

[System Booting] [...] [Welcome Back Noble Six] ___________________________________________ I do not own any Halo content nor I own content from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. This fan-fic will contain elements from Kotor. Edit: I have decided to go into the Star Wars universe a bit and then dive back into Halo. So I take back my previous description.

ThePolarRain62 · Others
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20 Chs

Mission Accepted

'I accept'

[Confirmed: Host has accepted the mission "Raise the Dead".

Nearest party member -> Emile-A239]

Taking in a deep breath and exhaling Noble six stands up to scout the nearby area. The shed was located on the outside of the shipyard. The last place Six saw Emile was where he died to several elites. The shipyard has quite a few floors to it, however, Emile died near the anti-air gun on around the 4th floor. There's only one problem that Six can see. There's covenant swarming the place.

'How am I supposed to get Emile with the covenant all over the place?'

[Recommendation: Cause a distraction. Example -> Explosion]

Accepting the recommendation Six scanned the surrounding canyon to spot anything that could explode. The farther away he pulls the covenant the better of a chance he has at getting Emile's body. The farthest thing the could explode is a Covenant type-52 Troop Carrier otherwise known as a "Phantom". The Phantom is sitting directly above a deep canyon perfect for a distraction.

'System would this "Power Shot" skill have enough power to destroy the Phantom?'

[Answering: No, not right now. Power Shot scales in damage and power with the dexterity attribute. If you increase dexterity by 3 and shoot below the cockpit the phantom's front will explode.]

'And that will cause the phantom to fall into the canyon.'

[Reaffirming: Exactly.]

'Well, time to shoot a phantom.' thought Six while reaching for where his rifle is supposed to be only to find nothing there.

'Is it possible to use Power Shot without a gun?'

[Answer: No, but it does not matter what gun you use on the phantom because anything with a power shot will cause your desired result. Would you like me to scan for a nearby weapon?]

'Yes, that would help tremendously.'

[Discovered: There's a magnum inside of the closet on the top shelf.]

Six sneaks over to the shelf to avoid any noise that could alert his surroundings and grabs the magnum.

'Four shots left in the chamber. Not much but it'll do.'

Leaving the shed Six lurks to a nearby clay rock to aim from. As he settles in and his aim steadies in on the phantom he gets alerted by the system.

[Alert: The current strength of your power shot will dislocate your shoulder in this position. Act like its a rocket.]

'Is it that strong?' questions Six as he corrects his current positioning.

[Answer: Easily.]

'Alright, here I go.'

Almost like an instinct Six activates Power Shot. The tip of the magnum starts to shimmer and glow with white light. The light starts to get brighter and brighter. Six pulls the trigger.


The bullet travels through the sky and penetrates the shell of the phantom. Causing the front to explode and the phantom to drift into the canyon.

Six sprints to the shipyard as fast as possible while avoiding panicking grunts and dangerous Elite patrols that are heading to the phantom. Six sees an Elite while sneaking around that seems to have heard the magnum shot and took a small group of grunts to follow him.

It took around 4 minutes for Six to sneak up to the 4th floor. Using a window on the 4th floor Six scouts out the area around the anti-air gun. One Elite and two grunts.

'I've got three shots; I better make them count.'

Holding his magnum upfront Six walks up to the door and prepares to kick it open.

'3.. 2... 1... Go!'

His kick breaks the door off. The Elite snaps around to see Six standing in the doorway pointing a gun at him. Before the Elite can call it in Six fires his first shot straight through the elites throat instantly killing him. The two grunt whos reactions were far slower than the elites see Six and their patrol captain dead. Deciding to save his bullets mid-fight Six sprints at the grunts and smashes his fist into the grunts skull. The other grunt whips out a plasma grenade intent on a suicide attack. Six grabs the dead grunts body and flings it at the other grunt. The plasma grenade that had already been active gets stuck on the dead grunts body and explodes killing the remaining grunt.

[Notification: Experience gained from the fight has leveled you up. +5 Attribute Points.]

'I can deal with attribute points later. The covenant had to have heard that explosion. I've got to find Emile now.'

Running up to the anti-air gun, Six asks 'System is there any way for you to find a dead body?'

[Answer: I can scan for lifeforms but the dead have no vitals to track.]

'Can you track any bugs that like to feed on decaying bodies?'

[Response: Probably, I would need you to upgrade your wisdom with your remaining attribute points for a scan of such tiny lifeforms.]

'Do it and search for a cluster of them!' commanded Six while he was standing on a crate to get a better view of the area.

[Found: Emile's body is located underneath the platform the anti-air gun is on. You'll have to crawl underneath to get to him.]

'Alright, thanks. Emile, here I come.'

Crawling underneath the platform Six stretches his arm out to pull Emile out.

'Emile you weigh too much. There's no way I could carry him to a safer location. I have to revive him now,' thought Six as he pulled Emile completely out from underneath.

'System, activate "Party Revive" on Emile.'

[Activating: "Party Revive"...]

Emile's body started to float in the air. Golden wisps of wind started to wrap around Emile almost like a cocoon. As the wisps disappear Emile's body emerges from the cocoon and drops towards the ground. Six catches before he drops completely on the ground and notices that not only is Emile's body restored with no wounds but his armor is fully repaired.

"Emile, can you hear me? It's Noble Six." questions Six.

"Yeahh... Ugh, what happened?" asks Emile as he was regaining his footing.

"I can't explain right now we've got Covenant all over this place. We need to find somewhere safe to stay," Six says.

"Ugh, there's a security office nearby that I went through to get to the anti-air gun. It has reinforced walls," states Emile.

"Alright show me the way. I'll follow you."



"Grunts! did you hear that explosion just now?" asks Xar 'Wattin an Elite.

"No, I didn't hear a thing. You sure you aren't hearing things Xar? The magnum shot and now this? " questioned a Grunt.

"Shut up pathetic grunt. I'm your captain don't get snappy with me," gnarled Xar 'Wattin

"Were moving to that explosion I heard. The others can deal with the phantom. Let's go there's nothing here besides that empty shed." commanded Xar 'Wattin

"Yes, sir!" replied the grunts in unison.

__ ___ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __

*Updated Attributes for Noble Six*

[Strength: 15

Dexterity: 18

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 12

Constitution: 11

Charisma: 5]

Available Attribute Points: 5

I wanted to say thank you for the response! I wasn't expecting much of anything so I was impressed by the view, comments, and reviews. It made me extremely happy. If anyone has some recommendations you can email me at ThePolarRain62@gmail.com anyways thanks again!

ThePolarRain62creators' thoughts