
Bedtime story

The duo finished up what they were doing and went downstairs to join Jeremy. Hannah sat beside him.

"What do you want Hannah?" he asked.

"I just wanted to tell you how my day went." she answered

"Well, I'm not interested Hannah!" He gave her a straight answer.

"C'mon Jeremy. She's just a little kid. At least hear her out!!" Hailey said to him.

"Please! Please! Pretty please!!!" Hannah kept begging until he finally gave in.

"Okay fine! Let's hear what you have to say!" He listened to Hannah's entirely boring story. He couldn't wait for her to finish.

"And I also made a new friend at the park today!" She concluded.

"Really? What's her name?"

"Her name's Lily."

"Lily! That's nice!" He replied and she smiled. Just then Butler Jace stepped in.

"Dinner's ready Master Jeremy. The table has been set." He informed.

"Thank you Jace! You may leave!" He dismissed him. He gave a courtesy and left.

"Let's go and have dinner!" He said to them. They got up and went to the dining room. The trio sat down to eat. Hannah didn't pester Jeremy this time. She ate by herself. They ate dinner quietly and returned to the living room when they were done.

"I'm bored. Mr Jeremy, please can you do something for me??" Hannah aked him.

"What now Hannah?"

"Can you read to me a bedtime story?" She asked.

What the f**k! This kid was really hell-bent on frustrating him. He was sick and tired of it. Did he really look like a babysitter to her??

"Sorry kid but I ain't reading any story to you!"


"No! No!! No!!! Go tell Hailey to do that for you!"

"No I want you to do it for me!" This girl was really very stubborn.

"Such a stubborn girl!" He said within himself and let out a sigh.

"Fine! I'll read a book to you!" He finally gave in and Hannah jubilated in victory. She quickly brought a book which she had found beside the sofa.

"Here it is!" She said with a smile and hand over the book to him. Hailey quietly observed them. Hannah laid down on the rug with a pillow under her head.

"You can start now!" Jeremy took a deep breathe before he began.

"The grumpy old lady." He began reading the title out loud and he paused.

"Go on, please continue!" she pleaded. He let out a sigh and continued.

"There once lived a grumpy old lady. She lived alone in a little house not quite far from the village. She wasn't friendly with the people of the village. She didn't relate with anyone. She was always unhappy. But all that changed when she met a little boy named Jack.

Jack was an orphan who ran away from his wicked mistress who maltreated him. Lost little Jack knocked on the old lady's door asking for shelter but she said:

"You're not welcomed here!"

"Please, I promise to take good care of you and keep your house clean, just let me in!" He begged.

"No young man!" She slammed the door on his face. Jack didn't leave. He sat in front of her door and spent the night there.

The grumpy old lady was surprised to meet little Jack sleeping by her door post. She felt bad he was sleeping outside and invited him in. Jack told the old lady everything about himself.

"You can stay here with me. I have no one with me, so you can stay!"

"Thank you ma'am." Jack was very nice to the old lady. She became friendly with him and soon, she became friendly with the entire people of the hamlet. Everyone loved her. Jack had created a relationship between the old lady and the people of the village. And from then on, the grumpy old lady became known as the happy old lady. THE END!"

Jeremy closed the book and was shocked to meet two sleeping damsels. He just laughed as he looked at the them. He tapped Hailey to wake up.

"Get up Hailey, go sleep inside!" She immediately obeyed. He carried Hannah and followed Hailey from behind. Hailey laid down on the bed and he placed Hannah beside her. He left the room.