
Halo: Anomaly in the Galaxy

In the rich and expansive universe of Halo, where superhuman soldiers known as Spartan-IIs fight against the relentless Covenant forces, a remarkable tale unfolds. 'Halo: An Anomaly in the Galaxy' follows the journey of a young boy who becomes an unexpected participant in the legendary Spartan-II program. Amidst the chaos of war, this boy finds himself standing out from the rest, possessing special genetic factors that catch the attention of renowned scientist Dr. Catherine Halsey and seasoned military officer Captain Jacob Keyes. Instead of being subjected to the usual path of abduction, he is 'adopted' by the duo during a critical review process, marking him as the first candidate to be accepted into the program. Bestowed with the name 'Alpha' as a symbol of his pioneering status, the young recruit embarks on an arduous training regimen alongside his fellow Spartans. As battles rage and the conflict intensifies, 'Halo: An Anomaly in the Galaxy' delves into the untold events and epic clashes that have been overshadowed by the broader narrative. Through the lens of this extraordinary Spartan-II, readers witness the profound impact that a single soldier can make on the outcome of war. This gripping novel provides a fresh perspective on the Halo universe, delving into the untold tales of valor and resilience. 'Halo: An Anomaly in the Galaxy' paints a vivid portrait of a young hero's journey, his unwavering determination, and the indomitable spirit that sets him apart in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

MEMES_R_gud · Video Games
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Spartan-II members statuses and team statuses as of 2525

{This auxiliary chapter will focus on the actual status of all Spartan-IIs in the story. If they are dead I will list them as KIA if missing MIA otherwise they will be 'Active' or 'Inactive'. It will also inform you of the active teams, if someone dies their name will be removed, if enough of them die the team will be dissolved and the remaining member or members will be transferred to existing teams.}




-[James S-005: Active]

-[Jai S-006: Active]

-[Li S-008: Active]

-[Naomi S-010: Active]

-[Leon S-011: Active]

-[Alpha S-017: Active]

-[Daisy S-023: Active]

-[Robert S-025: Active]

-[Joshua S-029: Active]

-[Vinh S-030: Active]

-[Otto S-031: Active]

-[Randall S-037: Active]

-[Isaac S-039: Active]

-[Douglas S-042: Active]

-[William S-043: Active]

-[Anton S-044: Active]

-[Keiichi S-047: Active]

-[Kurt S-051: Active]

-[Jorge S-052: Active]

-[Margaret S-053: Active]

-[Linda S-058: Active]

-[Malcolm S-059: Active]

-[Maria S-062: Active]

-[Sheila S-065: Active]

-[Solomon S-069: Active]

-[Arthur S-079: Active]

-[Kelly S-087: Active]

-[Jerome S-092: Active]

-[Grace S-093: Active]

-[August S-099: Active]

-[Victor S-101: Active]

-[Frederic S-104: Active]

-[Adriana S-111: Active]

-[John S-117: Active]

-[Michael S-120: Active]

-[Joseph S-122: Active]

-[Oscar S-129: Inactive- KIA, Cause: Self Inflicted Gunshot wound]

-[Alice S-130: Active]

-[Carris S-137: Active]

-[Cal S-141: Active]

-[Roma S-143: Active]

{This next part of the teams. Bare in mind that the teams besides a couple were never really set. Spartan-IIs could be interchanged between teams all the time and were capable of working with all other Spartans. I will try to keep the team changing manageable]




Blue Team:

John S-117 (Leader)

Kelly S-087

Frederic S-104

Alpha S-017

Linda S-058

Red Team:

Jerome S-092 (Leader)

Alice S-130

Douglas S-042

Gold Team:

Joshua S-029 (Leader)

Daisy S-023

Grace S-093

Naomi S-010

Silver Team:

Arthur S-079 (Leader)

Cal S-141

Randall S-037

Maria S-062

Carris S-137

Green Team:

Kurt S-051 (Leader)

Anton S-044

Solomon S-069

Malcolm S-059

Gray Team:

Jai S-006 (Leader)

Adriana S-111

Michael S-120

Black Team:

Margaret S-053

Roma S-143

Otto S-031

Victor S-101

Omega Team:

Leon S-011 (Leader)

Robert S-025

August S-099

Vinh S-030

Isaac S-039

William S-043

Theta Team:

Li S-008 (Leader)

Keiichi S-047

Joseph S-122

Sheila S-065

Jorge S-052

James S-005