
Halloween Hell

Only one child every 5000 years is born with the power to destroy or rebuild the magical world. The only problem is both sides good and evil want the child. This is the year for it to happen. Ten family's have children born under the right sign. And all of them want the power.

Betty_Tatum · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The New Training

So after the dreams started to get scary the guys started getting really serious about training everyone.

Gregory and the guys built the equipment to make weapons and armor. Once construction was done Gregory had every make their own swords.

After they were finished Gregory had everyone take a little class to teach us how to clean, sharpen, and fix them as needed. Me and the girl's thought this was so cool. We couldn't wait to actually practice with them.

Next Gregory took everyone's measurements so he could make us armor. I was expecting that stuff you see on t.v. but in truth it was thin and light. I was wondering if it would actually work because of how thin it was. But he told us all it would so we trusted him.

After he finished making it for everyone, he had us all put it on. Then he made us line up outside and he came over to each of us and tugged on things, pulled on straps, and checked metal pieces. Once he did that to everyone he had us take it off. Then one by one he either tightened or loosened different things. Once it was all done he made us wear the armor for every practice. I loved it all. Am I strange because I like the training? I will have to ask mom what she thinks. All I know is it helps vent my frustrations because of the whole situation. Also I think it is cool that the men let us girls train to.

So it has been three months total since they made out armor, We have practiced everyday with it on. Gregory said I was a natural with the sticks and daggers but that I needed a lot more practice with a sword. I told him that something is off about it, after he help it for a while he told me," Well young lady I'm surprised you got this far with it. Not only is the balance way off, but the handle is lumpy and your blade is very dull. I thought I trained you better than this."

" You did train me well or I never would have gotten this far with my crappy sword. Can I make a new one?"

"No, since you are the princess it will be my honor to make you a sword for your eighteenth birthday, just like I did for your mom."

"Oh thank you so much Gregory, I would be so happy for you to make me a sword. I would love it. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you."

Once he made it for me I used it at every practice. When Gregory gave me extra lessons I always had it with me. Then after a while Gregory started to say I was almost as good as him. I was so happy when he told me that, after the lesson I went strait over and told the girl's. I'm not sure if he told Sky and mom but I figured I would later.

At the end of three months I am as good with a sword as many of my friends. Me and the girl's spar all the time in our free time.

During a weekend training session everyone stops dead as two cars pull into the road. The drivers turn off their cars and everyone gets out. Right away I feel the pull. They are more of our lost dragons. Gregory and the guys step forward, but Sky steps in front of them, I am always amazed by the way she takes charge. I hope I am half the queen she is. She starts talking to everyone,"Hello, it is nice to see you all. Come join the group. Right now we are training. I won't expect you to join today, but by the end of the week you must join the group. Now what are your names please?"

" Your majesty I am Armand, and this is my wife Talia and these are our three children. Andrew, Mark, and Megan."

"Talia I remember you. You used to work in the palace kitchens right? And you used to volunteer at the clinic. So this is your husband, it's so nice to finally meet you. Your children are triplets I take it."

"Yes my queen, I'm so glad you remember me. Yes this is my husband and the tree kids were born here. I'm so glad your ok. Or at least alive. The Dragon God pushed us to come. At first he said we had time then a month ago he wouldn't stop till we left, so here we are."

" Well we are glad your here. it's wonderful having our people together again. Would the kids like to go hang out with kids near their own age?"

"That would be great your Highness thank you."

Then the three kids went over to talk to the others. After that the people from the next car came forward.

"My queen I an Brittany and this is Allie. Our friends are Steven and Daniel. We used to work with the animals."

"Yes I remember you all. You were so young then you have grown into fine men and women. It's nice to have you home."

After the adults showed them all the houses and the moved in. The teens came over to me and the others and we all hung out together for a while and got to know each other. Then everyone went in for the night.