
Halloween Hell

Only one child every 5000 years is born with the power to destroy or rebuild the magical world. The only problem is both sides good and evil want the child. This is the year for it to happen. Ten family's have children born under the right sign. And all of them want the power.

Betty_Tatum · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Choosing My Guard

When Sky and Arianna first came here Sky gave me several books that I was told I "MUST" read. So over the last nine months I have been reading them all. A lot of them have been very boring. I have fallen asleep a lot trying to read them. But this latest book has been very interesting. It seams I need a personal guard. As well as a home guard. I don't know if I have to set this up now or later though. I guess I need to talk to sky about it. Now I have so many questions, I just don't know when would be the best time to do it. We have been working so hard with the training we never seem to have free time anymore. I think this is also one of the things I need to bring up. I know Sky is our queen but I am afraid everyone will be worked to death preparing for the upcoming war and not survive the passage back to the dragon lands. I know I need it bring it up soon. I think I should do it at breakfast. Right now I think I should go to bed.

Beep beep beep.....

Oh my Lord some days I just want to throw the alarm out the window. okay so I need to get ready for the day. today I graduate. I am so excited. Tonight is the party. I get to introduce my new friends to my other friends. Arianna said as long as none of them were vampires everyone would make it through the shields just fine. Now that it's here I can't believe it is happening. I am so excited. But I have to make sure to talk to everyone about my issues. Oh I smell bacon, time to eat.

Once I was downstairs Mom, Sky, Arianna all say good morning. First they all give me gifts for graduation, then we all sit down to eat, once the food is passed around mom starts talking about the plans for the day, all three women are so excited, I think they are more excited than I am. After they get the day planned out Sky starts talking about training, and that's when I realized it was time to talk.

" Um Sky I have a few questions about the training and a few other things, is this a good time or should we do it later?"

"No honey this is fine, what are your thoughts on the subject? What are your questions?"

"Well I was thinking about it last night, I know we have to train but I think we need to take a little time off as well. It's not good to work everyone to death before we go through the portal. I don't want our people tired from the training and then go through the portal. If they are already tired the traveling through the portal will make that worse. Look at how tired you to were when you first came through. I just don't want to put anyone at risk. besides I still remember the dream where we walk through and die on the other side. also I know we need to train, but we have not had a day off till today, and I don't want everyone to start resenting us for over working them.i think we should do two or three days off a week so the people can have family time and just unwind a little. I think we should have a group meeting to see what days everyone wants off. That way they have a choice in it. Also I think birthdays and holidays should be a day off, but only major holidays. But you know couples will want Valentine's day, and parents will want mothers day and fathers day off. Or for those days We can do the training earlier in the day. But again We can ask everyone and see what they think about it. We have nine teens that have not had time to be themselves since they got here. No one is complaining about it but as a teen myself I feel it might be coming, and think it's best to stop it before it happens."

Now the whole time I am talking I am looking only at Sky, but when I stop talking she looks at the other two women and smiles.

" I told you she would make a great queen, she has thought this through. She thinks about her people's thoughts and feelings, and she puts the pro's and con's out there for you to decide. She also wants to involve the people in the decisions. These are the makings of a great queen."

Everyone was smiling then they all look at me, one by one everyone gets up and gives me a hug. Then mom says," We are so proud of you, you are doing so well with everything. I love you."

Arianna says," Sweetheart you are doing great, not only with your studies, but with everything. We are so proud of you, we love you so much, so proud of you."

Sky says,"After breakfast I will call Gabriel and tell him to call a meeting and we will talk to everyone about your thoughts. I think you will make them all very happy as well. Now what else would you like to talk about?"

"Well as you know I have been reading the books you gave me. I am currently working on the book that talks about me choosing my personal and home guard. Now my first question is, Since you are still queen do I need to do either one of those? And second we don't have that many people left how would that work?"

"I love your questions today, like I said you will make a wonderful queen. Now I think you should choose a personal guard now. It should be three to five people you really trust. It can be either adults or the teens. As far as the home guard I think it's best to choose them after this war is over."

"Okay so I already know two people I want as my personal guard, Destiny and Star. They are both awesome fighters and can keep their cool when under stress. As for the others I need to think."

"That sounds like a good idea. Always think carefully about who is going to help protect you. And I think the girls are a great choice. Do you have any other questions?"

"Not right this moment but I probably will soon. And we should probably finish breakfast so we can get our day moving."

Everyone agreed with me on that part. So we finished breakfast then went out to talk to the community. I also asked Destiny and Star to be the first two members of my personal guard. They were very excited and both said yes. Then we listened as Sky told everyone about my ideas for days off.

Sorry it's been so long since my last update I have been sick then the kids got it. But now everyone is healthy again so here we go. I hope you enjoy it.