
Halsey Academy

Halsey Academy closely follows the life of Zenon King, a 15 year old boy who has been chosen to become a student at the country's most prestigious high school. Along with other friends and classmates, he will be living at a city just for the students and competing with each other in a different environment - this is not your average high school!

JustinMandel · Realistic
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: Farewell Summer

I walked into the bowling alley, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. I had been to this same place before with my sister, but the atmosphere was completely different.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this meetup with his former classmates, I'd thought on a whim that I couldn't turn down to catch up with old friends, especially with William attending. As he scanned the crowd, his eyes fell on his friend, who was waving excitedly from a booth in the corner.

"Hey, Zenon! Over here!" William called out.

I made my way over to the booth, where a few other familiar faces were waiting. They greeted me warmly, with smiles and high-fives, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

"Good to see you, man," William said, clapping me on the back. "We've missed you."

I grinned. "I've missed you guys too."

We spent the next few hours bowling and chatting, reminiscing about old times and catching up on each other's lives. As the night wore on, the conversation turned to the future, and I felt a twinge of anxiety.

"So, Zenon, are you excited for Halsey Academy?" one of my former classmates asked.

I hesitated for a moment before replying. "I'm nervous, to be honest. It's going to be a big change, but I'm trying to stay positive."

Another classmate chimed in. "Have you thought about what you want to study? I mean, being able to get into Halsey Academy pretty much any job"

I shook my head. "Not really. I'm still exploring my options."

William leaned in, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Dude, you should totally join the debate team. You were always good at shutting me down with a few words, so I bet you'd be great at it."

I raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Me? On the debate team?"

"Yeah, why not?" William said, grinning. "You have a way with words, man. And besides, it'll be a great way to meet people and get involved on campus."

I considered this for a moment. I had never really thought about joining a debate team, but the idea was intriguing.

"You know what? I think I might just give it a try," I said, smiling.

From an exterior point of view, my reaction was purely honest. Despite that, I didn't feel like participating in the debate club, nor did I wish to argue with William about why I wouldn't enjoy it, so I just acted as though I'd try it.

As the night drew to a close, we said our goodbyes and promised to stay in touch. I walked out of the bowling alley feeling a sense of warmth and belonging that I hadn't felt in a long time.

"Oh, so that's how it went like. Well, at least it seems you had some fun there," said Lily, setting down her drink.

Zenon and his sister Lily sat across from each other in a cozy boba tea store, sipping on their drinks as they chatted about Zenon's recent meetup with his old classmates.

"Yeah, bowling is not too bad, and I wasn't really feeling that shy with my old classmates, I wonder why that is," said Zenon, looking thoughtful.

"Well, maybe it's because you already had some shared experiences with your old classmates, so it was easier to find common ground and feel more comfortable around them. Plus, now that you've moved on and got into Halsey Academy, things are very different now." she answered quickly, as if she already had planned the conversation would go this way.

"It's important to remember that it's okay to feel shy or nervous in new situations, but it's great that you were able to enjoy yourself despite those feelings." she continued saying.

"I wonder how life will be at Halsey, how teachers will treat students. I mean, Halsey students are supposed to be the best of the best…" said Zenon.

Lily wore a kind smile. "Well, most of the teachers at your old school already knew me, and since I behaved well, they were nice to you too. But at Halsey Academy, the teachers will be meeting you for the first time."

Zenon nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah, that's true. But I'm not too worried about it. I think they'll be fine with me, especially since I've always been a good student."

Lily leaned forward. "Exactly! You're academically gifted, so I'm sure they'll appreciate that. Just be yourself and don't stress too much. Just try to work hard so they appreciate you!"

Zenon smiled, feeling grateful for his sister's encouragement. "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

They continued to chat for a while longer, talking about various things such as their plans for the rest of the summer and what classes Zenon was most excited for in high school. 

As they finished up their drinks and got ready to leave, Zenon felt a sense of warmth and comfort knowing that he had his sister's support. He was already looking forward to finishing high school, returning home and saying "I made it!"

But his high school life was just about to begin, and he wouldn't be able to look at it so quickly for long.