
Halo: Jack 102

Jack, a common former salaryman and casual gamer, wakes up in total darkness, a silent place, only to wake up in the body of a baby in a world he has never seen. ------------------------------------------------------------------- english is not my first language obviously i don't own the halo franchise, i just own my ocs. the cover image does not belong to me, if you are the owner of it write me and I will replace it. You would help me a lot by going to my patreon, where you could find up to 15 chapters ahead

Neisdark · Video Games
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POV: Alexandra.

I was at my house preparing the last details of a sculpture that was requested from a nearby community when I received a call from the director about Jack's fight with his classmates from him. I can't imagine jack starting a fight, he has inherited a lot of his father's clumsy calm and intelligence to seek to fight against 3 boys older than him.

I called Andrew to let him know and the two of us decided to go to school, waiting for his unusual upset and upset reaction that he usually only shows when it is a matter related to his loved ones. Arriving at the school we immediately met the director who was waiting for us at the entrance door with three very angry women at his side.

"Good morni-" listening to the apparent friendly greeting that the rector wants to give us, I decide to interrupt him.

"Principal, we want to see our son, so either get out of my way, or the board takes my complaints about how my 7-year-old son who has skipped multiple grades and won different awards on behalf of this stupid school has been assaulted by three idiots" the rector was surprised to decide to hear my words.

Andrew and I had to continue our way to the infirmary when a suitable woman who accompanied the rector decided to speak to us "those three idiots are".

"I don't care."


I woke up feeling my body sore, resentful from the continuous blows to the abdomen that I received, when I try to get up and observe my surroundings the first thing I see are two different looks watching me.

"How are you? Did they hurt you somewhere?" They were the first words I heard from my mother, with her beautiful and bright eyes of the purest concern and attention that I have been able to witness in my two lives, in this life I always tried not to hurt this body with physical activities to keep it in full potential, so I was never a kind of concern for my parents.

"Hello mom and dad, they wrote down the plates of the truck that hit me," I said with a somewhat mocking tone to try to alleviate the tension of the environment, which did not seem to work by the countenance of both.

"Which were the boys who did it? Are they older?" were the first words of my father, with the disconcerting angry look of his, and his black eyes of him looking at me, which give me chills, who would think that a man with such a taciturn attitude could have that look?

"Hello mom and dad, they wrote down the plates of the truck that hit me," I said with a somewhat mocking tone to try to alleviate the tension of the environment, which did not seem to work by the countenance of both.

"Easy Andrew, first we need to check any injuries he has and if it affects his long-term health, we need to take him-".

Trying to pick up the conversation and lighten the mood decided to interrupt "calm down, it was just a conflict between guys, I don't feel any fractures or severe damage, and I don't want to sound pretentious but I did well enough to be at a disadvantage".

"Extremely well in my opinion" intervenes a woman in a robe from the next room, very beautiful I must add, not at the level of my mother, but she is not far behind, in my past life I had never seen such beautiful women in person, and honestly I always disparaged the beauty of the internet assuming it was filters and good poses, I'm sorry beautiful people from my previous world.

"I can say that I am the one who can judge the result, I saw the video from the security cameras and I performed the medical examination on both" he takes out a tablet to read the results which are shown on a screen in front of the stretcher "your son he only has some bruises on his abdomen, nothing serious, he doesn't have any fractures or hemorrhage, I recommend little movement, and cold compresses to treat the pain, in a matter of days he will be jumping and playing as usual ".

Wow, it's impressive, it may seem unprofessional how he acts, but by extolling my violent and not very great achievement, I calm my father's thirst for revenge, and by giving a detailed report of how I am I calm my mom's anxiety. It must not be the first time that she deals with this type of situation and distressed parents.

"See mom? There's nothing to worry about, in a few days I'll be able to receive and beat up again, I can't deny that it was fun" not really, my hands hurt and although I had a life full of violence in my past life I never I take pride in it and my disinterest in violence is well known to my parents.

This elicited a small smile from my father, "thank you doc, we're glad you were around to take care of this boy."

"It was nothing Mr. Andrew, I must confess that your son is a boy that I am interested in meeting, not in these situations obviously, but it is always the center of rumors from teachers about how impressive he is and his maturity in relating to people, one would believe that I would be an introvert or much worse an egomaniac"

"Wow, so I'm famous, I've always tried hard not to stand out or be associated with things that make me stand out" may seem like sarcasm, but seriously I don't usually participate in extracurricular activities, and in physical exams I always try not to try too hard I haven't practiced my instruments at school either. Other than skipping grades and getting A's, I haven't done anything remarkable, which is rare but common in good schools.

"Hahaha jack, I'm afraid that skipping grades and having a perfect average is not common in this school for the gifted, each course requires one or more grades than it should ensure a good level of excellence"

"Jumm school for the gifted"

"I understand her doubts, Mrs. Alexandra, but like any private school there are always some very 'charitable' donors and I'm afraid that gives her some favors with the director" adds the doc with a somewhat disappointed face.

"But don't worry, even if these families have some influence to allow their children to enter, that's where their hand goes, because the board of directors is made up of people who are somewhat capricious with excellence and I'm afraid they don't need money, they aren't interested either.


With that we said goodbye to the doc, my mom insisted that dad should carry me to the car and dad had no choice but to get me up even despite my continuous arguments, he had a relentless reputation that he had won and lost the same day.

Leaving we met the director, who did not know how to deal with this matter, I do not imagine that the families of those boys have so much influence on him, but from what the doc said when the board did not care about the power of those families I do not think that as the victim with videos that support me can do something to me.

We continue by without saying a word to the director and leaving him with his difficult dilemma which he himself sought, I do not think he will continue in this position for long.

My dad put me in the car, and just as we were about to start, for a moment I imagined that the temperature had dropped 100 degrees, "thanks doc, we're glad you were here to take care of this boy" says my mom in the shrillest tone possible, "flirtatious with your smile to the doctor right in front of your son and your beautiful wife, I see that you have become brave Andrew Casablanca".

dad immediately noticing that he had stepped on a mine, he immediately decides to play a dirty card "never, I would never talk to another woman with those intentions having a goddess like you by my side my love, it was jack who looked at her with eyes of pleasure, which amused me, I must say that very bad jack, not only is she an older woman but she is also bad in front of your parents who were worried about your health.

"What? I didn't like the doc, I was simply impressed by her way of dealing with the situation, you were the one who, with your seductive naturalness, almost tricked my precious mom and your son who can't walk on his own, it's more when you leave, I noticed how you looked at his butt (I decided to make this up)" you should never have sold me and thrown me to the wolves.

My mom started laughing at the obvious lie, which my dad and I continued to laugh at, it was a good homecoming.