

Hannah woke up the be morning beside Hailey who was still asleep. She woke her up.

"Good morning Hailey." She greeted.

"Good morning Hannah, you're up so early again!" She exclaimed as she rubbed her eyes.

"Yep!" She answered. Hailey got up and went to the bathroom. She called out to Hannah.

"Come Hannah! You have to get ready. Jones is coming to get you!" She said to her.

"But I don't wanna go!" She replied.

"Hannah we agreed to it. I told mom Jones will come get you. I can't change it!" She explained and the little girl wore a long face.

"C'mon Hannah, I promise to come visit you there besides, you have Stacey with you. Please!!" She begged her but the little girl didn't give in.

"Okay, I'll get you new toys if you follow Jones today!" She promised.

"Fine!!" She answered as her face lightened up. She followed Hailey to the bathroom. They brushed their teeth and Hannah had her bath.

After getting dressed, they went downstairs where they met Jeremy who was nonchalantly sitting down and and staring at the fireplace. A lot of thoughts ran through his mind and no one knew what they were.

"Good morning Mr Jeremy!" Hannah's little voice popped up in his head again disrupting his thoughts.

"Stop sneaking up on me like that!" he said to her.

"I wasn't!" She replied and laughed.

"Seriously, it's not funny!" he answered.

"Good morning Jeremy." Hailey greeted.

"Good morning Hailey." He replied.

"Hannah's leaving today. Jones is coming to get her."

"Who's Jones?"

"My mom's driver." she answered.

"Oh that's no problem." he replied.

"I don't wanna go!!" Hannah said to him.

"Well, you have to kid! That's what your aunt wants. It's for the best!!" He said to her with a smirk, placing a hand on her head.

"Let's go have breakfast! Shall we??" He asked but there was no response. They just got up and went to the dinning room for breakfast. They ate in silence.

After breakfast, Hailey and Hannah went up the stairs. Hailey helped Hannah to pack her bag.

"I'm gonna miss you cousin Hailey!" She said to her almost tearing up.

"Don't cry Hannah! I'll miss you too little princess." She replied and Hannah smiled.

They went downstairs with Hannah's bag in Hailey's hand. They joined Jeremy in the living room.

Ten minutes later, they heard the sound of a car park.

"That should be Jones!" Hailey said. She went out to confirm and it was him.

"Good morning Jones!"

"Good morning Hailey! Your mom instructed me to come get Hannah. Where is she?" He asked.

"She's inside. I'll go get her." She went into the house. The trio walked out of the house to meet Jones. Hailey introduced Jones to Jeremy and they exchanged pleasantries.

"I'm gonna miss you Mr Jeremy."

"I'm gonna miss you too little sneaker!!" He replied holding her cheek lightly. The little girl laughed.

"Here, give me a hug!" She hugged him.

"Goodbye Mr Jeremy!"

"Goodbye Hannah!" He replied.

"Goodbye Hannah dear!" Hailey said. She got into the car waving goodbye at them and they in return did the same. The car left the house heading to the city.

"Let's go in Jeremy." She said to him.

The duo entered the house.