
Haikyuu!! - Self-Insert as Hinata Shoyo

A man woke up in the world of Haikyuu!! after dying in his sleep. No Wishes/ No Pairing/ Just, straight up Volleyball. Stronger Hinata/ Witty Hinata.

NugenMu · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

An Interesting Team!!

"With Izumin on board, there is still a vacancy." As we met up after school, I said.

"Coach did say that we needed a full team." Mori responded.

Jun was yet to join us, and I was confident he would find the final teammate. I just hope he doesn't go too far with it.

"I don't know how to play, though!" We could hear a whine.

"And I told you it's not that difficult, you jump and stop the ball, you can't do that?" "Are you an idiot!" We could hear our favorite member.

"Jun, Remember what I said about forcing people?" I inquired.

"I dunno wasn't listening, but here's the final member, Kimiko." Jun expressed himself.

"It's Akio!" Jun-san is forcing me. I have no idea how to play." He explained.

"Well, you could always try; it's really not that difficult. We'll do the most of the work and you'll get a free credit in the worst-case scenario, with the best-case scenario being that you actually begin enjoying the game. So, what do you say, you've got nothing to lose?" I said.

"A game couldn't hurt, but I'm not talking to him." He said pointing towards Jun.

"Huh, you've got some nerve ass-" He was cut off by Kyota pulling him in a headlock.

I pulled out my notebook and opened up the last page, "Okay so, the team will be:-" I said as I started to note down.

Hinata - Wing Spiker/Captain

Kyota - Setter/Vice Captain

Jun - Middle Blocker

Izumi - Middle Blocker

Akio - Outside Hitter

Mori - Libero

"Hey, it doesn't look half bad." Said Mori.

"Right-" I was cut off by a growl.

"Why am I not the Captain!" Yelled Jun, as we all fell silent. One by one the silence turned into laughter.

"Hey Akio, where do ya live?" I asked him.

"Near Ichibancho, Why?" He asked.

"Hmm, that's pretty close, Go with Jun and Kyota, practice a bit before tomorrow. You need to learn a few terms to function well tomorrow." I said.

"Alright, But Jun-" I cut him off, "Don't worry, There is a reason why Kyota is joining you. Jun is great guy, once you let him cool off." I said as I got on my bike.

"Rest well guys, see you tomorrow!" I said as I sped off.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow.


Both Teams were standing on the court, the captains stood at the center with the referee for the toss.

"Call your side." Said the referee.

"Heads." I said.

"Tails, you know, it's common knowledge to let ladies go first freshie." She said.

"Do you want heads Ayumi-san? If so have it, to me it doesn't matter who serves first. We're here to win." I said.

"No fighting or changing of sides." referee said before tossing the coin.

The coin fell down on the court and it showed tails.

"Well look at that, aren't you happy I'm not polite, you won the toss." I said.

"Shut up newbie, We serve first since you don't care enough." She said and turned around.

"Sure, Sure, whatever. Best of luck senpai! You're gonna need it!" I said as I moved towards my team.

"They won the toss and are going to serve first, it's probably gonna fly towards you Aoki, you seem the most anxious here. Not to worry, I'm playing back row in the first rotation so I'll get the ball up, it's all you from there Kyota, Jun." I said looking at those two.

"Sure! No need to worry, I'll slam it right where they won't expect it!" Jun said.

"Well as long as you get the ball up, It'll be done." Kyota added.

I pulled them in a huddle.

"Good, the rest of you keep your eyes and ears open, if any of us make a mistake, be ready to cover for us and follow up quickly. This is our first match, and one day I'm gonna be the Ace of Japan, and on that day I promise bragging rights to all of you. So, lets go wild you guys, this is just the beginning!!" I said and we broke the huddle with a bunch of yells.

We took our positions on court, due to there being 6 of us, the girls also had to use 6 players, so they too lacked a hitter.

The referee blew the whistle and the match began!


Sato Akira, she was the first to serve, she was their Ace. This was going to be a strong serve. She jumped and slammed the ball towards Aoki, just as I had guessed.

I did the reset jump and moved quickly in front of Aoki, I received it and sent it perfectly towards Kyota.

"Nice receive!" Kyota yelled as he set the ball just as Jun liked.

"Finish it Jun!" Mori yelled.

"Oraaaa!!" Yelled Jun as he spiked and slammed the ball right down near the net.

The referee blew his whistle and the score board showed [0-1].

"Let's goooo!" Jun yelled again, "Give the next one too!" He said.

It was Izumi's serve, he did a basic serve which was easily received and followed by them, their ace, Akira Jumped up to spike the ball, it was moving towards me.

I moved aside, *Bam*

The referee whistled, "Out!" Point Team B. [0-2].

I was in the front row with Kyota and Akio, it was Jun's serve.

'I know you like spiking Jun, but he's much better than you and right now, I need them to despair, so we can win. Call for it, Ace!' Thought Kyota, 'Call for me to set you, Spike for us!' He continued in his mind.

The rally moved back to us, Mori received and sent it to Kyota.

"Here!" I yelled, I ran up to the net, and crouched down, putting pressure on my feet. I boosted myself as I jumped as I high as I could, *Bam* was heard all around the court as the ball landed on the line.

'I didn't even see it, that was too fast!' Thought Ayumi, 'We have to stop their Number #10' She thought further.

[0-3] Showed the scoreboard.

After a continuous back and forth, with some of the longest rallies I had played, the set ended, [22-25] with our win.

I realised a great advantage they had, even if they could not have a team of 7, they could substitute others, also they had much greater stamina. Aoki looked half dead, literally.

"I told you they might surprise you. Good job boys!" We heard as we saw Coach Ikeda(Basketball) and Coach Itori (Volleyball)walk towards us.

"Thank you Coach, we're doing what we can!" I said.

"Now begins the real test, you all seem like fantastic players, but how long can you hold this team. How much can you win!" Coach Itori said as both walked away, towards the girls team.

"Guys team meeting." I said as everyone huddled close, "Okay, we know their tricks and we know what works on them. Now we have a lead, so they are the desperate ones, use the pressure we have on them. We are going to win."

As the second set began, Ayumi definitely felt the pressure. She remembered Itori-Sensei's words. 'They're beginners who don't even have a full team. You'd win easily.'

'Easy my ass, the orange haired monkey practically teleports, the mute setter hasn't missed a single set, and the middle blocked keeps blocking of our Ace. We barely closed the gap last round, We lost a set to complete newbies.' She thought.

"Team Yukigaoka, Let's win this set!!" She yelled, making her teammates cheer too.


As we planned, we kept ourselves fresh, but made sure to tire them out.

We lost the set [25-19]

"Good Job team!!" I heard their Ace yell, "It's Good Job to you Akira, You really saved us there." Said their Libero, Sayu-Something, I didn't really pick up on it.

"Final set, let's win our first match boys. Kyota, send it all to me!" I said as I looked at him.

"Sure, Show them why you are the Ace!" He said.

It was a perfect receive from Mori, an amazing follow from Aoki, The type of Set I love from Kyota. How could I not score, when they were doing so much to get me the perfect ball.






[0-5] We didn't miss a single shot, it was my chance to serve. Just as they did, Slam it down with 100%, and you've got a service Ace.

I threw the ball up and jumped, I turned my body and spiked it as hard as I could.


It landed at the very end, none of the girls saw it coming.



'I am going to go pro, I'm going to stand at the very top. This is just the beginning.'

The set ended with the score.


We won the game.

'There are 6 people on court so 1 man cannot win you a game of volleyball but, Hinata Shoyo scored 48 of the 69 points they scored today. He scored more than twice of what the rest of the team did. A true Ace may have been born today!' Thought Itori-Sensei


Next Chapter - Junior Spring Tournament.