

Edmund Brown watched the whole video with vigilance before Henry Joe explains the details.

" Boss the young lady name is Jessica Li and the old one is Linda Davis. According to them, Jessica was the one who informed me about the accident and the one who donated the blood for you.. " Henry made a deliberate pause to see the reaction of his boss. Edmund showed no reaction to his dismay hence Henry continued, " The night of the accident they coincidentally witnessed the accident on their way to the hotel from shopping. While they were waiting at the signals they saw a truck collide with your car. They helped you and drove to the nearest hospital. Because of the emergency, Jessica pretended to be your sister and completed the formalities for the surgery. But..."

Edmund lifted his head and perplexed to saw Henry hesitating again to say something which is weird. Henry cleared his throat awkwardly and continued, " But all the security cameras were wiped out from the time you were admitted to the hospital to before my arrival. So we were unable to check whether they were saying true or not. "

" What about hospital staff and authorities..? " Edmund asked Henry thinking deeply. The girl named Jessica was not the one he saw or he thinks he saw. His dream girl who took away his breath with her beauty. Even though he didn't know what he saw was real or not for some reason he can't get her image out of his mind.

" The doctors and nurses were saying the same as both ladies. The security staff didn't know why and how the security cameras were wiped out. The authorities show no concern about the issue like it is was a normal thing which was 'not normal' at all. "

" What ?". Now Edmund realises why Henry was hesitating to report. This is their first time to encounter this type of issue. It is not about the assassination attempt on Edmund. As CEO and heir of Brown industries, Edmund was used to all kinds of threats and assassination attempts on his as well as his family.

What surprises him was the fact that Henry couldn't solve what's happening? Forget about the instigator and his motive behind his accident. He couldn't obtain a single clue about what happened at the accident spot or in the hospital. In normal cases, Henry can obtain anything within a few hours. What is exactly happening? Wait...

" How much time passed while I was unconscious? " Edmund asked Henry with a puzzled expression.

" I-It's 2 days... " Henry stuttered.

" Wait... it's 2 days and you have no clue about what's happening? " Edmund was dumbfounded at the situation they were in.

" Y-Yes boss... " Henry again stammered. He can understand Edmund because he himself faced the same bafflement when he can't found a single thing against the instigator.

" Boss... there were some more suspicious things that happened the same time. "

" What happened? " Edmund scoffed at Henry by listening there were more things they can't figure out.

" Not only the hospital staff and authorities but also the police and media were also suspicious. The police just checked the IDs of the two ladies and then they let them go. They didn't ask any questions about the accident or about them. There was no news about the accident on any channels, newspapers and also social media when I have no time to block the news. Even the Mayor acting like he knows nothing. I mean.. " Henry still baffled at the situation they were in.

Edmund knew what Henry was trying to say. Even if Edmund was not in his own country, he is a very influential businessman all over the world. There was no way the media will be this calm without no one blocking them.

" Boss.. after going through all this we found one thing but... it was complicating the things more. " Henry braced himself to tell the most ridiculous thing he found.

" What is it? " Edmund's head was starting to ache because of all these things.

" We found out that the ones who wiped out the surveillance cameras at the accident spot and the ones who wiped out security cameras at the hospital were one and the same because of their high technology and the techniques used. It looks like the person was covering tracks for the instigator as well as covering tracks for the people who saved you. "

".... " Edmund completely speechless. It was the most ridiculous thing Edmund ever heard. It simply doesn't make sense. Edmund had an instinct that he was missing something. Like a puzzle piece which connects all the other pieces to give you a picture.

What Edmund doesn't know was that puzzle piece was " Halona " and all those things happened around him was to protect her.