
Halo of Infinite Code

[[ After enduring inhuman torture during the experiment to remove the brain limiter, Azkar Oblivion died. He woke up in a world where humans possessed unique abilities and magic, but, to his luck, the very world itself was heading towards the apocalypse. Having been literally broken from the experiment in his past life, when he awakened his abilities in the new world, he was able to see the coding of the very fabric of the world. In his second life, Azkar is creating his way towards his goal to free himself from everything, so no one is able to control him; no rules, no boundaries. This is the goal he aims to achieve in his second life. This is a story where the protagonist is so crazy that he didn't kill any of his enemies in a normal way; he killed them in a very cinematic and overpowering manner. ]]

Azkar_ · Games
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81 Chs

Something Glorious

[Effect of the unknown energy: strengthening your aspect of existence to the fullest]

[Safety protocol has been activated]

Everything happened in just a fraction of a second because of the safety protocol from his system. Not a single soul was aware of what happened in just a second. Because his body recently went through evolution, this energy further strengthened his soul and body to the highest limit possible.

Azkar right now feels immense strength, as if he can literally kill any Domain Rank powerhouse with just a single attack. Even before comprehending any law, he can now be said to be invincible in the Domain Rank cultivation without using his absolute authority [Reality Negation].

Just a few minutes ago, his chances of winning against a Domain Rank powerhouse were 80% when using his powers completely. But now, he can kill the Domain Rank powerhouse with just a single attack.

He thought about the second sub-construct of his [Infinite Code System], then a blue panel appeared in front of him.

[>Infinite Loot ::

A law-altering construct forged from [Coded Data] and all the authorities of the being named [Azkar Oblivion]. It holds the unique feature of being evolvable, limitless, and changeable over time. Its structure is planned only to loot the enemies completely. It can devour and separate, destroy and fuse matter, and can create a new form of resplendent loot.

**Abilities and Authorities:*

>Matter Manipulation [Absolute Authority] :: An absolute authority born from the user's new sub-construct of the Infinite Loot. It can manipulate matter as the user wishes. This authority requires an enormous amount of soul energy for activation. As a being named [Azkar Oblivion] has a limitless amount of Soul Value, the activation of this skill will be paid indefinitely without any issue.

>Absolute Looter [Passive] ::

A law-altering ability that allows the user to completely loot everything from his enemies using the unique authorities of the being named [Azkar Oblivion]. From their memories to laws, even their innate abilities can be yours to obtain. What is theirs...is now yours!

>Loot Multiplier [Passive]:: As the construct named Infinite Loot, why stop there for just a normal Loot? This ability will allow its user to have modifiers of +50% Increased Loot Quantity and +10% Increased Loot Rarity.

>Loot Collector [Passive] :: A law-altering ability that allows the user to directly collect all the loot into the [Loot Space]. The incoming loot will also be quantified and expressed in an itemized order before the user's eyes.

>Loot Space [Passive]:: An ability originated from the second sub-construct of the Infinite Code System. This ability allows its user to have a separate space where the user can store Loots.



Yes! Azkar was truly speechless after seeing the information in the panel. But the next moment, his face brightened with a devilish smile that could be seen on his face.

He understood how this sub-construct became so balance-breaking because it was created by all of his authorities combined. Right now, he has many authorities, and this construct will use all of his authorities to work. Even a single one of his authorities is rare and balance-breaking, but this construct uses all of them to function.

"What a fair world is this? Hahahaha, no matter what, one day I'll keep this world in my very origin," he smiled after confirming everything about his new sub-construct.

Loot Multiplier is way too OP; this must be the best feature of this sub-construct. He also gained another absolute authority [Matter Manipulation]. This authority is the very foundation of my Loot construct. He understands how his "Infinite Loot" construct works, but he is still confused about the [Loot Multiplier] ability.

He decided not to think about it for now, so he deactivated his [Thought Acceleration] ability. Everything became normal; he did everything in just a fraction of a second. He focused on the battlefield and found that everyone was still in a state of shock because they saw something too illogical to believe.

Now, everything is ready, and Azkar is prepared to end everything because no matter what, he is not heartless enough to see humans die in this gory manner. Before, he just wanted to help them out of pity, but now he has his benefits of helping them because he is not a hero who can help someone blindly. No, he is not that kind.

He likes humans, but he has a fair share of suffering and resentment towards them. So now, he can gain a large amount of Loot from enemies and save some people—that's a good deal for him, and he will still charge humans for helping them.

"Let's make a cool entry, hahaha. I wanted this for a very long time because when I was a child, I dreamed about becoming a hero. But if I cannot be a hero who helps blindly after everything that happened to me, still, if I'm helping them even seeing my benefits only, a dramatic entry is still required to be a hero, hahaha," Azkar said to himself.

"Let me think! What about playing the mysterious powerhouse who saves the day? No, this is not cool. What about a dying soldier on the battlefield saving the day? Then everyone will see, and they'll wonder, who is that mysterious soldier? No, that's also not cool. Oh yeah, let's play god and absolutely crush the enemy after humiliating them, hahaha. This is a good idea, playing god—how cool," he thought and decided to play with them.

"To play god, I need something more than just a dress code? Huh, let's create something new that will work with the scenario where I can play god because god cannot use skills like some normal person, right? Nope, it needs something more, like using only words to decide the fate of someone. Yeah, this feels like divine, hahaha. It will give a divine feeling to everyone," Azkar said to himself, treating it like child's play.

So, Azkar dominantly decided to create something that was impossible for humans to even think about—a completely different way of using mana or soul energy.

"System, design circuit threads so small that they will be impossible to be seen by a person at the same level as me. Make it harder to be seen by others who are more powerful than me, and connect it to every single cell of my body. Use my voice as an activation point where I can say something, and you'll follow my command in that voice. Use these circuit threads to connect it outside of my body, and this way, you can use my authorities outside of my body to perform tasks," he said to his system.

Connecting circuit threads to every cell was no problem for him. In this way, trillions of threads so small that they cannot be seen by others were connected to the environment around him. When he said something using his voice, his system would do the task to complete what he said. For example, after seeing someone he wanted to kill, he simply had to say "die," and that's it—the system would perform the task of killing that person instantly using his authorities.

[Command Accepted! Instant simulation in process]

[Simulation Complete]

[Creation of [Artificial Word Magic] in process]

[Creation successful]

[You have taken an impossible course of action!]

[You achieved an impossible achievement]

[Your Affinity with laws has been increased]

[You gain the distinction of "Fool"]

[Your Affinity with Mana has been increased]

[Your mana has increased by 2×]

[You created a completely entirely different type of Magic known as "Artificial Word Magic"]




[Author Note : If you come to like my novel, then save it to your collection, and you can support me using power stones.

20 power stones = 2 extra chapters

These will be uploaded at the end of the week on Sunday.]