home for the elderly and prepared to pass away while thinking. “I give up! I'll die the way I want to if I have to! ” He, an elderly man, ascended the city's tallest structure without anyone noticing and leaped. He was thrilled when he made that leap. He smiled and laughed as the blood in his veins once more boiled with excitement. the smack he made upon landing mase a gory mess that made the old man of earth enter a eternal sleep and woke up in a new world. He changed upon awakening.

Cheon_Yeowon · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 3 The Hanma Clan

—Chapter 3: The Hanma Clan (3)

"But it seems that the Soul Clan has also given birth to a prodigious talent." When Shenrong heard this word, his eyes furrowed, and he frowned.

There were two clans that dominated the martial world: the Hanma Clan and the Soul Clan.

The Hanma clan is a master of Wai Gong technique (physical technique). They are unable to master any neigong technique due to the nature of their bodies, but that doesn't make them weak; in fact, it is what made them strong.

The weakest known member of the Hanma clan was powerful enough to take on 100 imperial guards. which is a lot to say since every imperial guard is at the level of master, and for the weakest known to take on such a nimble master was enough to say that they are the strongest.

If the Hanma Clan is the strongest in Wai Gong, then the Soul Clan is the strongest in Neigong (energy).

They have such godly control over neigong that their weakest member, or the lowest requirement for their lowest member, is to at least have master-level control over neigong.

Since the two were opposite like yin and yang, they have been rivals for thousands of years, and both clans have defeated and won against each other numerous times.

Up until this current era, there has been no clear winner between the two.

"Don't worry, father, the Soul Clan's era will end with this one."

"Hohoho, quite the confidence you have, my son."

"Let's end this meeting for now."


It has been six months since I have been on this planet, and I must say I am starting to like this clan.

My body has become so strong that it has the demeanor of an adult man's body. I feel so strong that it feels like I could crush a boulder with no effort.

I was here in my room, and as I was training, the door of my room opened, and entered a man that I saw when I was born.

I think this guy is my father.

"Haha, my boy, I have not given you any instructions yet; you seem to know what to do already."

"You do indeed have the instinct of a Hanma."

Change of perspective

The man looked cheerful at his son's effort to train, and it seems that he was not even surprised by his abnormal action just now.

He grabbed the boy by his waist and was genuinely surprised when he felt the heaviness and the density of the boy's muscles.

"Since you have already started to train, I shall give you one."

He put the boy on his shoulder and carried his child outside the room, and for the first time, the boy finally saw how huge this house was.

Just going outside took them 10 minutes of walking, indicating just how huge this was.

"My son, you bear the blood of Hanma, and for hundreds of years we have produced the best warriors the world has ever seen. "It has been our sole duty to reach the ultimate level of physical combat."

"And now that I am opening your eyes to this world, from now on you will learn the secret of Hanma Clan, our greatest martial arts."

"Today you start training."

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