
Halsey Academy

Halsey Academy closely follows the life of Zenon King, a 15 year old boy who has been chosen to become a student at the country's most prestigious high school. Along with other friends and classmates, he will be living at a city just for the students and competing with each other in a different environment - this is not your average high school!

JustinMandel · Realistic
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: Before the Beginning

Zenon and William were lounging on the couch in Zenon's living room, discussing their hopes and dreams for the future. They had been best friends back in middle school.

It was a peaceful summer afternoon; the last summer before high school.

As they talked, Zenon's mother entered the room looking cheerful.

"Hey boys, how's it going?" she asked with a smile.

"Good, Mrs. King," William replied, grabbing a handful of chips from the table in front of them.

Zenon's mother looked at the TV and saw the news program they were watching. "Oh, the Halsey Academy. That's a pretty exclusive school," she commented.

"Yeah, we were just talking about it," Zenon said.

"I remember when I just finished middle school, there was a girl who got into Halsey. She was really smart," his mother said, reminiscing.

William looked at Zenon and smirked. "See, Zenon? You're going to be the next one to get in," he teased.

Zenon's mother chuckled. "Oh, William. You've been friends with Zenon since middle school, and you still don't know how lazy he can be," she joked.

There was no way to apply for Halsey Academy. You had to be invited by the prestigious high school, which carefully evaluated every student in the country.

"Mrs. King, I know that the academy will probably know about Zenon's laziness, but regardless of that, his grades are still extremely good," William explained with honesty.

Zenon's mom couldn't deny what Will had just said, deep down she was truly proud of his son's performance at school. 

Her phone started ringing. "Oh, it's a client, I'll be back."

Just after that, the two boys' phones buzzed.

Zenon and William exchanged bewildered looks as they stared at the message on Zenon's phone.

They had both received the same message.

"This must be a mistake," William said, shaking his head.

Zenon's mother came back into the room, noticing the stunned expressions on their faces. "What's going on, boys?" she asked.

"We got selected for the Halsey Academy," Zenon said, showing her the message on his phone.

His mother's eyes widened in surprise. "That's incredible news! I'm so proud of you both!" she exclaimed, giving them both a tight hug.

For the rest of the night, they were buzzing with excitement, discussing what the next steps would be and what it would mean for their futures. The Halsey Academy was known for its rigorous academics, and they knew that it would be a challenging road ahead. But they were determined to make the most of this opportunity.

They were ecstatic, but also nervous. They knew that they were about to embark on a journey that would be both challenging and rewarding.

"Why don't you guys go to the Nelson Household? I'm sure William's parents would love to hear that you guys were selected!" said Mrs. King.

"Let's go, Zenon!" announced his friend, getting ready to leave.

Zenon and William arrived at William's house, both still beaming with excitement over their acceptance into Halsey Academy. As they walked through the front door, William's parents greeted them with warm congratulations and hugs.

"Congratulations, boys! We're so proud of you both," William's mother said, her eyes gleaming with pride.

"Thank you, Mrs. Nelson," Zenon replied, still trying to take in the reality of what had just happened.

"I'm so happy for you both," William's father added. "Halsey Academy is one of the most prestigious schools in the country, and being accepted is a huge accomplishment."

As they sat down in the living room, William's parents asked them about their plans for the future and what they hoped to achieve at Halsey Academy.

"Well, you both have very ambitious goals," William's mother said with a smile. "I have no doubt that you will both excel at Halsey Academy and go on to achieve great things."

Over the next few hours, they talked more about the school and what life would be like there. With their confirmation, they had received a short leaflet showing more information about the city they would be moving to.

As the evening wore on, Zenon and William bid farewell to William's parents and headed out into the night. They walked down the quiet street, enjoying the cool breeze and the rustling of the leaves in the trees.

"This is going to be an amazing adventure," Zenon said, looking up at the stars.

"I know, right?" William replied, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can't wait to see what the future holds."

As they walked further into the night, the two friends felt a sense of anticipation and wonder, eager to embark on the next chapter of their lives at Halsey Academy.

But it was just July 7th, so they still had more than a month before they would start their new lives at Halsey Academy.