
Halo of Infinite Code

[[ After enduring inhuman torture during the experiment to remove the brain limiter, Azkar Oblivion died. He woke up in a world where humans possessed unique abilities and magic, but, to his luck, the very world itself was heading towards the apocalypse. Having been literally broken from the experiment in his past life, when he awakened his abilities in the new world, he was able to see the coding of the very fabric of the world. In his second life, Azkar is creating his way towards his goal to free himself from everything, so no one is able to control him; no rules, no boundaries. This is the goal he aims to achieve in his second life. This is a story where the protagonist is so crazy that he didn't kill any of his enemies in a normal way; he killed them in a very cinematic and overpowering manner. ]]

Azkar_ · Games
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81 Chs


There are many things important in a person's life, and one of them is a place a person calls "home." No matter where you go, no matter what you do, and no matter who you are, you always need a place where you can take a carefree breath of air and feel a sense of freedom.

Why is this important? Honestly, it's not universally crucial; it depends on the individual. There are many people who don't consider anything in their life, but regardless of who the person is, there is always the beginning and end of their story.

This begs the question: Do you ever consider a place where you originated from and where your story began as "home"? Well, the answer to this question can vary depending on who you're asking. Everyone, though, has a place they hold dear to their heart, and this very place is known as "home."

Azkar, who lost everything in his previous life, had his entire existence tightly controlled to the point where it could hardly be considered a life. However, he did have a home before being selected for the experiment. Unfortunately, after his death, he lost everything, including a crucial part of his story – the place of his birth. Perhaps he'll never have the opportunity to see it again.

Azkar thought many times after coming to this world that there were many things he lost during his short life. He decided that he'll never lose something he holds dear to his heart. So, he seeks a place that contains everything he needs—a home where no one can take anything from him. Now, the time has finally come to create the foundation for his own world.

" Origin Land"

A place born after absorbing an entire island inside its halo. Here, everything is under the exclusive control of Azkar, the sole creator of this land. Every element emanates from his very existence because everything inside the halo is born from the "origin codic particle" – a fundamental unit of existence constituting reality itself. Azkar, being the particle itself, has full control over anything created from it.


After absorbing the island in the Dragon Empire, everyone forgot about it, as it was erased from reality itself and absorbed into his halo. After completing everything there, Azkar teleported directly to the "Dark Forest" because he was now going to build his house inside the halo – the first place born at the beginning of everything within it.

"Oh boy, I lost two crystals of Apocalypse. Even 20 billion units of mana value were too short to complete the process. Now those two crystals are gone from this planet. I only have to worry about outside threats because to summon the Horseman of Apocalypse, 12 crystals are needed, and there are only 10 left in this world. It's impossible for someone to become a true world-rank powerhouse. The only remaining enemy in this world that can do some harm to me is the loli, ahem! I mean, the Demon Empress, a former protagonist of this world," Azkar said to his system.

[ Yes, Master. As per your other plans for the worst-case scenario, the system has prepared everything. If someone decided to destroy this world, the system will passively teleport every person you value inside the halo.]

"Good work. Now that everything has finished, let's start the process. Use the design from my previous world, take inspiration from the data in my memories of my previous life, and also incorporate various designs from Gothic architecture and modern housing," Azkar commanded to his system.

[ Master, as you don't have any material and real data from your previous world, the system will use simulations to create everything you desire. However, to complete this process, you have to pay 1000 cosmic points as a sacrifice.]


"Why do you need a sacrifice to create something inside the halo?" Azkar was left speechless, especially considering he had just lost a large amount of points a few moments ago.

[ "No, Master, creating something inside the halo only needs your soul value, nothing else. But as you requested to create something, the system doesn't have any data because it was your memories from your previous life, and that reality has different fundamental units of existence. This is why everything made from those fundamental units of existence is completely different in this reality. That's why the system needs a large amount of cosmic points to make a sacrifice, accelerating the process where the system can create the perfect replication of everything from your previous reality. After this, you won't need to use this many points to create anything from your previous world.]


"What's with the long explanation? Huh, your ego is developing very fast. Okay, no biggie. Take as many points as you need. I'll just kill some more because in this world, there are many good people who will throw themselves at my feet to become loot," Azkar said with a smile.

[Creation of the "Holy Palace" has now begun.]

[Instant simulation has started to recreate the forgotten data.]

[All conditions have been met.]

[An immeasurable amount of soul value has been consumed to make this process successful.]

In the heart of the Origin Land, the Holy Palace began to rise—a testament to the synergy of cutting-edge architecture and advanced technology blended with ancient Gothic architecture. As the systems worked tirelessly, the exterior emerged as a gleaming synthesis of glass and metal, reflecting the surrounding landscape in a dance of modernity and ancient nature.

Azkar was able to sense every change. Inside, each room unfolded like a chapter in the future, with walls seamlessly transforming into interactive displays and ambient lighting adapting to the occupants' preferences, along with the pure ancient design that gave him a mixed feeling of ancient and modern touch. The central control system could be operated manually or through commands to the system, creating a perfectly orchestrated symphony of smart devices, ensuring a harmonious blend of efficiency and comfort.

The palace's integration with the surrounding environment showcased sustainability at its core. Most of the design of the Holy Palace was made of glass and white marble, along with other materials. Intelligent climate control systems maintained an eco-friendly equilibrium. This technological marvel stood as a beacon of progress in the Origin Land. It will undoubtedly invite awe and admiration from all who behold its futuristic and ancient grandeur in the future.

From an aerial view, the high-tech palace embraced Gothic architecture, its towering spires and intricate arches weaving a tapestry of tradition and innovation. The main structure, reminiscent of a grand cathedral, exuded regality with ornate details etched into its stone facade.

As the palace extended its embrace, a modern city unfolded around its Gothic core. Skyscrapers of glass and steel stood as contemporary courtiers, complementing the historical grandeur of the palace. The city streets, arranged in a grid, hummed with the energy of technology, forming a vibrant contrast to the timeless elegance of the Gothic palace.

[Author Note - Click here to see the reference art of the Origin Ciity and holy palace.



Seeing everything from above, Azkar was stunned because never in his dream did he imagine that one day he would build something this magnificent. However, after a second, he accepted it because there are many things he is going to create in this halo—this is just the beginning.

[Creation of "Holy Palace" successful.]

[Your affinity with laws has increased.]

[Your aspect of existence has been strengthened.]


"Now that I've created a city near my palace, I'll have a place where living beings can survive here. I really don't want to expose the secret of my halo, so I'll just teleport people in emergencies into this place if some crazy enemy decides to destroy this planet. In this case, the system will teleport them into this city," Azkar thought, smiling devilishly because now he has a home and also a place where he can protect something he holds dear to his heart.

[Please choose a name for this city, Master.]

"Let me think, Origin City, Holy City... no, Origin City sounds good because this is the place everything will begin, right? Okay, I made up my mind," Azkar thought.

"Origin City."

[Naming successful. From this moment, this city will be known as the Origin City, as the absolute beginning of creation inside the halo.]

Azkar saw the prompt from the system, and he smiled because from this moment onward, he had a place which he could call home.

"Home, huh? Not so bad," Azkar thought.


[Author Note: If you like my novel, then why be so shy? Share your thoughts in the comment section, which will motivate me to provide you guys with extra chapters.]