
Hanma in Murim (Remake)

Once upon a time, there was a man who craved power and was ruthlessly ambitious. He had firmly established his name in the annals of time, but it would eventually fade, much like a lovely flower in full bloom. His strength, which he had spent the better part of his life honing, had vanished with age. Since there was no longer any of it, the passion, excitement, and greed that go along with it were carried away by the wind of time. He was left alone in a home for the elderly and prepared to pass away while thinking. “I give up! I'll die the way I want to if I have to! ” He, an elderly man, ascended the city's tallest structure without anyone noticing and leaped. He was thrilled when he made that leap. He smiled and laughed as the blood in his veins once more boiled with excitement. the smack he made upon landing mase a gory mess that made the old man of earth enter a eternal sleep and woke up in a new world. He changed upon awakening.

Cheon_Yeowon · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 4 The Hanma Clan

Chapter 4: The Hanma Clan

three years later.

Three years was a lot of time for such a man as Ryusen. In that long period of time, he had been subjected to the torturous training of the clan.

He was once tasked with climbing down a cliff and climbing back up in just thirty minutes. There was also one time where he was thrown into the middle of the lake and forced to swim from the middle of the lake to the shore. There was also this one time where he was thrown into a pit of snakes and was asked to make each of those snakes bite him, and after they bit him, he was supposed to eat them one by one. And of course, who would forget the time when he was forced to wrestle with a crocodile when he was two years old?

Those feats made his father proud of him; no man has ever accomplished all those things he did in the entire clan. Even killing a crocodile with one's bare hands requires one to be a master martial artist. And mind you, the crocodiles here are not your average crocodile. They were crocodiles that were personally bred by the Hanma clan to create a monster capable of beating a master-level martial artist.

Currently, Ryusen is on the training ground, punching a 360-degree revolving spiked punching machine.

Although his body was quite big for a three-year-old, it paled in comparison to the machine, and him punching the machine looked like Yoda, who was flipping here and there.

He was wearing iron weights on all four of his limbs, making his flip more impressive, and each of those weights weighed at least 30 kilograms. It was a very impressive feat that will make anyone in the entire Jianghu rethink their training routine.

and with one last flip aiding his kick.



His magnificent roundhouse kick landed on the punching machine, creating a symphonic sound of destruction in its wake. Ryusen managed to destroy the punching machine with his last strike.

"Hoho, even back in my previous life, I did not achieve this kind of level."

This must be related to that pill. His feat of destroying that machine was very impressive, but strangely, it felt like nothing.

It was maybe because Ryusen was making staggering achievements these past few years that it felt a little lacking compared to all of his past achievements.

"I no longer feel the heaviness anymore; it's time to change."

The training ground of Hanma was the entire mountain itself, so as a bunch of training junkies, Hanma purposely made the training ground so much further away from the other facilities.

Including where Ryusen was going now, he was going to the Treasury Room to pick up some new weights.

On his way towards the training ground, he saw a small figure also striding towards the Treasury Room. Upon focusing more, he saw a young boy no older than fourteen with red hair and iconic red hanma eyes.

He was very similar-looking to him, and Ryusen could tell that this boy was very powerful.

When the boy noticed Ryusen's presence, he changed his direction and headed towards Ryusen.

He was so fast that a gust of wind was left behind his footstep, and each tree he stepped into was shaken, evident of his heavy weight.

Ryusen fidgeted when he saw the monstrous boy head towards him. Though he was not afraid to fight, he knew that he was within the Hanma clan, where each and every warrior stood at the apex of the category of power.

When the boy finally stopped in front of him, it looked at him curiously, as if a young man were seeing a cute creature.

Though Hanma's may be fierce, it was not deniable how cute Ryusen was, especially with his short stature and red hair and eyes.

The boy patted Ryusen's head and ruffled his hair with a cute expression. Ryusen tried to take off the boy's hand, but it was so strong that he barely managed to get it off his head.

When Ryusen managed to get the boy's hand out of his head, a genuine look of surprise appeared on his face.

Curious, he once again tried to grab his head, but Ryusen dodged.

And then he tried for a second try, but alas, he once again dodged. And then came third, but it was the same until the number increased.

As the number increased, so did the speed; it no longer became a banter between them but a competition of speed.

Both of them were so fast that their hands crated after images, and the wind was starting to get pricked by their movements.

This lasted for about a minute until the boy finally decided to do something.

In a slow voice, he muttered under his breath.

"Eight Gates of Godhood."

"Hands of God."

His eyes shone, and for a moment, a figure of an asura appeared behind his back. And with a quick maneuver of hand movements, his hands created thousands of afterimages, so that it looks like the boy literally has thousands of arms. Feeling dread at the moment, Ryusen desperately dodged as much as he could. Due to his effort, he was able to manage to dodge a few hands, but inevitably, he was unsurprisingly caught.


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