
Hanazono: Heiress

Lavalee Flamelinne Hanazono, the second born and heir to the large multi-trillion Hanazono Empire, is not your typical heiress. Beneath her often irritating and frowned-upon spoiled and brat-like appearance and ways, she carries a heavy burden and a scarred heart. No matter how free and how ideal her almost perfect life appears in front of everyone, from the moment she had stepped into the world, her arms and feet had been bounded by chains. These chains not only restrict her from stepping into the light by holding her back into the shadows, but it also wraps around her heart. An inescapable obligation passed down behind the curtains from generation to generation in their family, an obligation that robbed her, and her whole family, of the chance to make great childhood memories. She had learned to live in a way that she doesn't hurt herself with the chains she's bounded to but this is about to change. “What I am doesn’t define who I am.” May it be the will of fate or simply mere coincidence, she will cross paths with a person who is her complete opposite. Even though he is walking in the path she can never walk in, his and her life will soon be entangled in a knot that tightens the more they try to step away from each other. She whose hands are tainted with the blood of many people, she who wears a crown of authority, power, and responsibility, she who keeps a whole empire steady, and she who had her heart surrounded by metal to avoid getting swayed from her duties. He who belongs to the world that Lavalee wanted to return to but can’t, he who mandates the laws that her world breaks, and he who has the courage to open Lavalee’s heart again. “Who said it’s going to be easy?” Indeed, it won’t be easy.

AMikaela_18 · Teen
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95 Chs

Lim Clan

_Crystal Chelsea Lim's Point of View_

Ethan and I are on our way to the Lim Mansion in Auryman.

"Won't your relatives get upset when they see me?" Ethan asked so I looked at him confusedly

"Why would they be?" I asked him

"Because I'm not your relative, I'm not part of your clan." He said making me chuckle when he said the word 'clan'

Who in the world would call my family a 'clan'?

Mom's an only child, Dad only has one brother, Uncle Zach, and they have one cousin, Uncle Conan, he's an only child.

Aunt Francine, Uncle Conan's wife is also an only child.

Aunt Nathalia only has two brothers, which are Uncle Andrei and Uncle Jairen, which made Jess and Jester Neith's cousins.

"Chill, the only ones in that reunion are my parents, Franco's parents, and Neith, my cousin's parents then our grandparents," I assured him

"Should I bring them a gift? Oh no, I forgot," he said acting nervous

"You don't have to, don't worry about it," I told him

"They might not like me, Chelsea. What will happen then?" he asked

"Just be yourself, Ethan. You'll be fine." I said

When we arrived at the mansion, Ethan helped me carry my luggage in the Mansion.

"Ate Chelsea!" Neith said and fist bumped with me

"Hi, Neith, you've grown taller," I greeted him

Neith was just seven when I last saw him, his height reached up to my elbow and now he's already 11 years old and almost reached up to my ear, sooner or later he'll be even taller than me.

"Chelsea," Aunt Nathalia said and kissed my cheek

"Hi, Aunt Nathalia," I greeted her

"Who might this young man be?" Uncle Zachary asked and looked at Ethan

"Ethan Gonzales, sir," Ethan said, offering his hand

"Chelsea, Ethan, you're here," Mom said and kissed my cheek

"Hi, Mom," I greeted her and kissed her cheek

"Hello, Aunt," Ethan greeted her

"I'll ask the maids to bring that to the guestroom, Chelsea." Aunt Nathalia said and a maid brought my luggage

"Come and join us for snack, they're in the garden," Aunt Nathalia said and we walked behind her

"Chelsea," Franco was smirking when he greeted me

"Franco," I said and he bumped his fist with mine

"Chelsea, oh my goodness, you've grown up," Aunt Francine greeted me

"You look beautiful as usual, Aunt Francine." I complimented her

"Ethan," Dad greeted Ethan which made me confused

I thought Lavalee said she only gave my Mom's number to Ethan.

How did – Oh, right.

Mom probably told Dad.

"Who might this handsome man be?" Aunt Francine asked when she noticed Ethan's presence

"Ethan Gonzales, Ma'am," Ethan answered politely

"Is he courting you, Chelsea?" Uncle Conan asked me

"Yes, he is," I answered

"Sit down, Chelsea, Ethan, join us for snacks." Uncle Zachary said

I sat beside Franco and Ethan sat beside me.

"Franco, someone is calling your phone." Neith said and handed Franco's phone.

Franco must've put it on airplane mode.

"There you go," he said and gave phone to Neith

Neith is seated between Franco and Aunt Nathalia.

"Children, put your phones on the table. No one is going to use it unless necessary," Mom said so we placed our phones on the table

"Chelsea, Ethan, where did you meet?" Aunt Nathalia asked us

"I'm the one assigned to watch over her," Ethan answered

"You're a police officer?" Uncle Conan asked and looked at me with warning eyes

I averted my gaze because I know what he is warning me for.

Ethan could put me and the whole family in trouble if he ever tell the police about the family's connection to the underground society.

"He has clean intentions with Chelsea, Conan. The truth is he asked for our permission before he started courting Chelsea," Dad said and smiled at us

"That's good to hear," Uncle Zachary said and nodded but I caught the look they exchanged

"Ethan, don't get bored of courting Chelsea, she can be harsh sometimes," Mom said and my eyes widened

"You don't have to worry, Aunt Christine, she's such an angel in front of Ethan," Franco teased so I glared at him

"I act like how I usually act," I objected

"Oh, really?" he taunted

"Son, we all know that Chelsea is only a sadist in martial arts training." Aunt Francine said with a chuckle

"How about you Franco? When will you introduce your girlfriend?" Uncle Conan asked Franco

"I still have to study, Dad. Dating isn't my thing." Franco answered smoothly

I faked a cough when I remembered Athena Frescobaldi and what I saw before.

He raised his brow because of my fake cough so I smiled and shook my head while smiling meaningfully.

My phone rang and I saw how Franco looked at it with narrow eyes.

"Athena?" he asked and I raised my brow at him

"Excuse me, Dad, Mom, Uncles, Aunts, I'll take the call." I said and swiped it

I stood up and walked a little distance away from the table.

"Athena? What is it?" I asked her

[You're in the Lim reunion, right?] she asked and I smirked when I realized the possible reason why she called

"His phone is with Neith, Athena. Maybe that's why he couldn't answer your call." I said and turned back

[I'm not going to ask about Franco. I don't really care if he doesn't answer my calls, Chelsea.] she scoffed and I chuckled

"I didn't mention any name," I said

[Chelsea, I asked you if you're there so that I can give you my gift.] she said

"Alright then, we're in Auryman. Mrs. Nathalia and Mr. Zachary Lim's mansion. Isn't your flight back to Asgree scheduled today?" I said

[I see. I'm going to give you my gift today, my flight back to Asgree is this lunch.] she said

"You don't have a gift for Franco?" I asked her

[I have but that guy said not to give him before Christmas, saying it should be belated.] she said and I can imagine her rolling her eyes

"Why were you calling him?" I asked her

[It's about something a little confidential but I can – "Oh, you don't have to tell me." I cut her off before she could tell me and went back to the table

"I'm giving the phone to him, Athena." I said and placed my phone down

"She wants to talk to you," I told Franco and his brows furrowed

"What now, owl?" he asked and walked away

"Who's that?" Aunt Francine asked

"Franco's co-officer in FA," I answered and Franco's brows are furrowed when he returned and gave me back my phone

"Owl, huh?" I teased and he scoffed at me

"Who's that, Franco?" Uncle Zachary asked

"Just some co-officer, Uncle," Franco answered

"A girl?" Uncle Conan asked

"Just a friend, Pa," Franco said

"I thought Athena's his girlfriend, isn't she?" Ethan asked me when our parents started discussing something

"I thought so too," I replied

"Excuse me, Ma'am, sir, someone is looking for Ms. Chelsea at the gate." A maid said so I placed down my spoon

"Who?" Mom asked

"She said her name's Athena," the maid answered and Franco glared at me

"You asked her to come here?" he asked and I shook my head

"Let her in," I said and the maid left

"What was that, Chelsea?" Aunt Nathalia asked

"She said she has something to give me," I answered and stood up

"I'll go with you," Neith said and went to me

"I'm going too," Franco said and I raised my brow at him

We went to the living room and there she is, sitting on the couch like the royalty that she is, according to my background check on her.

"What are you doing here, owl?" Franco asked her

"Excuse me? I didn't come here for you, Franco. I'm here to give this to Chelsea." She said and handed me a box

"Oh, where's mine?" Franco asked

"Didn't you say it should be belated?" she asked Franco with furrowed brows

"Why did you obey that?" Franco asked back

"Because I don't want to force what I want on what others don't want?" she replied with a raised brow

"Ate, are you Franco's girlfriend?" Neith asked Athena

"No, I'm not his girlfriend." Athena replied

"You are handsome. It's good that you don't look like a monkey." Athena said and smirked at Franco when she said the word 'monkey'

"What's your name, sister?" Neith asked her

"Athena Frescobaldi," Athena answered with a smile

"You? What is your name? " Athena asked

"Zach Neith Lim," Neith answered

"Don't go near her, Neith," Franco said and pulled Neith away

"Who is this beautiful young lady?" we looked back and we saw that our parents had came in

"I'm Athena Frescobaldi, Ma'am, Sir." Athena said and smiled

"So courteous," Franco retorted

"Is my son courting you?" Uncle Conan asked and their eyes widened

"No, sir. I'm friends with Chelsea and the girls, Franco and I are just co-officers," Athena said and looked at her wristwatch

"I'm sorry I have to go ahead, I still have a flight to catch." Athena said and smiled

We escorted her out and she hailed a cab and asked the driver to bring her to the airport.

A new car arrived just after Athena rode the cab and our grandparents went down with their nurse so I assisted them in walking inside.

"Is that you, Crystal?" grandmother asked and I smiled

"Yes, Grandma, it's me." I said and waved to him

"Who is this young man?" Grandpa asked while looking at Ethan

"I'm Ethan, I'm courting her," Ethan replied

"Courting? Crystal, why haven't you answered this young man yet? " Grandma asked me

"Grandpa! Grandma!" Neith greeted and waved to them

"Mom, Dad, you're already here," Dad and Uncle Zachary greeted as they support Grandpa and Grandma

"Grandma, Grandpa," Franco greeted and assisted them in sitting on the sofa

"Crystal already has a lover, you Franco, when do you plan to date?" Grandpa asked Franco

"That's also the question we asked him, Uncle," Uncle Conan said

"I put my studies first, Grandpa, Grandma." Franco said

"Aren't you going to graduate in March?" Grandma asked

"It's not pat of my plan yet," he replied

"Not in the plan yet or are you not sure there is hope?" I teased

"Chelsea," he warned and I chuckled

"Who was that beautiful woman who just left?" Grandpa asked so I smiled at Franco

"It's Athena's sister, Grandma. A-te Chelsea and Franco are her friends." Neith said

"You're just a friend," I teased Franco

"No." Franco cursed me

"Is that your girlfriend, Franco?" Grandma asked

"She's not his girlfriend, Grandma." I teased him

"Crystal, you haven't answered my question before," Grandma said

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry," Ethan said

"This man is a good catch, Crystal, he's a man who knows how to wait," Grandpa said and patted Ethan on the shoulder.

"What's your job, Son?" Grandma asked

"I'm a police," Ethan replied and Grandma smiled

"Have you been a police officer for a long time?" Grandma asked

"I've been part of the police for three years now," he answered politely

Suddenly, Ethan's phone rang so he excused himself.

"Do you have any plans to answer him, Chelsea?" Franco asked me

"Yes, but he has to undergo the trial first." I answered and he nodded

"What trial, sister?" Neith asked so I just smiled and messed up his hair

Ethan came back and told us that he is needed at the precinct so he had to go.

I walked him out of the mansion and assured him that I'll be fine.

After he left, we continued talking and spending time.

There's just three of us as cousins but it's alright since we still had fun.

I found out from Neith's stories about his school life that he is friends with Thunder, who happened to be Irene's younger brother.

I suddenly remembered Ravien and how he used to tell Aqualyn about dating Neith in the future.

That guy's hilarious, he taught his sister to be tough, then expected her to act like a common girl who would blush.

"Neith, I'm just curious, what's your type?" I asked him

"My ideal type? I guess someone like you and mom," he replied

"What do you mean like us?" I asked

"Why are you asking him? You have someone to refer?" Franco asked and I rolled my eyes at him

"I'm asking him, not you." I said and turned to Neith

"So, what's your ideal type?"

"Must be caring, kind, intelligent, hardworking and loving. As for the appearance, she must be beautiful." He answered and I realized that Aqualyn is exactly his type.